
Introduction of sowing methods and common varieties of Luohan pine

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Luohan pine alias Luohanshan, Taxodium, pine family, evergreen, vigorous and elegant, is a more valuable greening tree species. What is amazing and interesting about Luohansong is that in the leaf axils of the female tree in summer, there are little Luohan-like seeds, and the bald part of the seed is a lateral ovule.

Luohan pine alias Luohanshan, Taxodium, pine family, evergreen, vigorous and elegant, is a more valuable greening tree species. What is magical and interesting about Luohansong is that in the leaf axils of the female tree in summer, there will be seeds like little Luohan. The "bald" part of the seed is a lateral ovule, and the seed receptacle below looks like Luohan's body, and the slightly protruding place of the seed receptacle is very similar to Luohan's hands. After the seeds mature, the color of the seed receptacle will change from green to yellow, from yellow to red, and finally to purple-brown, like a Luohan in various cassock robes, hence the name "Luo Hansong".

The sowing method of Pinus elliottii: sowing after seed collection in August and sprouting after about 10 days; cutting: spring and autumn can be carried out, dormant branches are selected in spring, semi-woody twigs are selected in autumn, 12-15 cm, inserted into the seedbed of sand and soil in half, about 50-60 days to take root.

There are nearly 100 varieties of Luohan pine. At present, common varieties include Lanyu Luohan pine, Japanese Luohan pine, sparrow tongue Luohan pine, island Luohansong, Hainan Luohansong, Dali Luohan pine, short-leaf Luohansong, rice leaf Luohansong, long-leaf Luohan pine, big-leaf Luohan pine and so on. Because the tree shape of Luohan pine is quaint, the combination of seed and seed stalk is strange and lovable, and many temples and houses are planted in the south. It can be planted in front of the door, planted alone in the atrium, or matched with rockery and lake rocks in a corner of the wall. Mottled leaves of Siraitia grossedentata can be planted as flower beds or potted plants for indoor appreciation. Lobular pines can also be planted as courtyard hedges.

Common varieties of Luohan pine:

1. Japanese Luohan pine bark is dark gray, scaly and cracked, branches and leaves are dense, leaves are spirally arranged, linear-lanceolate, 7-10 cm long, 5-8 mm wide, apex acuminate or obtuse, base cuneate, short stalked, midrib obviously raised on both sides. Male cones spikelike, often 3-5 clustered leaf axils; female cones solitary leaf axils, pedicellate. The seed is ovoid, less than 1 cm in diameter, purple or purplish red at maturity, covered with white powder, borne on a fleshy receptacle, red or purplish red, pedicellate.

2. The leaves of Pinus elliottii are about 1.8 cm long and 0.4 cm wide. The spring head is obtusely oval, the leaf head is not pointed, and the veins in the middle are prominent, such as the bird's tongue, with a fleshy texture. Common are Zhejiang sparrow tongue, Nantong sparrow tongue, generally take Nantong sparrow tongue as the authentic. It is characterized by the inward hugging of spring bud leaflets, shaped like chrysanthemums, commonly known as "from the core of chrysanthemums", but not in summer and autumn. If you pinch off the summer and autumn shoots after autumn every year, it appears that the branches and leaves are dense, the leaves stand tall, the internodes are short, very beautiful and neat. Old potted plants often form strange roots, which are very good to see after lifting. For many years, the cross section of old potted plants is often not round, which is also one of its characteristics. Zhejiang sparrow tongue is characterized by divergent leaves, pointed head and thin quality. Sparrow tongue Luohan is an excellent tree species which is precious, easy to shape and easy to manage.

3. The island Luohansong is distributed in the coastal islands of Guangdong and Guangxi, which is generally called island pine. Because growing in the primitive desert island soil, it is affected by strong typhoons, torrential rains and other bad weather all the year round, so it does not grow very tall, and some are crawling on the ground, very short. Although it does not grow tall, the tree is quite old, and there are trees that are over a hundred years or even hundreds of years old. Luohan pine growing in the northwest of the island is the most valuable, because they experience more storms and stronger storms than those growing in other directions, go through the vicissitudes of life, still grow, and thus have more vitality, and their own form is more ornamental.

