
Cultivation techniques and pest control knowledge of red-leaf Photinia container seedlings

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, With the development of container nursery, the advantages of container seedlings are becoming more and more obvious. In order to facilitate the promotion and sale of new excellent color-leaf tree species, the cultivation in the form of container seedlings is more and more adopted. Photinia chinensis, as a new excellent colored leaf tree species, is being accepted by more and more nursery producers, and the cultivation form of container seedlings is also gradually adopted.

With the development of container nursery, the advantages of container seedlings are becoming more and more obvious. In order to facilitate the promotion and sale of new excellent color-leaf tree species, the cultivation in the form of container seedlings is more and more adopted. Photinia chinensis, as a new excellent colored leaf tree species, is being accepted by more and more nursery producers, and the cultivation form of container seedlings is also gradually adopted.

1. Seed and seedling selection:

Photinia rubra propagates mainly by cutting. The seedlings that can be selected are ground cuttings, container cuttings and tissue culture seedlings. If the producer has just started the production of Photinia container seedlings, it is recommended to introduce container cutting seedlings, that is, hole plate seedlings or tissue culture seedlings, in order to ensure the survival rate of seedlings. Of course, you can also use land to plant cuttings, or grow cuttings to be sold before container cultivation.

Second, the choice of containers:

For the producers of container seedlings of Photinia rubra, the choice of containers is very important. Different containers should be selected according to different specifications of seedlings and different cultivation purposes. At present, there are many varieties and specifications of containers on the market, such as considering long-term planting, you can choose woody planting container gallon basin, its service life can reach about 3 years, anti-aging, can be reused, as the first choice for cultivation; if considering short-term sales, you can choose woody planting bags, its service life is about 1 year, and the cost is low.

3. Media:

The ideal container cultivation medium should be 50% solids, 25% air and 25% moisture. As a medium, there are many substances, such as fine sand, peat, perlite, pumice, pine scales, nuclear scales, coconut bran, sawdust, straw, grain husk, carbonized grain husk, bagasse. Specifically, the mixed media should meet the following requirements:

(1) good air permeability, good drainage and strong water holding capacity.

(2) the ph value is between 5.5 and 6.5, the EC value is low, and it has sufficient cation exchange capacity to continuously supply the elements needed for plant growth.

(3) the standard of material selection is the same, there are no toxic substances and no germs, pests and weed seeds.

In the proportion of cultivation media, we should also consider the combination of several media materials as little as possible, and it may be necessary to adjust the ph value and add long-term controlled-release fertilizer. Considering the factors such as cost and medium source in production, peat and perlite are the main medium materials.

Fourth, the seedlings on the pot:

The cultivation medium of Photinia container seedlings uses peat: perlite = 4:1, slaked lime should be added to adjust ph value and supplement medium calcium nutrition (because peat is sour and calcium deficient). When potting, we must pay attention to several points: the root system should be stretched, the seedling should be upright, and it should not be planted too deep. Generally, the hairy root should be embedded in the medium 2~3cm.

Fifth, the use of fertilizers at the seedling stage:

The most convenient way to produce container seedlings is to use long-acting slow-release fertilizer, which has a long effective period, and only needs to add an appropriate amount when using the medium. Container seedlings can be irrigated with slow-release fertilizer or water-soluble fertilizer after planting.

In container seedling production, peat and perlite are often used as media, and there is a lack of ca, mg and trace elements, so it is necessary to supplement water-soluble fertilizer in addition to controlled-release fertilizer, so as to quickly and effectively supplement a variety of trace elements necessary for seedling growth and make seedlings grow healthily.

6. Change the basin:

When the root system of Photinia chinensis container seedlings is full in the container, when you see that the fibrous root has wrapped the peat, when the water is difficult to pour through, it is necessary to change the pot. The main points of changing the basin: empty basin plus 1 big 3 medium (base fertilizer, mix well), seedling placed in the center of the basin, upright, filled with medium, slightly pressed around, shake.

