
Planting and propagation methods and cultivation management of blue flax

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Plant name: blue flax; Latin name: LinumperenneL; alias: perennial flax, blue flax, perennial herb. Propagation and cultivation: mainly sowing and reproduction. It can also split. Sowing and propagation methods can be divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing.

Plant name: blue flax; Latin name: Linum perenne L; alias: perennial flax, blue flax, perennial herb.

Propagation and cultivation: mainly sowing and reproduction. It can also split. Sowing and breeding methods: can be divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing. 1. Spring sowing: first wash the seeds with detergent or laundry detergent, soak them for 24 hours, freeze the seeds in the refrigerator for 24 hours, thaw the seeds with fine sand, spread them on a clean ground to air, cool and relax, the seedbed should first be disinfected with 1500 times potassium permanganate solution, and then sow the seeds on the seedling bed soil after the water permeates, covering 2 times the diameter and thickness of the seeds. The pot should be covered with transparent glass and covered with a newspaper with uniform font to shade the sun. Nursery bed seedlings need to be covered with film, high-pull sunshade net; after a week, the seedlings emerge neatly, then remove the glass or film, and gradually remove the sunshade net; after the seedlings have 4 true leaves are stronger, divide the seedlings. After dividing the seedlings, the seedlings were cultured indoors or in the shed for about half a month, and then placed in a well-ventilated place for 3-5 days, then the seedlings were refined out of the room, and the seedlings could not be planted in the field until half a month later, and the row spacing of the seedlings was 25~30cm. Because the seedlings are delicate and easy to be covered by weeds, it should be ploughed and weeded frequently, and fertilization should be applied thinly for many times. 2. Autumn sowing: autumn sowing is generally carried out from late September to mid-October, and it is sowed on the open field seedbed, which is generally 10m long and 1m wide. If the seeds are sown or sowed on a flat and fine seedbed, the sowing density can be relatively small, so there is no need to transplant.

Blue flax can also use the method of ramet reproduction, combined with transplanting, but with this method, the reproduction is easily limited by the seedling source.

