
Growth habits and planting methods of Corydalis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower name: Corydalis Scientific name: Toreniafournieri growth habits of Corydalis: Corydalis is an annual herb fond of high temperature and heat resistance. Like light, withstand half-shade, and are not strict with soil. It grows strongly, needs little fertilizer, and blossoms on sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil.

Flower name: Corydalis

Scientific name: Torenia fournieri

The growth habit of Corydalis: Corydalis is an annual herb that likes high temperature and is resistant to heat. Like light, withstand half-shade, and are not strict with soil. It grows strongly, needs little fertilizer, and blossoms luxuriantly on sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil.

The planting methods of summer pansy flowers are mainly sown in spring and suitable for autumn sowing in South China. The suitable temperature for germination is 20 to 30 ℃, and it can germinate about 10 to 15 days after sowing. The seeds are powdered, so you should pay attention to moisturizing when sowing. When the seedling is 10 cm high, it is transplanted. Corydalis small flowers, rich colors, long flowering period, strong nature, suitable for balconies, flower beds, flower beds and other plants, but also excellent hanging basin flowers. Suitable for flower beds, flower border layout, can also be used as potted ornamental.

Culture methods, habits and cultivation techniques of Corydalis

Pansy flower (Torenia fournieri Linden. Ex Fourn.) is a plant of Scrophulariaceae, blue pig ear, is a light-loving plant, shade-tolerant, not cold-tolerant, self-sowing, like soil drainage is good. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification.

Morphological characteristics of Corydalis

The plant height is 15ml / 30cm, and the plant shape is neat and compact. Flowers axillary or terminal raceme, flowers are purple, pink, blue-purple, deep pink and purple, etc., small seeds. Square stem, much branched, in a scattered shape. Leaves opposite, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, margin serrated, petiole half of leaf length, autumn leaves turn red. Flowers terminal or axillary on the upper part of the stem (2-3 inflorescences), lip-shaped Corolla, calyx dilated, calyx tube with 5 prismatic wings. Flower blue, Corolla variegated (light snow blue upper lip, purple lower lip, yellow throat).

Growth habits of Corydalis

Like high temperature, resistant to heat. Like light, withstand half-shade, and are not strict with soil. It grows strongly, needs little fertilizer, and blossoms luxuriantly on sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil.

Distribution range of Corydalis

It originated from tropical Asia and African woodland.

Ecological environment: born under forests, valleys and roadsides.

Resource distribution: distributed in Zhejiang, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places.

Cultivation and Culture methods of Corydalis

Seed and seedling culture technology

Spring sowing is main, and autumn sowing is suitable in South China, but it needs to be protected through the winter. The seeds are powdery and germinate at a suitable temperature of 20 to 30 ℃. They can germinate about 10 to 15 days after sowing. The growth temperature was 18-21 ℃ and flowered at 12-13 weeks and 15-30 ℃ at 13-14 weeks. Pay attention to moisturizing when sowing.

Because the seed is small, it can be mixed with some fine sand seeds, and the soil can not be covered after sowing, but it should be covered with film to keep moisture, and the soaking method should be used to water it after sowing. Germinate in about 10 days, remove the film after emergence, put it in a place with sufficient light and good ventilation, and transplant in a place with sufficient light when the seedling is 10 cm high. In order to keep the flower color bright, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer as base fertilizer before cultivation, and apply chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer two to three times during the growing period to maintain soil fertility.

Pot culture technique

Corydalis is a subtropical flower, like the high temperature growth environment, high temperature resistance. Flowering in summer, can adapt to a variety of soil quality, to ensure its full growth of nutrients, summer watering to avoid noon high temperature period. It does not need much fertilizer and blossoms on sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil.

Summer and autumn is the peak growth period of Corydalis, so it can be protected and cultivated when the outdoor humidity is reduced to about 12 ℃. It is best to keep the overwintering temperature above 15 ℃, and frost can destroy it. Xia pansy likes the humid environment and soil, and must not be dry during the growing period. During the overwintering period, the topsoil can be watered thoroughly after being dry, while outdoor care providers in summer need to maintain a certain amount of moisture, water frequently, and spray water frequently to increase air humidity.

