
The Beginning of Autumn raised a pot of cool leaves to clear heat and dispel dryness after raising one pot.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Already the Beginning of Autumn, the weather is still relatively dry and hot, many people say that after the Beginning of Autumn, we should still insist on eating some food that nourishes yin and moistens the lungs, dispel summer heat and clear heat, recuperate the spleen and stomach, nourish yin and replenish deficiency. In fact, there are many cool and dampening plants in life.

Already the Beginning of Autumn, the weather is still relatively dry and hot, many people say that after the Beginning of Autumn, we should still insist on eating some food that nourishes yin and moistens the lungs, dispel summer heat and clear heat, recuperate the spleen and stomach, nourish yin and replenish deficiency. In fact, there are many cool plants to remove dampness in life. Raising a pot at home is not only good for health, but also can be used to eat and keep healthy. Let's have a look!


Cool leaves



It is said that peppermint is the best life on a hot day. Peppermint tastes cool and can be eaten or used. Taste spicy cool, often drink with peppermint bubble water, can soothe the wind and dissipate heat, clear the leader, benefit the throat. It is helpful for common headache, dizziness, eye swelling and pain, sore throat and hoarse voice.

There are many kinds of mint, such as soil mint, magnolia mint, wrinkled leaf mint and so on, which are easy to raise and do not pick soil and water.

In addition to soil culture, peppermint can also be hydroponic, some flower friends directly put in the fish tank, the explosion of the basin is very frightening.

Peppermint leaves can be used for cooking and put into dishes for seasoning vegetables. Can also be used for baking embellishment, put a peppermint leaf on dessert, can become as classy as Michelin restaurant!

The simplest thing about peppermint is to make tea. After picking the mint leaves and brewing them with boiling water, you can also add some sugar. It can relieve cold and headache, appetizer and aid digestion, and can eliminate flatulence or indigestion.

Can also be made into mint porridge to eat, first cook japonica rice porridge, cooked, into mint, and then boil a few boil, send aroma to serve.

The reproduction of peppermint is also super simple, cut a section directly into the soil or water, a period of time will emerge big white root, very simple.

The maintenance of peppermint is also relatively simple, peppermint has a strong ability to adapt to temperature, and the requirements for soil are not very strict. Except for over-sand, excessive viscosity, excessive pH and low-lying soil with poor drainage, the general soil can be planted. Sandy loam and alluvial soil are better. The most suitable temperature for its growth is 25 ℃-30 ℃, which can withstand the temperature below zero. Peppermint is a long-day crop and is sexually fond of sunlight. Long sunshine can promote the flowering of peppermint and is conducive to the accumulation of peppermint oil and menthol.

-aloe vera-

Aloe has a bitter cold taste and has the effect of cooling blood and eyesight. It can be used for many minor ailments and pains. If there is a mosquito bite, apply aloe juice to the mosquito bite, and the inflammation will go down quickly.

If you are not careful about burns and wounds, aloe can promote healing and shorten the healing time.

Aloe can also protect oral health, with fresh aloe leaves, wash off the skin, chew mesophyll, the longer the effect, if there is tenderness, you can bite aloe leaves with teeth, 2-3 times can be relieved.

Aloe can lighten spots and whiten the skin. for sunburned skin or freckled skin, apply fresh leaf juice for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening, and then wash it to make the skin smooth, white and tender.

Aloe can be used and eaten, but for many people, it has a certain degree of allergenicity, so no matter eat or use, you can first wipe a little or eat a little, if there is no discomfort and then eat some properly. Aloe vera is cold, don't eat too much at one time. It can be eaten with red dates, Tremella and yogurt. It tastes good.

There are many varieties of aloe, which can be eaten and used, of which Aloe vera is the most common. The leaves of Aloe vera are large and thick, grow fast, and are more suitable for consumption.

Aloe is particularly drought-tolerant, its stems and leaves contain a lot of water, and it can still grow well in an environment with little water. When watering, it should be dry and thoroughly, that is, the basin soil is dry and then watered, basically once every 10 days and a half months.

But it should be noted that aloe can not be exposed to light, especially in the summer sun, which will turn the leaves gray and gradually dry up.

