
Maintenance methods of Greening plants and Flowers on Expressway

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The maintenance and management of expressway greening is an important part of high-grade highway greening, which plays an important role in maintaining the landscape effect of expressway greening, giving full play to ecological efficiency, ensuring driving safety and so on. Due to the specific environmental conditions of the highway, all kinds of flowers and trees planted should grow normally.

The maintenance and management of expressway greening is an important part of high-grade highway greening, which plays an important role in maintaining the landscape effect of expressway greening, giving full play to ecological efficiency, ensuring driving safety and so on. Due to the specific environmental conditions of the highway, the maintenance and management of all kinds of flowers and trees planted must be strengthened in order to achieve normal growth and reflect the greening effect. Otherwise, no matter how good the seed selection and planting are, the beautification effect will not be achieved. Therefore, in the case of more and more attention to highway greening, it is very necessary to further attach importance to and study the management technology of greening maintenance, and then establish a set of effective measures.

Water Management of Greening plants on Expressway

At present, the greening maintenance and management of the highway green belt, especially the central partition belt, because of the long front, large quantity, no natural sprinkler irrigation system facilities, small soil water holding capacity, and most of the soil quality is the impurity soil left over from the construction of highway. the flowers and trees in the central partition zone mainly rely on artificial supply of water.

In daily maintenance and management, the number of watering times depends on weather conditions and drought, with the principle of ensuring the normal growth of all kinds of plants. In the case of low natural rainfall, drought is particularly easy to occur. It is necessary to master the watering times during the growing period, that is, the times from April to October, the watering during the dormant period, that is, the frozen water in the first and middle of November, and the thawing water from mid-February to early March. The water depth of each irrigation is 15 to 20 centimeters, and 0.15 to 0.2 meters per hole per plant. If there is not enough water in the pit, it can be watered twice in a row, and the amount of water is not too small. You can't just water the skin.

Watering should be carried out in turn to prevent leakage. Watering must be timely and should not be carried out when the drought is particularly severe. If there are conditions, it is necessary to loosen the soil and weed in time after watering, which can not only reduce soil water evaporation, but also reduce weeds competing with trees for water and fertilizer, so as to preserve soil moisture, aerate and develop roots. The lawn of courtyard and interchange should be watered immediately, while the turf of the central divider is generally carried out with the watering of trees.

Nutrient Management of Greening plants on Expressway

In the case of normal water supply, in order to ensure the normal growth and development of plants, there must be a corresponding supply of nutrient elements and nutrients. For the central divider, due to the large number of trees and long front, if farm manure is used, it is best to apply foliar fertilizer. The area of courtyard, interchange ramp and square is concentrated, the soil quality is better, and the amount and frequency of fertilizer application can be reduced accordingly.

Base fertilizer is generally carried out in late autumn and early winter, when trees are dormant from above the root neck, while the underground part is still in the peak period, which is conducive to root wound healing, and increase soil porosity, which is conducive to soil moisture conservation.

The season of topdressing should be determined according to the growth characteristics of plants. Due to the long mileage of the highway, topdressing twice a year is appropriate, and it is best to combine it with irrigation work. The time of topdressing is generally carried out before the end of April to June, not too late, otherwise it is easy to cause trees to strip, which is not conducive to overwintering. The fertilizer composition should be mainly N, P, K, and it is better to keep up with watering after fertilization, so as to avoid the loss of fertilizer effect.

Shaping and pruning of Greening plants on Expressway

The speed on the highway is fast and the space is closed, so it is necessary to ensure that the greening plants can not affect the driving safety of drivers, so it is necessary to prune the greening plants in the central green belt, slope, interchange and other areas regularly.