Garden value of Corydalis

Decoration: Corydalis small flowers, rich colors, long flowering period, strong nature, suitable for balconies, flower beds, flower beds and other plants, but also excellent hanging basin flowers.

The plant is 20-30 cm tall, with opposite leaves, long heart-shaped and serrulate leaf margin. The flower is terminal, the flower shape is like goldfish grass, the flower color is white, purple red or purple blue, there are yellow spots on the throat, the flowering period is very long, it is a beautiful grass flower in the summer flower shortage period; its beauty is elegant and soft, it can bring us some coolness in the hot summer, suitable for flower beds or potted plants, flowering from summer to autumn, especially resistant to high temperature, very suitable for roof, balcony, flower bed cultivation, mature seeds fall to the ground, but also can sprout and grow and bloom.

The planting method of Corydalis when is the florescence

Corydalis has the characteristics of high temperature, anti-inflammatory and strong growth, so it is suitable for cultivation in summer and can grow well in flower beds with plenty of shade or sunshine. Let's take a specific look at the planting method of Corydalis.

Planting method of Corydalis:

1. Management after exposure

After Corydalis moved to the seedbed in the greenhouse, the ambient temperature of the greenhouse should be controlled at 18-20 ℃. Always water the cotyledons before they unfold. When fertilizing, it is necessary to apply fertilizer every other time, that is, after each watering, wait for the substrate to dry slightly, and then apply fertilizer. The water-soluble compound fertilizer with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at 14:0:14 and the water-soluble compound fertilizer with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at 20:10:20 were applied alternately, and the fertilizer concentration was 50PPM. This management should continue until the cotyledons of Corydalis are unfolded. After about 3-5 days, the cotyledons of Corydalis are fully expanded. At this time, you can carry out the management during the seedling period.

2. The management of the seedling on the hole plate.

Moisture content

After the second pair of true leaves of Corydalis grow out, they can carry on the dry-wet cycle. That is, before the substrate is slightly dry but the seedlings are not nian, the seedlings are watered thoroughly, and so on. If the weather is sunny, the dry-wet cycle time is about every other day watering, cloudy or rainy days can appropriately extend the watering interval according to the actual situation of the matrix.

Fertilizer application

The best time to fertilize Corydalis is to apply fertilizer every other time, that is, after each watering, wait for the substrate to dry slightly, and then apply fertilizer. The fertilization method is to apply alternately the water-soluble compound fertilizer with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at 14:0:14 and the water-soluble compound fertilizer with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at 20:10:20, and the concentration of the two fertilizers is 75PPM. After about 2-3 weeks, Corydalis grows the fourth and fifth pairs of true leaves. The root of the seedling is also full of holes, at this time, you can transplant it into the pot.


The materials needed in the configuration of the upper basin matrix of Corydalis include garden soil, peat, pine needle and perlite. The garden soil, peat, pine needle and perlite are mixed together according to the proportion of 4R3 / g / kg matrix and 6 g / kg matrix. The slow-release fertilizer can release fertilizer continuously with each watering, and the term of validity of the slow-release fertilizer is usually three months. Then add water to wet the matrix and stir evenly.

Potted implements

The seedlings of Corydalis generally choose 13x13 centimeter pots. After transplanting, the pots will not be changed throughout the growing season.


When transplanting, fill the matrix fully into the pot. When filling, first use your fingers to dig a hole in the middle of the matrix, then remove the seedlings of Corydalis from the hole plate and put the whole into the dug hole. Corydalis is suitable for shallow planting, and the best depth of planting is that the substrate just covers the roots of the seedlings. The filled matrix should be kept at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the basin to facilitate watering later. Water thoroughly immediately after transplanting.