The container to change the basin must be larger than the original, the medium can be added loose scale or nuclear scale medium, sand loam without weed seeds, in order to reduce the cost.

When the recycled medium is reused, it must be disinfected (600 times 800 times with dimethicol or other disinfection methods).

When the seedlings change pots, the most convenient and economical way to apply base fertilizer is to use long-acting slow-release fertilizer, which only needs to add appropriate amount in the medium ratio. The amount of fertilization depends on the size of the container.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to change the basin, we can correct the bad growth direction of the seedling and make it grow towards the shape we want.

The container seedlings in the changed pots should be placed neatly, the number of seedlings in each district should be the same, and there should be walkways to facilitate watering, fertilization and other operations.

VII. Management:

The internal space of the container is limited and the water and fertilizer holding capacity is very limited. In order to make the container seedlings grow healthily, it is necessary to replenish water and fertilizer to the medium in the container regularly. Watering is a frequent and fine management process. Usually, large containers are watered once every two weeks, and small containers are watered every three or six days. Of course, the watering frequency is also closely related to the size of seedlings in the container. Uneven watering will cause seedlings to lose water and wilt. Only by watering thoroughly can the potted seedlings grow strong. In general, the peat in the upper part of the container needs to be watered again when the peat in the upper part of the medium turns white, not until the seedlings wilt. In particular, it should be reminded that after the wilting of the seedlings, only a small amount of water wetting medium can be irrigated at the beginning, and only when the wilted leaves of the seedlings return to normal can they be watered through, and must not be irrigated at one time, otherwise it is easy to cause the roots to rot in the water and lead to the death of the seedlings. If it is difficult to penetrate during watering, it is because the medium is too dry or the root system tightens the medium, which can shorten the watering cycle in management, or use sprinkler irrigation equipment to water regularly.

Topdressing is a very important operation for the production of red-leaf photinia container seedlings. Limited root growth space and regular watering make the fertile Photinia appear to be undernourished. However, the frequent use of quick-acting fertilizers not only causes burning of seedlings, but also increases the cost and difficulty of production and management of container seedlings. Therefore, we try our best to recommend the use of apex long-acting controlled release fertilizer to container seedling producers, which only needs to be applied once or twice a year, which greatly saves labor. When topdressing, the hole can be applied, that is, the Jack, the fertilizer will be applied in the hole, the number of holes in each basin depends on the size of the container.

8. Pest control:

The main container seedling diseases of Photinia rubra are anthracnose, leaf spot and so on. Prevention and treatment: spray control is used during the disease period, with 50% carbendazim 500 times, 75% chlorothalonil 500 times 800 times, and 50% topiramine 800 times 1000 times. Spray once every 7 to 10 days for 3 or 4 times in a row. Root diseases can be irrigated with 800-1000-fold solution of Dike. It is usually necessary to spray medicine in time to prevent wound infection after pruning.

The main pests are aphids, moth larvae and so on. Using periodic spraying control, choose imidacloprid 800x solution, 90% trichlorfon 1000 times solution or 50% fenitrothion 1000 times solution, or pyrethroids. The nursery should be inspected frequently and the newly hatched larvae should be sprayed in time.

Introduction to the cultivation methods of Container seedlings of Photinia rugosa

With the acceleration of the northward advance of Photinia chinensis, the advantages of container seedlings of Photinia chinensis are showing day by day. In order to facilitate the sale of new excellent color-leaf tree species, the cultivation in the form of container seedlings is more and more adopted. Photinia chinensis, as a new excellent colored leaf tree species, is being accepted by more and more nursery producers, and the cultivation form of container seedlings is also gradually adopted.