Flowering shrubs in the pruning time should pay attention to, where the first flowering and then leaves, such as elm leaf plum, bauhinia, etc., should be compressed after spring pruning old branches, appropriate thinning and weak branches, in order to promote strong branches, conducive to the next year of flowering. The pruning of trees and shrubs is mainly to improve the survival rate and pay attention to the cultivation of tree shape, while reducing natural damage. Therefore, it should be properly re-pruned under the premise that the crown does not affect its beauty, its growing period pruning is generally carried out from May to June, and dormant period pruning is generally carried out from October to November. However, it should be noted that juniper and dragon cypress in the central separation zone are generally pruned once a year from October to November because of their relatively slow growth, while Populus tomentosa is pruned every year during the growing and dormant periods.

In the pruning of yellow poplar and dragon cypress in the central divider, a horizontal line must be kept flat and the two sides should have a slight inclination, that is, the cross section is trapezoidal (that is, the top is narrow and wide), which is conducive to photosynthesis and does not appear bald underneath, while juniper trees are better, only the top of the pruning is horizontal. If there are disease and insect branches, dry and withered branches and branches protruding from the lower side of the steel plate should be pruned in time. Remove miscellaneous trees and entanglements at the same time. For the pruning of trees on the greening platform, except for evergreen tree species such as pine and cypress, all other tree species should be pruned artificially according to their natural growth form. for example, red leaf plum adopts except for the sprouting branches on the trunk, dragon claw locust adopts in addition to the top erect branches and pruning drooping branches, re-pruning the lobular privet affecting driving, etc., but all seedlings should be except for disease and insect branches, dry and withered branches and so on.

The shaping and pruning of trees such as interchange areas, courtyards and toll squares should be based on the principle of "different shapes, beautiful and generous", determine the buildings and landforms in the environment, and maintain the shape of the original design patterns. depict garden art patterns with different styles. Add branches and color as much as possible when pruning.

Prevention and Control of Plant Diseases and insect pests in Greening Expressway

As the expressway greening front is long, the area is large, and the maintenance and management is difficult, it is very difficult to prevent diseases and insect pests, so it is necessary to make regular inspections and timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. If they are not prevented in time, they will spread rapidly. Prevention should be given priority to and prevention should be combined.

In the design, we should pay attention to the rationality of the allocation of green plants, such as poplar, willow, etc., can not be planted alone for a long distance, cypress can not be close to apples, pears and other fruit trees, etc., and should pay attention to mixing in the design to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests caused by improper configuration. Usually do a good job in measuring and forecasting work, do early detection and early treatment, can get twice the result with half the effort.

Prophylactic medication is carried out once in March and October each year. Spraying time should be carried out in sunny, windless morning or afternoon; pesticides should be "skillful, accurate and ruthless" when using pesticides; certain pesticides should not be used for a long time; the right medicine should not be used blindly; the concentration of pesticides should be moderate; when spraying, spray should be evenly sprayed from the upper part of the leaf and back, and there should be no omissions. In practical work, it is necessary to reasonably select biological and chemical pesticides, make full use of their strengths and circumvent their weaknesses, and give full play to the advantages of pesticides; painting fine lime paste on the trunk from the ground to about 1 meter high in autumn can not only prevent bacterial infection and decay, but also increase the aesthetic effect.

Highway Greening Design and maintenance Management

With the continuous development of economy, highway construction has entered a new era, and many expressways in our province are about to be opened. Subsequently, we need to explore how to make up for the impact of the highway on the environment, and how to beautify the highway and improve the overall service level of the highway. Based on years of experience in greening, the author wrote this article to discuss with his peers.

1 landform and ecological characteristics

Highway green space can be divided into three types: one is separation belt green space, the second is interchange area green space, and the third is slope (slope foot) green space. Due to the different environment and functions of green space, the topography, geomorphology and ecology have the following characteristics:

The main results are as follows: (1) in terms of topography, the separation zone and slope green space are relatively simple, while the interchange green space is more complex, including not only flat land and gentle slope land, but also structures such as pools and vertical and horizontal artificial canals. These special landforms need to be adapted to the special greening design.

(2) the ecological condition of highway green space is even worse. What is remarkable is that the highway green space has strong solar radiation for a long time in the daytime, so the average temperature is higher in the daytime, the air humidity is low, but the temperature drops quickly at night, and the plants are vulnerable to freezing damage in winter. And highway green space water supply is difficult, generally can only rely on Rain Water, lack of soil moisture, and green soil contains construction waste left by construction, backfill soil is mostly raw soil, it is difficult to meet the requirements of planting and growth.

