
Planting methods of herbaceous flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Herbaceous flowers have the characteristics of high culture coefficient, fast growth and bright colors, so they are important materials for flower bed layout. The grass flowers commonly used in May Day flower beds in Fangshan area of Beijing are a string of red, marigold, petunia, cold chrysanthemum, Yu beauty and so on. September 2009 to May 2010

Herbaceous flowers have the characteristics of high culture coefficient, fast growth and bright colors, so they are important materials for flower bed layout. The grass flowers commonly used in the May 1st flower beds in Fangshan area of Beijing are a string of red flowers, marigold, petunia, cold chrysanthemum, Yu Mei and so on. From September 2009 to May 2010, the author used different culture and seedling methods to cultivate marigold and petunia used in May 1st flower bed in Fangshan Garden Institute.

Planting materials and methods of grass flowers


The seeds of Petunia were collected by the base in the autumn of 2008, and the seeds of marigold were domestic F1 seeds purchased. The cuttings used in Petunia are twigs of the year.


The seedling growth and plant flowering were observed and recorded in the open field combined with greenhouse cultivation in this garden, and the seedling raising effects of different culture materials and seedling techniques were compared.

Experiment on staged sowing of marigold

Sow marigold at three different times. The first was on November 15, 2009, the second on December 1, 2009, and the third on December 15, 2009.

The sowing methods are all pot sowing.

The soil is the old basin soil sifted and filled into the seedling shallow basin, flatten the topsoil, then spread the seeds evenly, the soil is about 3 mm thick, soak the basin with water at the bottom of the basin, cover with glass and put it in a shady place to be germinated.

After the seeds germinated, when the seedlings grew a pair of true leaves, the seedlings were transplanted into the nursery apparatus, and the row spacing was 5 cm × 5 cm. The seedlings were planted in the basin when they grew up, and the size of the basin was 15 cm × 10 cm. The basin soil was made from the mixture of old basin soil and cow dung according to 2: 1. Control watering at the seedling stage, dry and wet, to prevent overgrowth. Apply liquid fertilizer every 15 days, turn the pot once a week, and weed in time. In order to promote the multi-branching and pregnant buds of the plant, the heart should be picked in time. After the buds grow, in order to control the florescence, the buds that grow prematurely should be removed.

Comparative experiment on sowing and cutting of Petunia on November 4, 2009. The flower seeds were picked in the garden in the autumn of 2008, the soil was sifted and filled into the seedling shallow basin, the topsoil was flattened, and then the seeds and soil were mixed and sowed evenly without covering the soil. The pot bottom was soaked with water, covered with glass and placed in a shady place to be germinated.

The seedlings grow two cotyledons and the seedlings begin to grow when the true leaves are not unfolded. When a true leaf is grown, it is transplanted in a plastic nursery device, and the row spacing is 2cm × 2cm. On February 19, 2010, the transplanted petunia was potted for the first time, and the pot size was 10 cm × 6 cm. The potted soil was made of garden soil, rotten leaf soil and cow dung in the ratio of 4: 2: 1. More than a month later, the basin was changed for the second time, and the specification of the basin was 15 cm × 10 cm. The basin soil was made of garden soil, rotten leaf soil and cow dung according to 4: 2: 1.

Cuttings on November 4, 2009. Cut twigs from the flowers of the year as cuttings, the cuttings are 2.5 cm long, insert the last section into vermiculite, press it with your hands, spray through water and put it in a shady place. After rooting, it was put on the basin on January 8, 2010, and the specification of the basin was 10 cm × 6 cm. When the basin was changed on March 20, the size of the basin was 15 cm × 10 cm. The soil used in the basin was mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil and cow dung according to 4: 2: 1.

The daily maintenance and management of the two methods are similar, that is, keep moist, but not too much watering, so as to avoid excessive growth of stems and leaves. Apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and less nitrogen fertilizer. The leaves of seedling stage were sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice and irrigated once every half month after planting and maintenance. The heart was picked twice, the first on February 22, 2010, and the second on March 11.

Results and Analysis of Grass Flower planting

According to the results of marigold experiment, the seedling formation time of marigold at different sowing time was observed in order to shorten the breeding period of marigold. The data showed that the plants blooming on time before the festival could be obtained by sowing at three different times, and there was little difference in plant height, crown width, flower color and flower quantity when the flowers were in full bloom. The plants of late sowing are higher than those of early sowing, which may be related to the higher indoor temperature and the overgrowth of plants. Therefore, the room temperature should be controlled when planting in order to make the plant more robust.

The results show that the sowing time of marigold can be postponed to the middle of December, and it can also be guaranteed to blossom before International Labour Day the following year, and grow well.

The results of petunia test showed that the seeds germinated one week after sowing, germinated neatly, and the germination rate was 90%. After potting, the flower bud was seen in mid-late March 2010, and it was in full bloom on April 28, and the flower color was complex. The callus began to grow 10 days after cuttings, and took root one after another after 15 days, with a rooting rate of 96%. Buds appeared on March 15, 2010, bloomed on April 25, and the flowers and colors returned to color.

Petunia sowing and cutting were carried out on the same day, although the flowering period was different, and the cutting was two or three days earlier than sowing, the seedlings bred by the two methods could open on time before the festival. There was no significant difference in plant height, crown width, flower color and flowering quantity between sowing and cutting seedlings. The seeded Petunia seedlings are short and grow slowly at the seedling stage, with a plant height of only 2.1 cm after more than two months from germination to the first pot; cutting Petunia rooting slowly, but the rooting rate is high. The cutting petunia is more than a month apart from the cutting to the first pot, and the plant is relatively large and easy to manage. it is necessary to control water and fertilizer in the later growth stage to prevent overgrowth. Therefore, it is better to cultivate petunia by cutting in production.

