
How to raise the Lunar New year Flower Mulan?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Because the flowering period is around the Spring Festival, it is also known as New year Orchid, Goodbye Orchid, Fengshi Orchid and Renxian Orchid. It is the main orchid species of Chinese New year Flower, mainly distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Fujian, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other provinces and regions. It has a long history of cultivation in China. By comparison

Because the flowering period is around the Spring Festival, it is also known as New year Orchid, Goodbye Orchid, Fengshi Orchid and Renxian Orchid. It is the main orchid species of Chinese New year Flower, mainly distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Fujian, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other provinces and regions. It has a long history of cultivation in China. Comparatively speaking, the cultivation and management of Cymbidium is relatively easy.

First, like shade, afraid of exposure to the sun. Cymbidium in the original ecology of nature mostly grows in a relatively cool environment, with 3 to 5 leaves in clusters; dark green, glossy, leaf art emerges one after another, with joints in the lower part, 60 cm to 90 cm long and 2 cm to 4.2 cm wide. It is the most majestic orchid species in the middle leaf of Guolan. Because the leaves of Cymbidium are wide, long and soft, and the cuticle is thin, sun exposure is most avoided in daily maintenance. Shade is required in late spring, summer, autumn and early winter, especially at noon and afternoon, or it is easy to burn leaves in the lower layer of multi-layer orchid shelves. It's a hindrance to viewing.

Second, like to be moist and avoid drying. Wild Cymbidium grows mostly near the shady stream at the foot of the mountain, often filled with water fog, and the air humidity in the environment is relatively high. In winter in the north, the air humidity is often on the low side, which is not conducive to its growth. Humidifier humidifier, water plate humidification, water curtain humidification and other ways can be adopted to improve the air relative humidity and strive to create a small environment suitable for the growth of Cymbidium; in addition, the pot surface should be sprayed properly every day, which can also improve the air humidity of potted Cymbidium.

Third, they like warmth and are afraid of freezing damage. The origin of Melan is mostly in the tropics and subtropics, the climate is warm, and the winter temperature is rarely around 0 ℃. Therefore, the Chinese orchid is the most like the warm environment of the orchid species, the most afraid of cold. Practice has proved that in winter, the maintenance temperature of ink orchid should not be lower than 5 ℃, except in Hainan, Taiwan, Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi and other places, it is best to keep it in the greenhouse or indoor maintenance with heating equipment in order to avoid freezing damage.

Fourth, thin fertilizer is applied frequently and planted in large pots. Cymbidium has tall plants, broad and thick leaves, well-developed roots, many flowers with one arrow, and a large demand for fertilizer. Daily maintenance should be thin, fertilized and applied frequently, which is an important condition to promote the luxuriant roots of Meilan. No matter what kind of planting material is used to raise Cymbidium, it is necessary to apply fertilizer properly, and the dosage can be a little more than that of other countries. Because of its developed root system, the pot should be large rather than small, and the larger orchid basin should be selected according to the number of plants and root system.

Family management of Lunar New year Flowers in the Lunar New year Flower Market, all kinds of novel and strange flowers are dizzying. However, each of these flowers has its own "temper" and it is a bit laborious to manage. 1. Light: as there are many kinds of Lunar New year Flowers, we should first understand the growth habits of the plant, and then determine the specific management measures. Such as Wenxin orchid, Dendrobium, pineapple, cactus plants, bottle grass, fragrant snow ball, freesia, etc., when placed indoors, it is best to put them near the south window so that they can see the sun as much as possible; such as Yin-loving orchid, cold water flower, Boston fern, nest fern, evergreen, ink orchid, etc., try to keep to the north to avoid long-term direct sunlight, light intensity will cause fallen leaves, and so on. Violet, Saxifraga, Chlorophyllum, kidney fern, sea taro, synthetic fruit taro can be placed on the table and table of 1m~2m away from the window, which can not only meet the growth requirements of plants, but also play a good beautification and decoration effect.