2 Design principles

The green space of expressway should follow the measures according to local conditions, road conditions and landscape coordination. The principle of "the combination of Arbor, shrub, flower and grass is easy to maintain" strives to provide an efficient and harmonious traffic environment for passers-by. So as to improve the ecological benefit and landscape effect of the highway.

2.1 Plant-based landscaping

Plant landscaping can not only improve the ecological environment of the highway, but also play a role in cooling, increasing air humidity, improving the environment, eliminating noise, purifying the air, etc., and can change the topography and landform, but also cover some unattractive artificial structures. make the rigid road landscape full of life. In 1993, it was uniformly planned by the provincial government, and the key greening project-- the greening project on the two wings of Shen-Da Expressway, formed a greening pattern with the combination of belt, film and network. Along the Shenyang-Dalian line, a 50m wide green belt is built on both wings of the road, forming a high-grade green landscape with scenery in the belt and belt in the landscape. For example, the two-wing forest belt at the 103-130kin of the Anshan section is green, and the forest is shady in spring. Whenever you reach this section, you will always feel a sense of freshness, safety and softness, and at the same time, it will also reduce the fatigue of drivers, so we should constantly improve the landscaping measures to increase the green of the highway.

2.2 Design from the overall effect

In order to set off the magnificent verve of the highway and adapt to the visual requirements of instant viewing by passers-by, the landscape design with large color blocks is more appropriate, not only the overall effect is distinct, the landscape is open and simple, but also planting the same kind of plants into woodland will also create a good growth environment for plant communities. At the same time, improve the plant survival rate (such as coniferous, broad-leaved Arbor irrigation mixed in each interchange area, etc.). In addition, because the highway green space is linear, so in the composition selection, we should ensure that the whole green space along the line has a sense of unity and coordination, so that there are changes in unity and improve the overall greening effect of the road landscape.

3 composition mode

In the green space of expressway, the composition of separation zone and slope green space is relatively simple, mainly banded. The composition of interchange green space is more complex, there are three common: ① regular formula; ② natural formula; ③ abstract formula (between regular formula and natural form). The composition of Shen Da Road is mainly abstract. The green landscape has the composition concept of clear and concise pattern outline, great momentum, and the landscape connotation is easy to coordinate with the alignment of the interchange.

4 selection and collocation of plants

Because the ecological environment of green space is basically similar, according to the special ecological conditions of expressway, local tree species, lawns and flowers with stress resistance should be selected. at the same time, the growth habits should have the characteristics of drought resistance, cold tolerance, barren resistance and pollution resistance, plant suitable plants according to the purpose of greening, enrich the road landscape effect, and adapt to the extensive management characteristics of highway green space.

4.1 separated zone green space

The greening is mainly functional, and the plants are mainly straight shrubs, lawns and flowers. The height should be 1.5-2m and the line of sight should not be obscured. At the same time, it has broad-leaved plants with anti-glare, dust-proof and pruning resistance. By the way. There should be some changes in color and plant shape, such as maple, elm plum, cloves, prickly plum, water wax, etc., but also according to the linear planting mode; straight segment: because the night lights of driving vehicles do not affect each other much, then the distance between shrubs should be 4m, in order to facilitate plant growth space; bend section is the opposite. The distance between shrubs should be 2m, or hedges should be planted. The planting length of each plant should be between 10~15km, which not only meets the requirements of traffic safety, but also is beneficial to daily maintenance and disease prevention.

4.2 Interchange green space

The purpose of greening is the combination of function and beautification. In order to enrich the three-dimensional level of the interchange green space and achieve "evergreen in four seasons and flowers in three seasons", the combination of Arbor shrub and broad-leaved flowers and plants is adopted, which is mainly skillfully planted in large areas according to the composition, and is planted or dotted with plants with flowering and fruit leaves in different seasons, so that the color of the whole film view is strongly broadened, a multi-layer mixed community is formed, and the facade of the whole green space is richer.

