
How to raise ivy in winter?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After ivy planting, immediately irrigate water, find lodging seedlings should be timely righted, and the soil subsidence due to watering filled, 3~5 days after the first watering, and then irrigate the second water. After 5 - 7 days, pour water for the third time. If the temperature is right, the callus of roots after 3 times watering has healed and new roots have formed.

Immediately after ivy planting, irrigate thoroughly. When you find lodging seedlings, you should correct them in time, and fill up the sunken soil due to watering. 3-5 days after the first watering, water again. Five or seven days later, water was watered for the third time. If the temperature is right, the calli of roots after three times of water have been combined to produce new roots, start ploughing and squatting seedlings, replant in time in case of missing seedlings, and then turn to the stage of regular maintenance. According to the growth status of plants, topdressing was applied after 75-90 days. Fermented human feces and urine, hemp paste residue fertilizer, combined with ploughing into the topsoil, immediately watering after fertilization. The solution of 0.5% urea, 0.1% potassium sulfate and 0.5% superphosphate can be used for foliar spraying. Mid-tillage can loosen topsoil, reduce water evaporation, increase soil temperature, circulate air in soil, promote soil nutrient decomposition, and create good conditions for root growth and nutrient absorption. Weeding can reduce the loss of nutrients and water and avoid the competition of weeds for space and sunlight. The hardy ivy was cut short and trimmed lightly during the plant growth period, and the cut part was no more than 1 / 3 of the branches, so as to sprout multiple branches and increase the coverage area.

To survive the winter safely, we should start from two aspects: improving the cold resistance of the plant itself and prevention. After autumn, stop applying nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and strengthen the maintenance and management of loosening soil, weeding, ventilation and light transmission. So that the plant before the arrival of cold winter, can fully Lignification, enhance the cold resistance. To prevent frost damage to plants, wind barriers can be set up, which can reduce the wind speed and reduce the freezing damage to plants. Another method is to irrigate frozen water from Frosts Descent to Lesser Snow, so that after freezing in winter, a frozen layer will be formed around the plant roots, which can maintain the constant temperature of the roots and maintain the moisture in the soil.

How to raise ivy in winter

For green plants, friends who like ivy may have questions about how to raise ivy in winter. Today, let's learn about how to raise ivy in winter and how to spend the winter. Let's take a look at the precautions of how to raise ivy in winter.

How to raise ivy in winter

It is understood that most flowers and trees from tropical and subtropical regions will stop growing and enter the dormant period when they are less than 10 ℃, otherwise they are easy to freeze branches and leaves or freeze to death. Such as Cunninghamia lanceolata, false betel nut, plantain, pocket coconut, Milan, magnolia, jasmine, pineapple and other plants and flower cactus directly planted in the basin, the room temperature should be kept at about 3 ℃ ~ 5 ℃. The lowest room temperature of banyan, cycad, palm bamboo, rubber tree, aloe, goose palm, epiphyllum and arrows should be 1 ℃ ~ 3 ℃ or higher.

At present, aloe, hanging orchid, tiger tail orchid, ivy, green apple, iron tree and so on are favored by Jinhua citizens because they can absorb a large amount of harmful gases, among which hanging orchids and tiger tail orchids can absorb a large number of harmful gases and have a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. Ivy and iron trees can effectively absorb harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, chlorine, carbon monoxide, nitrogen peroxide and so on. Operators of Jinhua Flower and Bird Market told us that people like aloe, orchid, green pineapple, rich tree, cactus and cactus all have to move from balcony and outdoor to indoor before frosting.

The flowers planted in citizens' homes are mainly divided into two types: cold tolerance and fear of cold. Such as rose, rhododendron, sweet-scented osmanthus, iron tree and other cold-resistant plants, even if placed outdoors or balcony generally can safely winter, and Milan, hanging orchid, rich trees and other cold-fearing plants must be moved indoors.

Different flowers and plants are treated differently

Cymbidium: Cymbidium is a kind of semi-shade-tolerant plant. It can survive indoors in winter, but its leaves may die. However, the operators say that it does not matter if the leaves die, as long as the roots do not die, they will grow better next year. A special reminder to the public is that although the leaves are dead, it is best to keep them indoors for the winter. Water it in time when it's dry, but don't water it too much, or the roots will rot.

Green pineapple: green pineapple is easier to raise than orchid in summer, has a strong reproductive ability, can grow under full sunshine and half-day sunshine, has strong negative tolerance, likes warmth, and needs to be moisturized all the year round. Green pineapple must be kept indoors in winter. If the indoor temperature is too low, it will be withered.

Ivy: more hardy, low requirements for sunlight, like shady places, no problem to spend the winter indoors, it is easier to buy and keep at home in this season. The hot and muggy climate in summer is very disadvantageous to the growth of ivy. Aloe: aloe likes bright sunlight and higher temperature, but avoid strong light exposure. The lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 2 ℃, so move indoors in time. Although aloe likes water, it can't be watered every day. It can wait until the soil is very dry.

Rich tree: afraid of the cold, it is easy to spend the winter in an air-conditioned room. Water can be watered once every half a month on normal days and once every two or three months in winter.

You don't have to water regularly in winter.

The evaporation of plants in winter is much less than that in summer, so it is not necessary to water frequently. Only when it is found that the soil in the basin (less than 2cm) is dried into powder, or the basin body is tapped to make a crisp sound, it can be watered appropriately (no more watering). When the lowest temperature of the day is below 0 ℃, the best watering time is noon. In addition, fertilization should be suspended during the winter. Because of the slow evaporation of water in winter, most flowers are in the dormant period, and the demand for water and fertilizer is small. Overfertilized and wet basin soil can easily cause rotting roots of flowers to die.