The reproduction of aloe is generally based on ramets. Aloe generally grows 5-15 seed plants every year. When the seed plant grows 5 leaflets, it can be cut off. It is generally carried out in spring and autumn, when the seed plants turn green faster and the survival rate is high.

Peel off the stem base or root of aloe from the mother, dry the wound slightly, and then transplant it into a new pot.


Honeysuckle sweet cold fragrance, sweet cold clearing heat without harming the stomach, fragrance Touda can dispel evil, is a very good medicine. It can clear away blood toxin, increase immunity, and is lower than all kinds of febrile venereal diseases, such as body fever, rash, spots, heat sore carbuncle, sore throat and so on.

Honeysuckle porridge, when cooking porridge, add a small amount of honeysuckle buds, can improve human immunity.

Honeysuckle tea can drink dried honeysuckle tea, which can relieve summer heat, sober up, clear the brain, quench thirst and remove toxic substances in the body.

In addition to being used for traditional Chinese medicine, honeysuckle can also be used to make bonsai, honeysuckle old pile elegant, graceful posture, well-developed roots, very suitable for bonsai.

Honeysuckle does not have high requirements for soil, and its maintenance is very simple, so it is suitable to be planted on the balcony or yard. In the process of planting, if you can build a shelf to let it climb, it will be more conducive to its growth.

The propagation of honeysuckle is also relatively simple, mainly by cutting, except for the rest of winter. Select the sturdy branches of the year, leaving 2-3 nodes for each cutting branch, leaving only two leaves of the upper section, and cut off the other leaves. Cut the branches obliquely into the soil, the depth of the branches can be 1 prime 2, and slightly press to bear fruit. Pour water after insertion, keep the soil moist, put it in a place with bright ventilation and light, and it can take root after about half a month.

Generally, honeysuckle can be harvested in May or June every year, pick buds when the dew is dry in sunny morning (not open better), dry in the sun or ventilated in the shade, and it is better to dry in 1-2 days. Do not turn when drying flowers, avoid exposure in the hot sun.

-moxa grass-

Moxa grass is known as the diamond in the grass. Although it is a weed, it is widely used in the folk. There is a saying that "Artemisia argyi is not used in the family for three years". In ancient times, moxa leaves were used to prevent plague, believing that moxa leaves were reasonable in qi and blood, chasing cold and dampness, warming menstruation, stopping bleeding, calming the fetus and so on. Modern research has also found that Artemisia argyi leaves have antibacterial and antiviral effects, and play a certain role in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.

Moxa grass can also be made into moxa leaf tea, soup or porridge. During the Qingming Festival, the south also uses the juice of the tender leaves of Artemisia argyi mixed with glutinous rice flour, and then wrapped in bean paste stuffing or lotus paste to make a green league, which can enhance the body's resistance to disease.

Moxa grass can also drive mosquitoes, moxa grass contains volatile essential oils, can effectively repel mosquitoes. The moxa grass is lit every night, and the smoke emitted can quickly smoke the mosquitoes away, or mop the floor with moxa water to ward off mosquitoes.

Moxa grass is very easy to raise, in fact, it is a kind of weed, which can be planted at random. Flower friends with space on the balcony might as well plant a little bit, usually can also be used, but also can help to ward off mosquitoes.

Balcony kind of moxa is very simple, directly find some moxa root, with soil buried in the basin on it, a few weeks can grow into a large basin. It's better not to plant seeds. It takes a long time.

Moxa plant is relatively high, to choose a larger or deeper pot, moxa grass adaptability is very strong, the general garden soil can, in order to grow better, you can add some rotten leaf soil or peat to make the basin soil more loose.

Moxa grass grows very fast, especially during the growing period. Watering can be seen dry and wet, but do not accumulate water. Fertilizer can be applied once a month, and topdressing should be applied after each harvest. It can be maintained in a place with plenty of light.

These four kinds of flowers are not only easy to raise.

And there are many magical effects.

Keep a pot on a hot day to relieve the summer heat

If you like it, you can have a pot.

Show it to the flower friends who need it!