Blue flax Linum perenne Linn blue flax map: blue flax how to raise / blue flax how to propagate blue flax Linum perenne Linn alias: persistent root flax classification: herbaceous flax family: plant kingdom Angiospermae Magnoliopsida Magnoliopsida flax Linales flax genus Linum flowering: summer blue flax (Linum perenne L.), also known as persistent root flax, flax family flax, perennial herbs. Originally from Europe. Like sufficient light, strong cold resistance. Due to the strong adaptability of blue flax, it can be used as an ornamental plant, and this variety is also edible. Blue flax florescence from May to July. Introduction of blue flax culture methods and matters needing attention Blue flax (Linum perenne L.), also known as perennial flax, flax family flax, perennial herbs. Originally from Europe. Like sufficient light, strong cold resistance. Due to the strong adaptability of blue flax, it can be used as an ornamental plant, and this variety is also edible. Blue flax florescence from May to July. Morphological characteristics of blue flax blue flax is also known as flax. Flavaceae, flax is a biennial herbaceous flower. Originally from Europe. Plant height 50 ~ 60cm, leaves thin and many, linear spiral arrangement, flowers terminal or axillary, pedicel slender and pendulous, Corolla 5-merous, blue or light blue, fruit is a capsule. Blue flax begins to grow at the beginning of April and its branches and leaves wither at the beginning of November. Blue flax blossoms from May to July. The blooming time of each flower is not long, but the opening time of the whole plant is longer. The ripening period is from August to October. The ecological habit of blue flax blue flax prefers the climate of sufficient light, dry and cool, growing well in the soil with fertile soil and smooth drainage, drought tolerance and poor growth in alkaline soil. Blue flax is cold-resistant, fertilizer-resistant, not moisture-resistant, and likes the Gaogang terrain with half-shade and good drainage. Blue flax likes a drier air environment. If the overcast and rainy days are too long, the plant will be easily infected by germs. The optimum air humidity for its growth is 40%-60%, so we should pay attention to the ventilation conditions of the place where it grows. The cultivation techniques of blue flax in spring sowing, first wash the seeds with detergent or detergent, soak the seeds for 24 hours, freeze the seeds in the refrigerator for 24 hours, thaw the seeds with fine sand, spread them on a clean ground to air, cool and relax, the seedbed should be disinfected with 1500 times potassium permanganate solution, and then sow the seeds on the seedling bed soil after the water permeates, covering 2 times the thickness of fine sand or vermiculite. The pot should be covered with transparent glass and covered with a newspaper with uniform font to shade the sun. Nursery bed seedlings need to be covered with film, high-pull sunshade net; after a week, the seedlings emerge neatly, then remove the glass or film, and gradually remove the sunshade net; after the seedlings have 4 true leaves are stronger, divide the seedlings. After dividing the seedlings, the seedlings were cultured indoors or in the shed for about half a month, and then placed in a well-ventilated place for 3-5 days, then the seedlings were refined out of the room, and the seedlings could not be planted in the field until half a month later, and the row spacing of the seedlings was 25~30cm. Because the seedlings are delicate and easy to be covered by weeds, they should be ploughed and weeded frequently, and fertilization should be applied thinly for many times. Autumn sowing is generally carried out from late September to mid-October, sowing on the open field seedbed, the seedbed is generally 10m long and 1m wide, sowing or strip sowing on a flat and fine seedbed, the sowing density can be relatively small, so there is no need to transplant. Blue flax can also use the method of ramet propagation, combined with transplanting, but with this method, the reproduction is easily limited by the seedling source. Blue flax culture method 1, water management germination stage and seedling stage need sufficient water, spray water twice a day to keep the soil layer moist. With the growth of seedlings, the times of watering gradually decreased. Pay attention to replenishing water when the climate is dry, and do a good job of winter irrigation before winter, which is conducive to overwintering and turning green. 2. Fertilization management if the sowing land is very barren and needs proper fertilization, it is generally combined with soil improvement before sowing, and it is best to use organic fertilizer or low-nitrogen compound fertilizer. Pay attention to avoid excessive fertilization, otherwise Bay U will be conducive to the growth of weeds, resulting in the excessive growth of flowers and flowers, reducing flowering. 3. Weed control and weed control of inter-seedling and seedling transfer are the most important problems in seedling and later maintenance. If there are many weeds in the sowing area, it is suggested to control the weeds in two steps. the first is watering before sowing to promote the germination of weeds and spraying herbicides or eradicating them after germination. The second is to remove weeds after flower seed germination so as not to spread, and the growing period can be managed extensively. When the growth of seedlings is dense, it is necessary to alternate seedlings properly, which is beneficial to the growth of seedlings. At the same time, the seedlings are replanted to the scarcity place, so as to maintain a better overall landscape effect. 4. Pruning in order to make the blue flax plant type plump, the coring treatment can be carried out during the growth process. Generally, the top tip is removed when the seedling height is 6 ~ 10 cm, which promotes the formation of branches. 3 ~ 5 weeks after the first heart extraction, the lateral branches can be removed for the second time. Coring can not only adjust the plant type, but also increase the number of flowering. If you want to bloom for the second time, you can leave the rhizome 15 ~ 20 cm after flowering in May ~ June, cut off its upper part and promote new branches, which can blossom again around October. The propagation mode of blue flax is mainly sowing, which can be sowed in spring or autumn, and it is suitable for spring sowing in the north. Blue flax is more afraid of heat during the whole growing period, and the optimum temperature for sowing is 15-20 "C. The spring sowing time is from April to May, and the autumn sowing time is in the middle and late September. Its breeding methods are usually hole plate seedling, open field direct seeding and cutting propagation. The main results are as follows: 1. The acupoint tray is used as a container for raising seedlings, which has the advantages of high quality of flowers and seedlings, neat seedling formation, simple and convenient transplantation, convenient long-distance transportation, not easy to hurt roots, no nest roots, high survival rate, good control of seedling stage, significant reduction of diseases, suitable for large-scale production, standardized management, high production efficiency and so on. The specification of acupoint plate can be selected with 128 holes, 200 holes and so on. The seedling substrate is suitable for the soil with good fertility, loose, good air permeability and less impurities. the substrate is generally composed of peat, vermiculite and perlite, and the ratio of peat soil: vermiculite: perlite is 3: 1: l. Mix the matrix evenly, disinfect it with potassium permanganate, put it into a sterilized hole plate, fill it, and scrape off the excess matrix from the surface with a scraper. Pour through the bottom water, wait for the water to penetrate, sow the budding seeds in the hole plate, one hole for each seed, and then sprinkle the pre-wetted vermiculite or perlite evenly on the seeds, the thickness of the cover is not to expose the seeds, do not cover too thick, affect the emergence rate. Finally, the film and glass are used to cover the surface to keep heat and water, improve the germination rate and dry the shade. After about 10 days, the seedlings emerged neatly, and the mulch was removed in time to avoid growing seedlings. Pay attention to the water supply at the seedling stage and keep the soil moist. Usually spray twice a day. After being strong, the seedlings were moved into a larger hole plate, and continued to be cultured in the greenhouse for about half a month. After half a month, the seedlings were planted in the field, and the plant spacing was 20 ~ 25 cm. 2. A common breeding method of direct seeding herbaceous flowers in open field, which is especially suitable for varieties with high seed germination rate, low price and not resistant to transplanting, and has the advantages of saving money, labor and effort, large area operation, good landscape effect and so on. The fibrous root of blue flax is long and not resistant to transplantation, so it can be sown directly when used in landscaping. The sowing density is 2 ~ 3 grams per square meter, and the sowing method is determined according to the planting area and topography. When the area is small, it is generally sown by hand or cyclone seeder; when the area is large, sowing is used. Sowing method: deep turning before sowing, thin target, leveling the soil, barren soil can apply appropriate amount of organic fertilizer, such as rotten leaf fertilizer, peat soil and so on. If there are many weeds in the sowing area, it can be watered half a month in advance to promote the germination of weeds and place the soil in time, so that the seeds are closely combined with the soil, and finally cover with plastic film or grass curtain to increase the ground temperature, promote seed germination, and water thoroughly on the mulch (grass curtain). 3. The cutting substrate for cutting propagation can use nutritious soil, river sand, peat soil and other materials. Choose the top tip which is sturdy and disease-free as cuttings. When the optimum temperature for cuttings rooting is 18 °C-25 °C, it is difficult for cuttings to take root, and when the temperature is higher than 25 °C, the cuttings are easy to be infected by bacteria and rot. Shading should be carried out properly after cutting, because strong light will lead to too high temperature and increase plant water consumption, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. The light time can be gradually prolonged after the cuttings take root. The distribution area of blue flax is blue flax Euro-Mediterranean; northeast China; North China; southwest, northwest. The garden use of blue flax 1. Blue flax has strong adaptability, rapid growth, long flowering period, large number of flowers and convenient cultivation and management. it can be widely used in open land kerb, forest edge, stream edge, hillside and other large garden areas such as scenic spot, suburban recreation, forest park and so on. It can add the beauty of the natural landscape without increasing more investment. It can also be invested at one time, suitable for many years, and consolidate the effect of soil and water conservation. 2. Because landscaping takes plants as the main body, it is always limited by time factors to achieve the expected landscape effect. Therefore, when the capital construction is not completed, perennial flowers such as blue flax, golden chrysanthemum and black chrysanthemum can be used as "pioneer flowers" for early ground cover, so as to achieve the purpose of greening and beautifying the environment in advance, and can also solve the disadvantages of dust and soil erosion at the same time. 3. The introduction and cultivation of blue flax can grow well all over the country, so the introduction and cultivation area should be further expanded. It should also be introduced and cultivated in a large number of urban streets and residential areas to give full play to its maximum value. Introduction to the growth habits and cultivation methods of blue flax the flowers of blue flax are small and lovely, the flowers of blue flax are blue, the heart is bright yellow, and the branches are slender. The flowers of blue flax bloom and look like a blue sea from afar. Now there are many friends who grow blue flax at home. Today, I will take you to understand the growth habits of blue flax and its cultivation methods.