First, the choice of seedlings:

Photinia przewalskii grows mainly by cutting. The seedlings that can be selected are ground cuttings, container cuttings and tissue culture seedlings. If the producer is just beginning the production of Photinia container seedlings, it is recommended to introduce container cutting seedlings, that is, hole plate seedlings or tissue culture seedlings, in order to ensure the survival rate of seedlings. Of course, you can also plant cuttings on land, or grow cuttings on the ground until they are ready for sale before container cultivation.

Second, the choice of container:

For the producers of Photinia container seedlings, the choice of containers is very important. Different containers should be determined according to different specifications of seedlings and different cultivation purposes. At present, there are many varieties and specifications of containers on the market, such as considering long-term planting, you can choose woody planting container gallon basin, the operating life can reach about 3 years, anti-aging, can be reused, as the first choice for cultivation; if considering short-term sales, you can choose woody planting bags, the operating life is about 1 year, and the old capital is low.

3. Media:

The ideal container cultivation medium should be 50% solids, 25% atmosphere and 25% moisture. As a medium, there are many substances, such as fine sand, peat, perlite, pumice, pine scales, nuclear scales, coconut bran, sawdust, straw, grain husk, carbonized grain husk, bagasse. Specifically, the mixed media should meet the following requirements:

(1) good air permeability, good drainage and strong water holding capacity

(2) the ph value is between 5.56.5 and the ec value is low. It has sufficient cation exchange capacity and can continuously provide the elements needed for plant growth.

(3) the standard of materials is different, there are no toxic substances and no germs, pests and weed seeds.

In the proportion of cultivation media, we should also consider the combination of several media materials as little as possible, and it may be necessary to adjust the ph value and add long-term controlled-release fertilizer. In production, taking into account the original and media sources and other factors, mostly peat and perlite as the main medium data.

Fourth, the seedlings on the pot:

The cultivation medium of Photinia tomentosa container seedlings manipulates peat: when perlite = 41, ripe lime should be added to adjust ph value and supplement medium calcium nutrition (because peat is sour and lack of calcium). When potting, we must pay attention to several points: the root system should be extended, the seedling should be upright, not too deep, and the individual hairy root should be embedded in the medium 2 3cm.

Fifth, the utilization of fertilizer at the seedling stage:

The most convenient way for container seedling production is to manipulate long-acting slow-release fertilizer, which has a long effective period, and only needs to add an appropriate amount to the medium ratio when manipulating. Container seedlings can be irrigated with slow-release fertilizer or water-soluble fertilizer after planting.

In container seedling production, peat and perlite are often used as media and lack of ca mg and trace elements, so it is necessary to supplement water-soluble fertilizer in addition to controlled-release fertilizer, so as to quickly and effectively supplement a variety of trace elements necessary for seedling growth and make seedlings grow healthily.

6. Change the basin:

When the root system of Photinia chinensis container seedlings is full in the container, when you see that the fibrous root has been wrapped in peat and the water is difficult to pour through, it is necessary to change the basin and change the basin: the empty basin is added with 1 base fertilizer and 3 media (base fertilizer, mix well) the seedlings are placed in the center of the basin, straighten up, fill the medium, press a little tight everywhere, shake it.

The container to change the basin must be larger than the original, the medium can be added loose scale or nuclear scale medium, sandy loam without weed seeds, in order to reduce the cost.

Disinfection must be carried out when the recovered medium is manipulated frequently (with dimethicol 600,800 times or other disinfection methods)

When the seedlings change pots, the most convenient and economical way to apply the base fertilizer is to manipulate the long-acting slow-release fertilizer, only adding an appropriate amount in the medium ratio. The amount of fertilization depends on the size of the container.

Holding the opportunity to change the basin can correct the bad growth bias of the seedling and make it grow towards the shape I want.

The container seedlings in the changed pots should be placed neatly, the number of seedlings in each district should be the same, and there should be walkways to facilitate watering, fertilization and other operations.