4. Hainan Pinus elliottii evergreen trees, up to 16 m high and 60 cm in DBH; bark brownish gray or grayish white, scaly dehiscent. Leaves spirally arranged, radially scattered, closely arranged on top of branchlets, thickly leathery, linear-lanceolate or linear, slightly curved, 4 × 10.5 cm long and 5 × 10 mm wide, apex rounded or obtusely pointed, base narrow into short stalk, midvein elevated on both surfaces, leaves green, glossy, light green below, with a wide stomatal band. Hainan Pinus elliottii is endemic to Hainan and belongs to gradually endangered species. due to its development and utilization for many years, it is only distributed in a small amount of undeveloped natural forests in the south, and its resources are very few.

5. Dali Luohansong is native to Diancang Mountain in Dali, Yunnan Province. it is a rare plant endemic to Dali and a key protected tree species in Yunnan Province. It has been included in the national list of extremely endangered species. At present, there are eight registered transplanted adult trees. Dali Luohan pine is a rare variation in the shape of short and broad leaves, with leaves 4-9 cm long and 6-12 mm wide, with thick texture and dark green. The new leaves vary in length, and occasionally the edges of the leaves are irregularly twisted and extended. It has high ornamental and scientific research value.

6. Short-leaf Siraitia grosvenorii, alias lobular pine, is a variety of evergreen coniferous trees, often in the form of shrubs. The old trunk is dark brown to dark brown, the outer skin is longitudinally striped, flaky, the shoot is short and soft, grayish green, and the branching force is poor. The leaves are arranged in spiral clusters, the simple leaves are short banded-lanceolate, the apex is obtuse, the base is round or cuneate, the leaves are leathery, the leaves are 2-2.5 cm long and 0.8-1 cm wide, dark green, the midvein is obvious, and the petiole is very short. The short-leaf Luohan tree is quaint, verdant, vigorous and straight, evergreen all the year round, suitable not only for planting, but also for potted plants. it is not only an excellent ornamental tree species for family flowers, but also a high-quality material for bonsai production.

7. Pinus elliottii is a small evergreen tree of the family Luohan pine, whose leaves are very short and in the shape of chrysanthemum petals, and the branches grow erect. Sexual preference for warm, moist, semi-overcast environment, can also grow in a positive environment. It has strong adaptability and can grow freely in the hot sun. The ability of resistance to diseases and insect pests is strong, cold resistance is weak, like to live in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Miye Luohan pine tree is beautiful and lush, its posture is whirling, it is evergreen all the year round, and its management is extensive. It is an excellent ornamental tree species in family flower cultivation, and most of the houses in the south are planted. Through artistic modeling, it is often made into bonsai of various styles, decorating halls, venues and other environments are more suitable, but also suitable for planting in front of the door, isolated planting in the atrium, or planted in a corner of the wall to match with rockery and lake rocks. The miniature bonsai that can also be made by Miye Luohan pine can be used as a gift to relatives and friends, as well as for export.

8. Long-leaf Luohan pine is an extremely rare and endangered plant in the world, formerly known as Baiyinqing, an evergreen tree of the family Siraitidae. It is famous for its slender and beautiful leaves, which is spectacular in the face of the wind. Its tree height can reach 30 meters and its breast diameter is 60 centimeters. The oil content of the seed is up to 30%. The pressed oil is edible vegetable oil and can be used for industrial production.

9. Pinus elliottii, native to southwest China and Japan, is a perennial evergreen tree with a height of about 813 meters. The bark is grayish white and longitudinally split. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate or linear, growing on branches each other. The leaves are 12-15 cm long and 1.8-2 cm wide. Dioecious, leaf axil dense erect male flower spike, showing catkin inflorescence, female flower is spherical, with fleshy receptacle. The oval seed is born on the fleshy red seed base, and the surface is covered with white powder. At present, it is mainly used to cultivate green seedlings, which are widely planted in gardens and flower beds.

10. Orchid Pinus arborescens is native to Orchid Island in Taiwan. It is a small evergreen tree with a height of 2 to 5 meters. Leaves clustered with branches, simple elliptical linear, apex obtuse or round, leaves slightly anti-curled, lower back are smooth, thick, hard leathery, dark green and glossy; middle ribs obvious, no petiole. Flowers axillary, cylindrical sessile, florets yellowish green, flowering from March to May. Drupe-shaped seeds, oval, ripe dark blue; seed receptacle fleshy, ripe red; seed receptacle seed shape like a saffron robe Luohan, and has the name of Luohansong. The nature of Lanyu Luohan pine likes high temperature, humid and sunny environment, its salt tolerance is good, strong wind resistance, but negative resistance is not good. It can be used in coastal windbreak forest belt, hedgerow, garden beautification, potted plant and so on.