3. Management after potting.

Moisture content

As it has just been transplanted into the pot, the seedlings need time to adapt to the environment, and the matrix should not be too dry or too wet. Check frequently to keep the matrix moist. If it is found that only a few seedling substrates become dry, water should be replenished in a timely and targeted manner. The amount of water can be determined according to the specific conditions of the plant. After about a week, after the seedling adapts to the new environment, it can carry on the dry-wet cycle. That is to say, when the substrate is dry but the seedlings have not wilted, they are watered and watered over and over again.

Fertilizer application

It is best not to fertilize Corydalis for a week after potting. Generally, a week after the basin, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 20:10:20 water-soluble compound fertilizer, the concentration is 200ppm. Because Corydalis itself does not like fertilizer, and there is quick-acting slow fertilization in the upper basin substrate, so after applying this fertilizer, if there are no special circumstances, it will no longer need fertilization.

Pick the heart

In order to promote branching and make the molded Corydalis plump and blossom, it is necessary to pick the heart. The specific operation is to count from the root of Corydalis, leave 2 or 3 nodes, and pinch off the top part. The time to pick the heart is usually ten days after the pot.

Cultivation techniques of Corydalis

Key points of cultivation

Corydalis is not cold-resistant, sexual like warm and humid, like sunshine, not afraid of heat, in cultivation and management, the selection of environmental conditions is not high, but it is more advantageous to set up protective measures in the process of seedling cultivation. It has strong adaptability to soil, but the neutral or slightly alkaline loam which is moist and well drained is better. When Corydalis 3-4 pairs of true leaves appear, they should be transplanted or put on the basin. At this time, combined with heart picking, lateral branches sprouted between the axils of leaves. In the whole growth process, we should pick the heart frequently, promote more branches and blossom more.

Although Xia Pansy is not afraid of the heat, it is necessary to give shade to Greater Heat. In practice, we can clearly see that those with a little shade keep green branches and leaves and blossom freely. If there is no shade, there is no effect on flowering, but the leaves are yellowish green, if Taiyin will appear overgrowth and delay flowering.

It is appropriate to put it in a place with plenty of light during cultivation. In order to keep the flowers bright, organic fertilizer should be applied as basic fertilizer before cultivation, and chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer should be applied two or three times during the growing period to maintain soil fertility. In the process of cultivation, irrigation should not be too much and fertilization should not be excessive. Generally, it is enough to apply thin fertilizer for topdressing in 10-15 days. It grows strongly, needs little fertilizer, and blossoms luxuriantly on sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil.

Planting essentials

Spring sowing is main, and autumn sowing is suitable in South China. The suitable temperature for germination is 20 to 30 ℃, and it can germinate about 10 to 15 days after sowing. The seeds are powdered, so you should pay attention to moisturizing when sowing. When the seedling is 10 cm high, it is transplanted.


Belongs to the positive plant, the sunshine needs to be sufficient.

Administration and Management

To fertile loam or sandy loam is better, drainage, sunshine needs good nature like warmth, suitable for growth temperature of about 15-30 degrees Celsius.

Water content

Although Corydalis is drought-resistant, keeping the soil moist at all times will help to grow.

Fertilizer application

If the fertility is good, there is no need to apply fertilizer, but if the fertility is not good, you can use a variety of organic fertilizers or three elements, topdressing once or twice a month.


The sowing method can be used all year round, especially in spring.

If sowing in autumn and winter, winter should keep the summer pansy leaves light green, flowers light and gentle, delicate and lovely, with a gorgeous and prosperous life, it blooms in the most sunny season, such as Mercedes-Benz, jumping, flying spirit of life, in order to interpret the brilliance of life.

Introduction of Xia Pansy:

Corydalis is the whole grass of monochromatic butterfly grass of Scrophulariaceae. It is a light-loving plant with shade tolerance, cold tolerance, self-sowing and good soil drainage. It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification.

Summer pansy is originally from Indochina Peninsula. The plant height is 15ml / 30cm, and the plant shape is neat and compact. Flowers axillary or terminal raceme, flowers are purple, pink, blue-purple, deep pink and purple, florescence from July to October, the seeds are fine.