In addition, some flowers, especially many southern varieties introduced in recent years, require high air humidity, withered and yellow in the dry indoor leaf tip or edge, and the leaf color is not bright, and so on. Therefore, even if the pot soil is very humid and the leaf tip is still scorched yellow when the family is growing flowers every day, the problem is that the air humidity is not enough, because the air humidity is not equal to soil moisture. Like hanging orchid, green pineapple and other hanging flowers, we should always pay attention to spraying water on the foliar surface of plants to increase air humidity.

Ivy prefers a warm, humid environment, slightly hardy, and can withstand short-term temperatures of-5 minutes, 7 ℃. Do not have high requirements for soil, but like fertile and loose soil. Swedish ivy is not hardy and stops growing when the temperature is below 12 ℃ in winter. Winter into the greenhouse for the winter, indoor to maintain the humidity of the air, not too dry, but the basin soil should not be too wet.

How to raise ivy in winter is introduced here, how to raise ivy in winter is not difficult, mainly to understand its living habits, more observation, you can easily master the breeding methods and matters needing attention of ivy!

How to raise ivy if it is hydroponic, just bask in the sun more. If it is potted, take a look at the following: when potted, you should pay attention to shade in summer and move indoors in winter. Keep the basin soil moist during the growing period, do not be too dry, and pay attention to ventilation. Thin and dilute fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times a year; if too much fertilizer is applied, the graceful characteristics of the plant will be lost. When planting, heavy pruning should be done to promote branching. After that, a proper pruning will be carried out every spring to truncate the main vine to control its overgrowth. Pay attention to ambient ventilation at ordinary times. Soil Ivy is not strict on the soil, resistant to barren, like moist, loose, fertile sandy soil, avoid saline-alkaline soil. Generally use fertile loose soil as pot substrate, such as garden soil and rotten leaf soil mixed in the same amount, or mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil and fine sandy soil with a small amount of base fertilizer, or by pastoral soil, plant ash and a small amount of base fertilizer, plant ash can not only keep the potted soil loose and breathable, but also have more potash to meet the growth of ivy. It can also be cultivated with water moss alone. Light ivy is a typical negative vine, which is resistant to dampness and can also grow in full light. Can be cultivated in bright rooms for a long time. In a dark room, it can grow well as long as it is supplemented with light. It grows well in warm and humid climate and is not resistant to cold. When a large number of branches and leaves sprout in spring, regardless of their flowers, leaves and green leaves should be placed in the sun and receive sufficient light, so that the branches and leaves will be luxuriant and sturdy. Usually should be placed in diffuse light, in order to make the leaf color thick green and shiny, flower and leaf varieties in the shaded environment, the leaf color is more beautiful. The extreme summer heat must be kept in a cool and ventilated place. Be most careful in watering plum rain and summer heat. The ivy placed outdoors during the rainy season should be poured out as soon as there is stagnant water in the basin, so as not to stain and rot the roots for a long time. The high ambient temperature in summer is disadvantageous to the growth of ivy, and the growth is stagnant above 30 ℃, so foliar sprinkler irrigation should be used. If there is insufficient water, the base of the plant is easy to lose leaves, and too much watering is easy to cause rotten roots. You can choose to water early in the morning or in the evening, lest there is a big difference between soil temperature and water temperature, causing adverse injury to the root system, and finally causing the plant to wither and die. Winter into the greenhouse for the winter, indoor to maintain the humidity of the air, not too dry, but the basin soil should not be too wet. The management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened at the seedling stage to speed up the growth. During the growing period, especially in spring and autumn, liquid fertilizer can be applied once a week, or chemical fertilizer can be applied once a month. At the same time, it should be noted that the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer should be 1:1:1, and the nitrogen ratio should not be too high, so as to prevent flowers and leaves from turning green. In the process of plant growth, attention should be paid to pruning to promote more branches and make the plant shape plump. Potted plants for pillars should be often trimmed and heart-picked. Propagation method Ivy commonly used cutting method or striping method for propagation, can also be propagated by seeds. As the nodes of ivy can take root naturally in moist air, they will be naturally buried in the soil after touching the ground, so cuttings are often used to propagate. Cutting should be carried out in spring and autumn. Most of the cutting branches choose 1 ~ 2-year-old semi-lignified young branches, although the old branches can also be cut, but the roots are poor. Generally cut about 10 cm long, slightly with leaves at the upper end; inserted in coarse sand, vermiculite as the matrix of the seedbed about 5 cm deep, or directly inserted in the basin of loose culture soil. Before cutting large-leaved canary ivy, the branches must be soaked in water before cutting. After cutting, it is necessary to shade the sun in time, or put it in a slightly shady environment, the air humidity should be large, the bed soil should not be too wet, and keep the substrate moist. When the temperature is about 15 ℃ and 20 min, it can take root in about two or three weeks. The mother plant can also be cut off and planted after taking root. Sometimes the stem of the mother plant is buried in the sandy soil, exposing leaves, adventitious roots can occur in each node, and after rooting, it can be cut off and planted in stages. When transplanting, pay attention to let its roots carry soil, so that it is easy to survive. Strengthening ventilation and ventilation in pest control can reduce the occurrence of insect pests. Aphids often occur in ivy in spring, and red spiders, shell insects and mites are also easy to occur under the conditions of high temperature, dryness and poor ventilation, so they should be sprayed as soon as possible. When mites or aphids appear, you can generally rinse or spray 40% omethoate 1000 to 1500 times with soapy water. Summer muggy climate, prone to insect pests, mainly shell insects, especially on the back of leaves and petioles, strengthen ventilation, can reduce the occurrence of insect pests. If there are few pests, you can use an old toothbrush to clean it with soapy water. In the case of many pests, it can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 800 times solution, once every 7 days, 2 to 3 times in a row.