7. Economic management:

The internal space of the container is unlimited, and the water and fertilizer holding capacity is very limited. In order to make the container seedlings grow healthily, it is necessary to replenish water and fertilizer to the medium in the container regularly. Watering is a frequent and intensive management process. Large containers are watered once every 12 weeks, and small containers are watered every 36 days. Of course, the watering frequency is also related to the growth and size of seedlings in the container. Uneven watering will cause seedlings to lose water and wilt. Only by watering thoroughly can the potted seedlings grow strong. In the case of an individual, when the peat in the upper part of the container turns white, the peat needs to be watered again, not until the seedlings wilt. In particular, after the wilting of the seedlings, only a small amount of water wetting medium can be irrigated at the beginning, and only after the wilted leaves of the seedlings return to normal, can they be watered through, and the cutting can not be irrigated at one time, otherwise it is easy to cause the root system to rot in the water and lead to the demise of the seedlings. If it is difficult to water at the moment of watering, it is because the medium is too dry or the root system tightens the medium, the watering cycle can be shortened in management, or sprinkler irrigation equipment can be used to water regularly.

Topdressing is a very important lesson for the production of red-leaf photinia container seedlings. Unlimited root growth space and regular watering make the fat-loving Photinia appear to be undernourished. However, the regular use of quick-acting fertilizers not only causes burning of seedlings, but also increases the production and management difficulties of container seedlings. Therefore, I strongly recommend the use of apex long-acting controlled release fertilizer to container seedling producers, which only needs to be applied 12 times a year, which greatly reduces the cost in the wild. When topdressing, the hole can be applied, that is, the Jack, the fertilizer will be applied in the hole, the number of holes in each basin depends on the size of the container.

8. Special attention should be paid to pest control:

The main container seedling diseases of Photinia rubra are anthracnose, leaf spot and so on. Prevention and treatment: spraying was used during the onset of the disease, including 500 times of 50% carbendazim, 500 800 times of 75% chlorothalonil and 800 times of 50% thiophanate wettable powder. The spray was sprayed once every 7 or 10 days for 34 times. Root diseases can be irrigated with 800 1 times solution of Dike. Spray medicine in time to prevent wound infection after pruning.

The important insect pests are aphids, moth larvae and so on. Periodic spraying was used to control the disease, including imidacloprid 800fold solution, 90% trichlorfon 1000 fold solution or 50% fenitrothion 1000 fold solution, or pyrethroids. The nursery should be inspected frequently and the newly hatched larvae should be sprayed in time.

Photinia rubra also has ground insects, which can be killed with soil silkworm insecticides.

Culture and cultivation techniques of Photinia przewalskii I. cutting culture techniques of Photinia

There are mainly two methods for the culture of Photinia chinensis: tissue culture and cuttage. Tissue culture requires high requirements and costs for facilities and expertise, which is not suitable for most nurseries and growers. After years of research, Zhejiang Senhe seed Industry Co., Ltd. has solved the technical difficulties of cutting culture and successfully developed a set of cutting culture technology with low cost, simple operation and high survival rate, which can be produced in ordinary plastic greenhouse.

1. Cutting facilities and nursery beds are prepared to be cut in a single greenhouse, covered with greenhouse film and shading net. After the ground in the shed is leveled, a ground cutting nursery bed is established. The width of the seedbed is about 100 cm, with baffles 10 to 12 cm high. The bottom of the seedbed is covered with a layer of fine sand to facilitate drainage, and the cutting substrate can be made of vermiculite plus peat or clean yellow soil plus fine sand. Seedbeds and substrates should be disinfected with fungicides and pesticides to prevent diseases and insect pests.

2. The cutting time is spring in early March, summer in early June and autumn in early September.

3. Cuttings are cut with semi-lignified shoots or woody annual branches, cut into a leaf and a bud, about 3 to 4 cm in length, and the incision should be smooth.