2. Temperature: as the weather is already very cold when buying Lunar New year Flowers, the indoor temperature can be regulated by turning on air conditioners, heaters and fires to meet the requirements of plant growth. Rooms with good enclosure can generally keep the room temperature above 10 ℃ without freezing damage to flowers. 3. Water: if the Lunar New year Festival flowers are directly watered with tap water, the function of the root cells will be blocked because of the unexpected environment, which will affect the normal growth of the flowers, and seriously lead to fallen leaves and flowers, which will not only affect the ornamental effect but also shorten the viewing period. We can fill the beverage bottle with tap water and leave it indoors for 2-3 days, which not only volatilizes the chlorine but also increases the water temperature, and then watering the flowers will not affect the root cells of the Lunar New year flowers; or we can also water the flowers directly after receiving tap water for 1-2 hours on a sunny noon. 4. Fertilizer: as the newly purchased flowers have begun to blossom, it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer (liquid fertilizer or granular compound fertilizer) every half a month (or depending on the specific situation) to meet the fertilizer demand for normal flowering of Lunar New year Flower. In general, when flowers lack a large number of elements (N, P, K), the symptoms mostly occur on the old leaves, so when you observe a large number of discoloration of old leaves and accompanied by fallen leaves, you should consider whether it is caused by lack of fertilizer and take timely measures. Foliage plants can be fertilized every other month, after all, the weather is cold, its growth rate is not very fast, and the demand for fertilizer is not very great. 1. Making dried flowers: cut the flowers that have not completely withered from the plant, use natural drying or chemical drying to properly treat the flowers until they are completely dried, and then apply them as dried flowers. Such as: thousand-day red, African chrysanthemum, carnation, marigold, lover grass, star, Aster and so on. 2. "plum" blossoms twice: when the flowers are withered, cut off the scape and withered leaves, avoid letting them continue to deplete the nutrients in the plant, keep the potted soil moist, pay attention to the supply of temperature and light, and apply a little thin fertilizer at intervals. I'm sure you'll see the flowers again soon. Such as: African violets, four seasons crabapple, carnation, a string of red and so on. 3, breeding materials: after blooming, move the remaining planting plants to places with good light and suitable temperature, such as balconies, often keep the potted soil moist, and soon get the seeds of flowers (it should be noted that many Lunar New year Flowers are horticultural varieties that only blossom but do not bear fruit and cannot be used as breeding materials. Ask the merchant when buying). For bulbs, bulbs, etc. after flowering, we can consider whether to cut off the flowers or not. If we cut off all the flower branches to preserve nutrients, we can also get a lot of culture materials for the mother ball to produce more bulbs. Such as: Zhu Dinghong, gentleman orchid, tulip, hyacinth, saffron, calla lily, Dahlia, big rock tree, Diyong Jinlian and so on. During the Spring Festival, many families bought a lot of seasonal potted flowers and plants, and now they begin to fade one after another, so how to deal with them has become a difficult problem. The flowers have withered, is it not necessary for some plants to be maintained? What about the plants that can be left behind?

Don't give up all the flowers after the Lunar New year Festival.

According to plant experts, not all seasonal flowers during the Spring Festival have long-term preservation value. after flowers have withered, some flowers can be discarded and discarded, saving the cost of maintenance. Generally speaking, annual or biennial flowers, some bulbous flowers and flowers that are very difficult to raise, such as melon and leaf chrysanthemum, balsam, New Guinea impatiens, Rieger begonia, primroses, big rock trees, Chinese daffodils, trumpet daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, saffron, freesia, lilies, etc., these flowers can be thrown away after blooming, or watch a section of green leaves and then throw them away. Giving up these flowers can save time on conservation.

There are also some flowers that are of little value and difficult to retain. If the florist has rich experience in growing flowers, he can continue to grow them. If the florist lacks experience, he can also give up, such as cyclamen, pitcher plant, poinsettia, potted rose, lipstick, kumquat, rhododendron, alpine rhododendron, and so on.

Some flowers have a certain retention value and can blossom again through maintenance; some can not blossom but can observe the leaves. These flowers and plants are: Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, sword orchid, spring orchid, cymbidium, cymbidium, cold orchid, gentleman orchid, Belgian rhododendron, geranium, Zhu Dinghong, peony and so on.

Don't give up all the flowers after the Lunar New year Festival.

2. Conservation of flowers after the festival 1. Humidity: orchids are the majority of flowers raised in families during the Spring Festival, but flowers such as orchids in the primary tropics prefer a humid environment, and most families can not reach the humidity of professional greenhouses, so spray more water around flowers to increase air humidity.

2. Sunshine: flowers can fully accept sunlight in early spring so that they can carry out photosynthesis and increase nutrition. Try to keep flowers in sunny and well-ventilated places, so as to avoid the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

3. Temperature: the flower varieties left behind are generally suitable to grow at a temperature between 15 ℃ and 20 ℃. If the temperature is too high, the flowers bloom quickly and it is easy to cause problems. But the temperature of the room had better not be lower than 5 ℃.

Don't give up all the flowers after the Lunar New year Festival.

4. Fertilization and watering: regular fertilization and moderate watering of flowers, and the fertilizers should also be different fertilizers suitable for each growth stage to avoid malnutrition or overweight fertilization at one time. Most flowers like neutral or acid soil, the tap water in Tianjin is alkaline, long-term watering will make the soil alkali and affect the quality of flowers, so it is necessary to water moderately and basically control the degree of wet and dry. Evaporation is small in early spring, do not water too frequently, too much water is easy to rot roots, be sure to touch the basin soil with your hands before watering, so you can grasp the dry and wet degree of the soil.

5. Potted soil: pay attention to the quality of potted soil. If the clay weight of the soil is impervious, it will also affect the respiration of the root system, and even rot the root.

6. Insect pests: preserved flowers are generally vulnerable to shell insects, red spiders, aphids and snails. If the temperature is relatively high at noon, windows should be opened for ventilation, which can reduce diseases and insect pests. Shell bugs can be brushed off with a toothbrush.