4.3 Slope (toe) green space

The purpose of greening is to stabilize the soil and protect the slope, prevent erosion and improve the landscape. due to the influence of soil conditions, the slope protection plants with drought tolerance, strong adaptability, developed root system, strong germination, easy survival and easy management should be selected. The planting point and shoulder should be kept at 1.5m, triangular planting (50cm X 50cm). The tree planting point and shoulder should be kept at 4mur5m to prevent the leaves from falling on the parking strip road in autumn and affect the daily maintenance management.

5 maintenance and management of greening

The overall greening design has been fully implemented in highway construction. It can be said that the greening work has just begun. Therefore, the relationship between planting and conservation is classified as "three-part planting, seven-part management", that is to say, maintenance and management is the key to consolidate the achievements of greening.

5.1 Classification of Greening maintenance

According to the location of green space and its impact on traffic environment, the conservation of green space can be divided into two categories according to its importance:

The first category: key areas, the central separation zone must maintain plant height because of traffic safety, but also pay attention to horticultural modeling. In addition, for the plants in the frequently pruned areas and intersections, in addition to physiological pruning once a year (plastic winter and spring), they should also be pruned in time according to plant growth status from the point of view of safety. Because the soil layer is thin, the retention of water and fertilizer is poor, so the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened in the dry season.

The second category: non-important areas, such as interchange, slope (slope foot), these areas have little impact on traffic safety, plastic surgery and physiological pruning are carried out once a year in the Spring and Autumn period.

5.2 strengthen the management of water and fertilizer

Water is the lifeblood of the growth of all things, and fertilizer is a favorable measure to improve plant growth and soil fertility, so plant growth must have sufficient water and fertile soil in order to make plants flourish. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen spring and winter irrigation to prevent physiological drought, and watering for the whole year depends on drought conditions. Topdressing must be maintained for the second time to consolidate and improve the greening effect.

(6) Disease and pest control

Pest control can not be ignored in greening maintenance and management. Each kind of plant will have its own common diseases, once infected with diseases or pests, it may rapidly spread and expand among the same species in a short time, bringing great difficulties to conservation work, resulting in a huge waste of manpower and material resources. therefore, we should master the law of the occurrence and development of plant diseases and insect pests in the areas under our jurisdiction, and give priority to comprehensive prevention and prevention. Therefore, related factors such as mutual parasitism of diseases among plant populations must be considered in plant design and planting. In addition, daily inspections should be strengthened.

7 concluding remarks

The greening project of Shen-Da expressway has been completed, and the expressway greening mode is in the stage of continuous improvement and development. However, with the continuous change of people's ideology and the continuous improvement of appreciation taste, the adjustment of highway landscape gradually tends to be perfect, so that the road landscape is intertwined and coordinated, smooth and safe, comfortable and beautiful, which is a common research and discussion problem for greening workers in the future.

In short, we should constantly improve the concept of highway greening design. Strengthen maintenance and management, improve the level of mechanized maintenance, do a good job in forecasting and forecasting, and provide a beautiful, comfortable, safe and clean driving environment for passers-by.


Su Xueqian, Plant Landscape. China Forestry Press 1989.

2 Chen Youmin, Landscape Dendrology) China Forestry Press 1996

3 Hu Changlong "Landscape Planning and Design) China Agricultural Press 1995

Highway Greening Design and maintenance Management

China Garden Network, December 14, news: with the continuous development of economy, highway construction has entered a new era, and many expressways in our province are about to be opened. Subsequently, we need to explore how to make up for the impact of the highway on the environment, and how to beautify the highway and improve the overall service level of the highway. Based on years of experience in greening, the author wrote this article to discuss with his peers.