Conclusion according to the above experiments, under the current cultivation conditions in Fangshan, Beijing, petunia has a good effect of raising seedlings by cutting, which has the characteristics of simple material acquisition, high rooting rate, shortening cultivation period and so on. When marigold is sown from mid-November to mid-December, festive seedlings can be obtained with little difference in quality.

Price and planting points for attention of herbaceous flowers and plants Acorus calamus

Acorus calamus, commonly known as Gladiolus calamus, mainly grows along shallow rivers, swamps, ponds and so on. It has been planted in China, Japan, America and other places. It is very suitable for the decoration of garden lotus pond landscape, which not only beautifies the environment but also has a good mosquito repellent effect. Acorus calamus, as a herbaceous flower, is easy to breed, and the requirements for the breeding environment are not very high, so the price of Gladiolus is not very high, and the price of making it into medicine is also acceptable to people. This paper mainly introduces the matters needing attention in herbaceous flower planting and the price of Acorus calamus.

Introduction of Acorus calamus

Acorus calamus is an aquatic herb for many years, the leaves are fragrant, the leaves are slender and flat, the leaves are about 0.5-1.2 meters long. The rhizome is long in the ground, about 0.5-2 meters long. The leaves are turquoise, base on the stem and blossom from June to September. The fruit ripens in October. Acorus calamus grows buds from the mud in March every spring, enters the optimum growth temperature at 20: 25 degrees Celsius, stops growing below minus 10 degrees Celsius, partially withers and dies in the ground after entering Frosts Descent in autumn, and the underground part shrinks to dormancy under the soil. new leaves grow in the following spring, so repeatedly that it can be preserved forever in the pond and will not die for decades.

Price of Acorus calamus

The price of Gladiolus aquatic flowers is between 0.8 yuan and 1 yuan per plant, which is about 13.5 yuan per kilogram. The medicinal water calamus is dried, and the price is between 11 yuan / kg and 13 yuan / kg. According to the origin of water calamus will also be different, the south of the Yangtze River is a high-producing area of water calamus, so the price will be lower than that of other regions.

Matters needing attention in planting herbaceous flowers and plants Acorus calamus


Herbaceous flowers have relatively low requirements for soil, and some herbaceous flowers hardly choose soil. Usually, the soil for growing herbaceous flowers requires loose and fertile soil, good water retention and permeability, good aggregate structure and high humus content. The effect of using formula soil will be better, and the formula soil generally uses pastoral soil plus humus soil, grass carbon soil and mature barnyard manure. This mixed formula has the advantages of loose and breathable soil, water and heat preservation, and fertile, so it is very suitable for the planting of grass flowers. Before planting, rake fine leveling, watering thoroughly, and then sow in time.


Before sowing, the ground water is watered thoroughly, and then the seeds are sown evenly, and after sowing, they should be covered with fine sandy soil, the thickness of which is 1-1.5 times the diameter of the seeds. If the seeds are too thin to be unearthed with caps, they will not grow well and are not easy to sprout. The best temperature for seed germination and growth is 10 mi 26 degrees Celsius, pay attention to heat preservation and moisturization.


When the seedlings of grass flowers grow to three true leaves, they should be transplanted. If they are planted in pots, they should be watered thoroughly. The distance between transplanting rows is usually about 20x20 centimeters, and the seedlings should be watered thoroughly after planting. After slowing down the seedlings, the principle of watering every dry should be followed, and then poured thoroughly. When the flower seedlings grow to the bud stage, the fertilizer should be increased appropriately, and the fertilizer should be watered while fertilizing, so that the fertilizer can go with the water.

There are several ways to propagate Acorus calamus. The most convenient and convenient way is to propagate separately. After sprouting in early spring, the rhizome is dug out to split the plant. The method is to cut the dug rhizome into a section, and then plant it into the soil. The calamus leaves are green, graceful, dignified and beautiful, and the leaves also have aroma. They are most suitable for waterscape, bank and vertical greening, and can also be used as potted flowers. Flower is also one of the materials of cut flowers, its diseases and insect pests are very few, basically do not get sick.

The medicinal property of Acorus calamus is very strong, and it is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fever, dizziness, forgetfulness, chest tiredness, stomachache, rheumatism, carbuncle and other diseases. Because its efficacy is very strong, the price is not high, so the medical range is very wide, but there are also many undesirable merchants who use the dried roots of cheaper pakchoi as water calamus, because the two are very similar, so we should pay attention to identification when using them. Potted water calamus has a good ornamental, the whole plant has a light fragrance, but also suitable for indoor atmosphere adjustment.

Planting points and morphological characteristics of blue eye chrysanthemum of courtyard herbaceous flowers: blue eye chrysanthemum alias African daisy, big flower blue eye chrysanthemum. Plants highly 20--60cm, basal leaves clustered, cauline leaves alternate, usually pinnatifid. Capitate inflorescences solitary, involucre tomentose, ligulate flowers white, abaxially lavender, discoid blue-purple. Achenes furrowed, villous. Habits: originated in South Africa, like warm and sunny flower racks, not cold-resistant, avoid heat, to loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil is the most suitable. To propagate by sowing or cutting. Spring sowing takes place in March and autumn sowing takes place in September. The seeds can be soaked before sowing, which will help the seeds germinate. After sowing the seeds on the ground, pour the bottom water with a fine sprinkler, and then water it again with a fungicide (chlorothalonil). If the weather is cold to sow, to cover the ground with plastic film or plastic film, can maintain air humidity, winter can also keep warm. Summer can not cover the film, cover the film can not be sealed, both sides must be ventilated. Application: blue eye chrysanthemum is rich in color, there are white, lavender, dark purple and other colors, suitable for the layout of flower borders, flower beds, can also be potted ornamental, or do cut flowers.