Xia pansy likes sunshine. It has strong adaptability to soil, but the loam which is moist and well drained is better, not cold-resistant and more heat-resistant.

Corydalis small flowers, rich colors, long flowering period, strong nature, suitable for balconies, flower beds, flower beds and other plants, but also excellent hanging basin flowers.

The plant height of Corydalis is 20 to 30 cm, the florescence is from June to September, and the flower color is blue-purple, pink and so on. With light green leaves and gentle flowers, it is a beautiful grass flower when there is a shortage of flowers in summer.

The stem and leaf of the whole plant is glabrous, the stem is 4-rhomboid, the leaf blade is opposite above it, the apex is ovoid, and the margin is serrated. The flowers bloom opposite to each other from the leaves, with the top of the stem, and the purple flowers bloom in summer, which at first looks like a pansy. The lip-shaped flower consists of two lavender petals on the upper side and three thick purple petals on the lower side to form a prominent yellow rose in the middle of the tube.

Corydalis is generally sown in spring, because the seeds are small, can be mixed with some fine sand seeds, can not cover the soil after sowing, but should be covered with film to keep moisture, and watered with soaking method after sowing. Germinate in about 10 days, remove the film after emergence, put it in a place with sufficient light and good ventilation, and transplant when the straight leaves are 5 or the plant height has reached 10 cm. It is appropriate to put it in a place with plenty of light during cultivation. In order to keep the flowers bright, organic fertilizer should be applied as basic fertilizer before cultivation, and chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer should be applied two or three times during the growing period to maintain soil fertility.

Morphological characteristics of Corydalis

Corydalis is an annual herb with a height of about 15cm and 25cm, with smooth stems and opposite leaves with long heart-shaped and serrated leaf edges. Autumn leaves turn red, peanuts are at the top of the plant, and the flower is shaped like the mouth of a small goldfish.

There are also many colors, such as white, purple and pink, pink and deep purple.

The plant has a very strong heat resistance, a large number of flowers, lively and lovely flowers, which are gradually increasing in the garden at present. The continuous flowering characteristics and strong heat resistance make Corydalis become an important decorative flower in hot summer.

The plant height of Corydalis is 15ml and 30cm, and the plant shape is neat and compact. The square stem of Corydalis is much branched and scattered.

Leaves opposite, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, margin serrated, petiole half of leaf length, autumn leaves turn red. Flowers terminal or axillary on the upper part of the stem (2-3 inflorescences), lip-shaped Corolla, calyx dilated, calyx tube with 5 prismatic wings.

Flower blue, Corolla variegated (light snow blue upper lip, purple lower lip, yellow throat.

Flowers axillary or terminal raceme, flowers are purple, pink, blue-purple, deep pink and purple, etc., small seeds. Square stem, much branched, in a scattered shape. Leaves opposite, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, margin serrated, petiole half of leaf length, autumn leaves turn red.

Flowers terminal or axillary on the upper part of the stem (2-3 inflorescences), lip-shaped Corolla, calyx dilated, calyx tube with 5 prismatic wings. Flower blue, Corolla variegated (light snow blue upper lip, purple lower lip, yellow throat.) The florescence is from July to October.

Ecological habits of Corydalis

Xia pansy likes high temperature and is resistant to heat. Like light, withstand half-shade, and are not strict with soil. It grows strongly, needs little fertilizer, and blossoms luxuriantly on sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil.

Like light, shade-resistant, not cold-resistant, self-sowing, like soil drainage is good.

The plant is 20-30 cm tall, with opposite leaves, long heart-shaped and serrulate leaf margin. The flower is terminal, the flower shape is like goldfish grass, the flower color is white, purple red or purple blue, there are yellow spots on the throat, the flowering period is very long, it is a beautiful grass flower in the summer flower shortage period; its beauty is elegant and soft, it can bring us some coolness in the hot summer, suitable for flower beds or potted plants, flowering from summer to autumn, especially resistant to high temperature, very suitable for roof, balcony, flower bed cultivation, mature seeds fall to the ground, but also can sprout and grow and bloom.