Morphological characteristics

Perennial herbs, 30-40 cm tall, with slender roots, smooth stems, tufted leaves, alternate leaves, striate to lanceolate, 1.5-2.0 cm long, Cymes terminal, sparse flowers small, open in the morning, withered in the afternoon, flower diameter about 2.5 cm, Obovate, light blue, 5 petals, radial color pattern, bud and fruit drooping; florescence June-July.

Sowing and propagation method

It can be divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing.

Spring sowing

First wash the seeds with detergent or detergent, soak them for 24 hours, freeze the seeds in the refrigerator for 24 hours, thaw the seeds and mix them with fine sand, spread them on a clean ground to dry, cool and loose, the seedling bed should first be disinfected with 1500 times potassium permanganate solution, and then sow the seeds on the seedling bed soil, covering 2 times the thickness of the seed diameter fine sand or vermiculite. The pot should be covered with transparent glass and covered with a newspaper with uniform font to shade the sun. Nursery bed seedlings need to be covered with film, high-pull sunshade net; after a week, the seedlings emerge neatly, then remove the glass or film, and gradually remove the sunshade net; after the seedlings have 4 true leaves are stronger, divide the seedlings. After dividing the seedlings, the seedlings were cultured indoors or in the shed for about half a month, and then placed in a well-ventilated place for 3-5 days, then the seedlings were refined out of the room, and the seedlings could not be planted in the field until half a month later, and the row spacing of the seedlings was 25~30cm.

Because the seedlings are delicate and easy to be covered by weeds, they should be ploughed and weeded frequently, and fertilization should be applied thinly for many times.

Autumn sowing

Autumn sowing is generally carried out from late September to mid-October, sowing on the open-field seedbed, the seedbed is generally 10m long and 1m wide, sowing or strip sowing on the flat and fine seedbed, the sowing density can be relatively small, so there is no need to transplant. Blue flax can also use the method of ramet propagation, combined with transplanting, but with this method, the reproduction is easily limited by the seedling source.

The above is my introduction of the growth habits of blue flax and its cultivation methods. I hope it will be helpful to the majority of flower friends. Please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed and learn more about flower care.