1 landform and ecological characteristics

Highway green space can be divided into three types: one is separation belt green space, the second is interchange area green space, and the third is slope (slope foot) green space. Due to the different environment and functions of green space, the topography, geomorphology and ecology have the following characteristics:

The main results are as follows: (1) in terms of topography, the separation zone and slope green space are relatively simple, while the interchange green space is more complex, including not only flat land and gentle slope land, but also structures such as pools and vertical and horizontal artificial canals. These special landforms need to be adapted to the special greening design.

(2) the ecological condition of highway green space is even worse. What is remarkable is that the highway green space has strong solar radiation for a long time in the daytime, so the average temperature is higher in the daytime, the air humidity is low, but the temperature drops quickly at night, and the plants are vulnerable to freezing damage in winter. And highway green space water supply is difficult, generally can only rely on Rain Water, lack of soil moisture, and green soil contains construction waste left by construction, backfill soil is mostly raw soil, it is difficult to meet the requirements of planting and growth.

2 Design principles

The green space of expressway should follow the measures according to local conditions, road conditions and landscape coordination. The principle of "the combination of Arbor, shrub, flower and grass is easy to maintain" strives to provide an efficient and harmonious traffic environment for passers-by. So as to improve the ecological benefit and landscape effect of the highway.

2.1 Plant-based landscaping

Plant landscaping can not only improve the ecological environment of the highway, but also play a role in cooling, increasing air humidity, improving the environment, eliminating noise, purifying the air, etc., and can change the topography and landform, but also cover some unattractive artificial structures. make the rigid road landscape full of life. In 1993, it was uniformly planned by the provincial government, and the key greening project-- the greening project on the two wings of Shen-Da Expressway, formed a greening pattern with the combination of belt, film and network. Along the Shenyang-Dalian line, a 50m wide green belt is built on both wings of the road, forming a high-grade green landscape with scenery in the belt and belt in the landscape. For example, the two-wing forest belt at the 103-130kin of the Anshan section is green, and the forest is shady in spring. Whenever you reach this section, you will always feel a sense of freshness, safety and softness, and at the same time, it will also reduce the fatigue of drivers, so we should constantly improve the landscaping measures to increase the green of the highway.

2.2 Design from the overall effect

In order to set off the magnificent verve of the highway and adapt to the visual requirements of instant viewing by passers-by, the landscape design with large color blocks is more appropriate, not only the overall effect is distinct, the landscape is open and simple, but also planting the same kind of plants into woodland will also create a good growth environment for plant communities. At the same time, improve the survival rate of plants (such as coniferous and broad-leaved tree irrigation mixed in each interchange area, etc.). In addition, because the highway green space is linear, so in the composition selection, we should ensure that the whole green space along the line has a sense of unity and coordination, so that there are changes in unity and improve the overall greening effect of the road landscape.

3 composition mode

In the green space of expressway, the composition of separation zone and slope green space is relatively simple, mainly banded. The composition of interchange green space is more complex, there are three common: ① regular formula; ② natural formula; ③ abstract formula (between regular formula and natural form). The composition of Shen Da Road is mainly abstract. The green landscape has the composition concept of clear and concise pattern outline, great momentum, and the landscape connotation is easy to coordinate with the alignment of the interchange.

4 selection and collocation of plants

Because the ecological environment of green space is basically similar, according to the special ecological conditions of expressway, local tree species, lawns and flowers with stress resistance should be selected. at the same time, the growth habits should have the characteristics of drought resistance, cold tolerance, barren resistance and pollution resistance, plant suitable plants according to the purpose of greening, enrich the road landscape effect, and adapt to the extensive management characteristics of highway green space.

4.1 separated zone green space

The greening is mainly functional, and the plants are mainly straight shrubs, lawns and flowers. The height should be 1.5-2m and the line of sight should not be obscured. At the same time, it has broad-leaved plants with anti-glare, dust-proof and pruning resistance. By the way. There should be some changes in color and plant shape, such as maple, elm plum, cloves, prickly plum, water wax, etc., but also according to the linear planting mode; straight segment: because the night lights of driving vehicles do not affect each other much, then the distance between shrubs should be 4m, in order to facilitate plant growth space; bend section is the opposite. The distance between shrubs should be 2m, or hedges should be planted. The planting length of each plant should be between 10~15km, which not only meets the requirements of traffic safety, but also is beneficial to daily maintenance and disease prevention.