Introduction of varieties, propagation methods and pest control of Pinus elliottii

1. Introduction of the varieties of Luohansong:

There are about 100 species of plants of the same genus, and the common ones are:

1. Main cultivated species and varieties of narrow-leaf Luohan pine, leaf length 5-9 cm, leaf width 0.3-0.6 cm, leaf tip tapering, leaf base wedge: short-leaf Siraitia grossedentata, evergreen small trees or shrubs, leaves short and dense, 2-7 cm long, about 0.5 cm wide; short-leaf Siraitia grosvenorii, leaves especially short, less than 3.5 cm long; columnar crown of Siraitia grosvenorii, leaves small, apex obtuse or round Variegated Siraitia grossedentata with white markings on the leaves.

2. Leaflet Luohan pine branches and leaves are dense, the leaves are narrow and oval, and the apex is slightly obtuse.

3. Taiwan Luohan pine leaves strip-lanceolate, apex obtuse or acute.

4. Hainan Luohan pine leaves are strip-shaped and t-shaped. The upper part narrows.

2. The propagation method of Luohansong:

It can be propagated by sowing and cutting. Sowing and reproduction are generally carried out in storage and autumn, and the seed germination rate is as high as 50% and 90%.

But the seedlings grow slowly. Cutting propagation should be carried out in the rainy season, shading after planting, it is very easy to take root. In addition, Pinus elliottii can also be propagated by splicing method.

3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Luohan pine:

There are common harm of leaf spot disease and coal pollution disease. Leaf spot disease can be controlled by spraying more than 50% carbendazim or topiramine wettable powder 60 ()-800 times; coal pollution disease can be irrigated with soapy water or clean water. Common pests are coir moth, shell insects, white wax insects, etc., which can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate emulsion or 1000 times of dichlorvos emulsion.

About Luo Hansong's introduction, the editor will share with you here, I hope it will be useful to you!

The breeding method of Luohansong, how to raise Luohansong?

Luohansong is also called Taxodium, which belongs to Luohan family and Luohansong, and Luohansong is also an evergreen tree. Its flowering period is from 4 May to May, and its fruiting period is from August to September. The plant is a subtropical species, originally grew up in Yunnan, in the later continuous development, Luohansong has become one of the ornamental plants in the garden. So, what about Luo Hansong? What is the breeding method? Let's have a look!

Introduction of Luo Hansong

Luohansong is not only one of the most common plants in the garden, but also one of the second-class protected plants in the world. The plants of Pinus elliottii can be as high as 18 meters and are arranged in a spiral shape, with a difference between male and female, flowering from April to May and fruiting from August to September. For the flowers of Luohansong, they are also edible, with a touch of sweetness. While the key cultivation of Luohansong is in the primeval forest, while the Luohansong seen in the city is basically artificially cultivated, so it is no longer protected. Of course, no matter in the primeval forest or in the city, Pinus elliottii plays an ecological role in green trees, which can not be replaced by other plants.

Luohansong variety

After the continuous development in the later stage, now there are many varieties of Luohansong, and different types show different effects for all users. So, the above are the more common kinds of Luohansong, let's have a look! 1 lobular Artemisia angustifolia, also known as Sequoia chinensis, Pinus elliottii, etc., short-leaf Taxodium chinense, showing a shrub shape; 2 short-leaf Luohansong: also known as Pinus elliottii, also known as Pinus elliottii, which is most suitable for potted plants; 3. Narrow-leaf Luohansong: striped and slender leaves, with a length of about 9 cm and a width of 6 mm; 4 Dali Luohansong: from Cangshan Mountain in Dali, it can be made into bonsai 5 Hainan Luohansong: the leaves are spirally arranged and scattered, distributed in the south of Hainan

How to raise Luo Han Song

Users also need to pay attention to the breeding methods of Luohan pine when knowing which varieties it has. On the other hand, the more common methods of planting Pinus elliottii are sowing and cutting propagation, which can be sown only after picking in August. The survival rate of Luohansong is very high, whether it is seed sowing or cutting sowing, can bring different fashion effects for users. Secondly, Luo Hansong likes a warm and semi-overcast environment, and his cold resistance is general. Afraid of water and bright light. As for the soil, it is better to be sandy soil with good drainage. When you are breeding, you only need to pay attention to the bright light in winter and keep warm in winter.

Conclusion: the above is the breeding method of Luohansong arranged by Xiaobian for all users, and in breeding, we need to pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the process of breeding, so as to ensure the healthy growth of Luohansong.

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