
107 years old, no three highs, all relying on a bowl of two dollars, it is also effective for diabetes

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At the age of 95, he climbed Mount Tai, crossed Taiwan Sun Moon Lake at the age of 99 and wrote the legend of swimming pool... This legendary old man is Liu Junqian, director of otolaryngology department of Guangzhou City First People's Hospital and centenarian doctor.▲ Centenarian doctor Liu Junqian. The secret of a hundred years...

He climbed Mount Tai at the age of 95, crossed Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake in 2 hours at the age of 99, and wrote legends in swimming. This legendary old man is

Liu Junqian, a hundred-year-old doctor and former director of the department of otorhinolaryngology in the first people's Hospital of Guangzhou.


Liu Junqian, a hundred-year-old doctor of ▲.

The secret of centenarian is hidden in a bowl of porridge.

Who would have thought that when Liu was 50 years old, he was declared to be suffering from the "incurable disease" at that time-tuberculosis. In order to exercise his lung function, Liu kept swimming every day. A few years later, tuberculosis seemed to be cured without medicine. This year

Liu Lao is 107 years old, has no "three high", no diabetes, and his hearing is kept at the normal level.

It is never necessary to speak loudly to talk to him and he is in excellent health.

▲ Liu Junqian crosses the sun, moon and pool photos.

Old Mr. Liu has his own unique method of longevity, which he calls the "three from four" method, that is, a relaxed state of mind, exercise from water, simple life, food, sleep, pull, and ability. In diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, beans, dried fruit, fish, milk, eat less red meat, drink less red wine, eat seven percent full, low sugar and more vinegar, can reduce the occurrence of diseases such as "three high" and fatty liver.

Specifically, this is inseparable from Mr. Liu's bowl of porridge for breakfast every day, the old man said.

He eats "five-bean porridge" cooked with black, yellow, red, green and white beans for breakfast.

Everyone can copy this bowl of porridge, the cost is very low, do-it-yourself cooking, the cost is only two yuan!

Five bean porridge

Raw materials:

25g soybeans, 25g mung beans, 25g red beans, 25g black beans, 25g white lentils, 50g purple rice, 100g rice


1. Wash all kinds of beans and soak them in clean water overnight

2. Purple rice and rice are soaked in warm water for ten minutes in the morning, so that the taste of rice will be softer and sweeter when eating.

When cooking, put all the ingredients into the pot and cook for about half an hour to 1 hour. If the home is an electric rice cooker, press the porridge stall.


Often eat five beans porridge, can lower three high, prevent cancer, nourish the liver and eyesight, strengthen the spleen and stomach, tonify the kidney and lung, remove fat and widen the intestines, improve constipation, fitness and strong body, very suitable for long-term consumption.

Fang Jie:

The nutritional value of five bean porridge is the sum of red beans, soybeans, mung beans, white lentils and black beans.

Cooking five beans together can gather the essence of plant protein, which can be greatly improved by complementary food and biological nutritional value.


It has the effect of invigorating spleen, moistening dryness and eliminating water, anti-inflammation and detoxification, dehumidification and diuresis. It is a good food for patients with cardiovascular disease and has a certain curative effect on diabetes. Practice has proved that people who often eat soybeans or soybean products are less likely to suffer from diabetes.

Mung bean:

It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, relieving heat and detoxification, relieving thirst and annoyance, reducing blood pressure, promoting pharynx and moisturizing skin, dispelling fat and protecting liver. Often used for summer heat and thirst, nephritis edema, sore swelling toxin, gastroenteritis, pharyngitis, keratitis and other prevention and treatment.

Red beans:

It has the effects of diuresis and dehumidification, removing pus from blood, clearing heat and detoxification, relieving intestines and qi, regulating menstruation and dredging. It is especially suitable for those with anemia and swelling, weak stomach and kidney, old and weak.

Black beans:

It has the functions of promoting blood circulation and detoxification, dispelling wind and diuresis, tonifying kidney and nourishing yin, relieving surface and clearing heat, nourishing liver and eyesight and so on.

White lentils:

It has the effects of invigorating the stomach, dispelling heat and dampness, benefiting qi under the spleen, tonifying deficiency and stopping diarrhea, and can reduce blood pressure, prevent cancer and treat cardio-cerebrovascular diseases.

Fancy eating of five beans

Of course, if it is too late in the morning, you can also make five beans into five-bean miscellaneous grain rice or five-bean drink, which is equally healthy and nutritious. Mr. Li in Shanghai has been suffering from diabetes for five years. Later, he insisted on eating five-bean drink in the morning. Not only the blood sugar and urine sugar returned to normal, but also eat well, sleep well, get quick, black hair, physical strength and good eyes.

Five beans with rice

Raw materials:

Soybean 10g, red bean 10g, black bean 10g, eyebrow bean 10g, mung bean 10g, oat 10g, buckwheat 10g, rice 50g, proper amount of water.


1. Wash the beans and miscellaneous grains in advance and soak in clean water for about five hours.

2. Rinse the rice; mix the miscellaneous grains with rice and add the right amount of water

3. Cook in a pressure cooker for about 10 minutes, unpack and soften.


Beans must be soaked before cooking, otherwise they are too hard to eat!

Five beans drink

Raw materials:

200 grams of soybeans, 100 grams of mung beans, 150 grams of black beans, 100 grams of red beans, 100 grams of white lentils.


1. Soak the beans overnight (or 12 hours)

2. Beat the five beans into soybean milk with a soya-bean milk machine (if there is no soybean milk machine at home, it is the same as boiling mung bean paste, five beans can be boiled together).

Serious illness can still be reversed, 106 years old is still not three high, the secret is all in a bowl of porridge, everyone can copy, the cost is very low, do-it-yourself cooking, the cost is only two yuan! Retweet to remind those who care, be sure to eat ~