4. After the cuttings are cut, you should pay attention to moisturizing and cut as much as possible. Before cutting, the incision was treated with rooting agent to speed up rooting and improve the survival rate. The suitable cutting depth is 3 cm and the density is 400 plants per square meter. Immediately pour water after insertion, and spray the leaves with carbendazim and anthrax Fumei mixture.

5. After cutting management, the nursery bed should be checked frequently after cutting. the water content of the substrate should be kept at about 60%, the air humidity in the shed should be kept above 95%, and the temperature in the shed should be controlled below 38 ℃. If the temperature is too high, it should be cooled by spray. Shade from cuttage to rooting and sprouting.

After 15 days, some cuttings began to root, and the water content of the substrate should be reduced appropriately, which should be kept at about 40%. When more than 50% of the cuttings begin to take root, the film can be gradually opened for ventilation, and the shading and light transmittance is about 50%.

When all the panicle strips have roots and more than 50% of the leaves, gradually remove the shade net and film from the greenhouse, and begin to refine the seedlings. It can be combined with spraying foliar fertilizer or low concentration water-soluble chemical fertilizer to promote the healthy growth of cutting seedlings.

2. Cultivation and management techniques of Photinia chinensis.

1. Selection and purchase of seedlings. When buying seedlings, we should choose suppliers who have a good reputation and can provide high-quality after-sales service, so as to ensure the purity of varieties and reduce production risks. Zhejiang Senhe seed Industry Co., Ltd. is currently a large-scale company in the development of Photinia chinensis in China, with leading seedling raising technology, high-quality container seedlings, good product consistency and well-developed roots, especially transplanting with matrix without harming roots. the survival rate is almost 100%, and grows rapidly after transplanting.

2. Selection and arrangement of nursery land. The soil of the planting land is loose, fertile, slightly acidic to neutral, and the irrigation is convenient and the drainage is good. Before planting, 3000 kg of rotten barnyard manure and 50 kg of superphosphate were applied per mu, the depth of soil ploughing was more than 25 cm, and pesticides were applied to control underground pests. After ploughing, the soil will be leveled, and the drainage ditch will be opened to make a seedbed with a bed width of about 1 meter.

3.Seedling transplanting. The transplanting time of seedlings is generally from March to April in spring and from October to November in autumn, which should be determined according to the local climatic conditions. The planting spacing should be determined according to the time of staying in the nursery and the cultivation goal. If it is planned to sell according to the cultivation of annual shrubs, the suitable row spacing is 35x35 cm or 40x40 cm, about 3000 plants per mu.

When transplanting seedlings, it is necessary to carefully remove the packaging or nutrition bowl to ensure the integrity of the root soil ball, fixed-point hole digging; pile fine soil on the root, and make the root system stretch and gently compact. After planting, pour root water thoroughly in time.

4. Cultivation and management. In the slow seedling period after planting, special attention should be paid to water management. in case of continuous sunny days, water should be watered 3-4 days after transplanting, and then every 10 days or so; in case of continuous rainy days, it should be drained in time. After about 15 days, the seedlings can be fertilized after the slow seedling stage. Urea is applied every half a month in spring, the amount of urea is about 5 kg / mu, compound fertilizer is applied every half a month in summer and autumn, and 1500 kg / mu of secondary mature organic fertilizer is applied in winter. Fertilization should be based on the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, do not use too much at one time, so as not to hurt the roots and burn seedlings, and usually remove weeds and loosen the soil in time to prevent soil consolidation.

5. Pest control. Photinia rubra had strong resistance and no destructive diseases and insect pests were found. However, Botrytis cinerea, leaf spot or shell insects may occur if the nursery is not properly managed or the nursery environment is poor. Botrytis cinerea can be prevented by spraying 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution, and during the onset period, 50% Dysen zinc solution can be used to prevent and control the disease. Leaf spot can be controlled with 50% carbendazim 300-400 times or topiramate 300-400 times. Scale insects can be sprayed with 200x dimethoate emulsion or 800x to 1000 fold spray.