4.2 Interchange green space

The purpose of greening is the combination of function and beautification. In order to enrich the three-dimensional level of the interchange green space and achieve "evergreen in four seasons and flowers in three seasons", the combination of Arbor shrub and broad-leaved flowers and plants is adopted, which is mainly skillfully planted in large areas according to the composition, and is planted or dotted with plants with flowers and fruits in different seasons, so that the color of the whole film view is strongly broadened, a multi-layer mixed community is formed, and the facade of the whole green space is richer.

4.3 Slope (toe) green space

The purpose of greening is to stabilize the soil and protect the slope, prevent erosion and improve the landscape. due to the influence of soil conditions, the slope protection plants with drought tolerance, strong adaptability, developed root system, strong germination, easy survival and easy management should be selected. The planting point and shoulder should be kept at 1.5m, triangular planting (50cm X 50cm). The tree planting point and shoulder should be kept at 4mur5m to prevent the leaves from falling on the parking strip road in autumn and affect the daily maintenance management.

5 maintenance and management of greening

The overall greening design has been fully implemented in highway construction. It can be said that the greening work has just begun. Therefore, the relationship between planting and conservation is classified as "three-part planting, seven-part management", that is to say, maintenance and management is the key to consolidate the achievements of greening.

5.1 Classification of Greening maintenance

According to the location of green space and its impact on traffic environment, the conservation of green space can be divided into two categories according to its importance:

The first category: key areas, the central separation zone must maintain plant height because of traffic safety, but also pay attention to horticultural modeling. In addition, for the plants in the frequently pruned areas and intersections, in addition to physiological pruning once a year (plastic winter and spring), they should also be pruned in time according to plant growth status from the point of view of safety. Because the soil layer is thin, the retention of water and fertilizer is poor, so the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened in the dry season.

The second category: non-important areas, such as interchange, slope (slope foot), these areas have little impact on traffic safety, plastic surgery and physiological pruning are carried out once a year in the Spring and Autumn period.

5.2 strengthen the management of water and fertilizer

Water is the lifeblood of the growth of all things, and fertilizer is a favorable measure to improve plant growth and soil fertility, so plant growth must have sufficient water and fertile soil in order to make plants flourish. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen spring and winter irrigation to prevent physiological drought, and watering for the whole year depends on drought conditions. Topdressing must be maintained for the second time to consolidate and improve the greening effect.

(6) Disease and pest control

Pest control can not be ignored in greening maintenance and management. Each kind of plant will have its own common diseases, once infected with diseases or pests, it may rapidly spread and expand among the same species in a short time, bringing great difficulties to conservation work, resulting in a huge waste of manpower and material resources. therefore, we should master the law of the occurrence and development of plant diseases and insect pests in the areas under our jurisdiction, and give priority to comprehensive prevention and prevention. Therefore, related factors such as mutual parasitism of diseases among plant populations must be considered in plant design and planting. In addition, daily inspections should be strengthened.

7 concluding remarks

The greening project of Shen-Da expressway has been completed, and the expressway greening mode is in the stage of continuous improvement and development. However, with the continuous change of people's ideology and the continuous improvement of appreciation taste, the adjustment of highway landscape gradually tends to be perfect, so that the road landscape is intertwined and coordinated, smooth and safe, comfortable and beautiful, which is a common research and discussion problem for greening workers in the future.

In short, we should constantly improve the concept of highway greening design. Strengthen maintenance and management, improve the level of mechanized maintenance, do a good job in forecasting and forecasting, and provide a beautiful, comfortable, safe and clean driving environment for passers-by.


Su Xueqian, Plant Landscape. China Forestry Press 1989.

2 Chen Youmin, Landscape Dendrology) China Forestry Press 1996

3 Hu Changlong "Landscape Planning and Design) China Agricultural Press 1995