
Planting methods of shade-tolerant ground cover plant ferns

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Most pteridophytes have strong shade tolerance, strong adaptability and resistance, and can survive in adverse environment, especially in those places where the soil is barren, hidden and unsuitable for cultivation. In these places, the use of pteridophyte scenery, greening is the best choice, and ferns grow fast.

Most pteridophytes have strong shade tolerance, strong adaptability and resistance, and can survive in adverse environment, especially in those places where the soil is barren, hidden and unsuitable for cultivation. In these places, the use of pteridophyte scenery, greening is the best choice, and pteridophytes grow fast, strong breeding power, can soon show the green belt landscape. In the south of the Yangtze River, Dryopteris Dryopteris, Dryopteris Dryopteris, Dryopteris przewalskii, Libai, Jinglan grass, etc., are easy to grow, extensive management, and will soon become a scene.

At present, pteridophytes used in commercial landscape mainly rely on field mining and sporophyte ramet culture, which cause serious damage to wild pteridophyte resources and ecological environment. The culture coefficient of ramet culture is low, and the ornamental value is poor. However, pteridophytes have a large number of spores, which is an effective way to rapidly breed seedlings.

Several kinds of terrestrial ferns such as Jinglan grass and Guanzhong have strong alkali resistance, strong resistance and extensive management, and can adapt to almost all soil types. Guanzhong can be used as ground cover plants at the roadside, forest edge and under the forest of green space, and the posture of Jinglan edge grass is fine and soft. Properly matched with stone scenery, it can achieve a unique landscape effect; hairy fern, gold star fern and so on are especially suitable for planting in green space with bright green color.

Common planting methods of shade-tolerant ground cover plants

Like other plants, shade-tolerant ground cover plants have many functions, such as regulating environmental temperature, humidity, absorbing and digesting harmful gases and dust, purifying air, balancing the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air, and so on; at the same time, it makes up for the shortcomings of other plants. it can grow well in areas with little sunlight and damp environment, and play a good role in soil and water conservation. The use of shade-tolerant plants for shade land greening is an important measure to increase the greening area, beautify, incense and improve the ecological environment. This paper introduces several common shade-tolerant ground cover plants:

First, purple Taurus purple Taurus family is an evergreen shrub, folk also known as Lao Wu Da, ground orange, flat wood, etc., is a blindly Chinese herbal medicine. Plant height 10 to 30 cm, leaves nearly leathery, light green above, light green below. Flowering from June to September, with small, white or pink flowers. Fruit period from August to December, ripe red, long-lasting, quite beautiful.

Zijin cattle can be sown and propagated by cutting and ramet. According to records, the seeds of Zijin cattle did not germinate in that year, but could not germinate until May to June of the following year, and the natural germination rate was very poor, generally only 3% to 5%, which needed to be treated with sulfuric acid. Ramet propagation is usually carried out in spring and autumn, cutting the rhizome, ensuring that there is a branch on each section of the rhizome, and then planting it in a prepared container or on flat soil, keeping it moist and surviving in about 20 days. If the use of cutting propagation, branches can be cut from May to June, about 5 to 8 cm high, remove some of the old leaves, cut in the prepared cutting bed, keep the foliar moisture and medium moist, and take root in about 1 month.

Because it is born under the forest, valley, stream and other shady and humid environment, it is extremely shade-tolerant, so it is an excellent foliage ground cover plant in shady and humid environment. It is mostly used in the shady and wet places under forests and bushes, and it is the new favorite of the ground under urban overpasses and viaducts. It can also be used for potted ornamental plants, rock gardens, flower beds and flower borders.

Second, the hairpin of Liliaceae is a perennial herb, which is mainly distributed in wild gully edges and shady and humid places under forests in East and Southwest China. Like warm and humid climate, like shade, avoid long-term direct sunlight, strong tillering ability and cold resistance, not strict requirements for soil. The general soil can grow well. Turn green in the first and middle of April, florescence from June to July, the scape is drawn from the leaves when flowering, the flower is small, lavender, and the fruiting period is August. It entered the withering period from late September to early October.

Purple calyx is mainly propagated by ramets and transplanted in pots in spring and autumn. The purple calyx is easy to survive after transplanting and has a quick effect.

Purple calyx has strong ability to adapt to the environment, extensive management, great ornamental value and greening function, and can be widely used in shaded places such as overpass, viaduct, courtyard, community, park, green forest and so on.

Third, the hairpin is a perennial perennial herb of the family Liliaceae, with fat and strange leaves, bright green leaves, scape standing on the leaves, beautiful flowers and leaves, blooming from July to September, white as Jasper, fragrant, beautiful and elegant summer ornamental flowers. Now, there are more varieties of horticulture, and more varieties of flowers and leaves enrich the vision.

Hosta can be propagated by sowing and dividing plants, and some new varieties of horticulture can also be propagated by tissue culture. Hosta produces few seeds and is harvested before the mature seeds and pods are cracked after autumn and dried and stored. The seeds can be sown from February to March in the early spring of the following year, and the seedlings grow slowly. Ramet propagation is the main method of Hosta reproduction. In spring and autumn, before germination in March to April, in early spring, after the leaves are withered and yellow in autumn, the roots should be taken out and cut with sharp shears where the root nodes are sparse. 3 to 4 buds should be retained in each piece, and at least 2 buds should be retained. Ramet propagation can retain the good characters of the variety and grow fast, so it can blossom in the same year.

Hosta especially likes the shady and humid environment, which will destroy the chlorophyll, yellowing the leaves and scorching the edges of the leaves due to strong sunlight. The garden is most suitable for planting under a forest, or in the shade of the building (north side) to set off the building, or on the edge of the rock, or potted.

4. Most pteridophytes have strong shade tolerance, strong adaptability and resistance, and can survive in unfavorable environment, especially in those places where the soil is barren, hidden and unsuitable for cultivation. In these places, the use of pteridophyte scenery, greening is the best choice, and ferns grow fast, strong fecundity, can soon show the green belt landscape. In the south of the Yangtze River, Dryopteris Dryopteris, Dryopteris Dryopteris, Dryopteris przewalskii, Libai, Jinglan grass, etc., are easy to grow, extensive management, and will soon become a scene.

At present, pteridophytes used in commercial landscape mainly rely on field mining and sporophyte division propagation, which causes serious damage to wild pteridophyte resources and ecological environment. The reproduction coefficient of plant division propagation is low, and the ornamental property is poor. However, the number of spores of pteridophytes is large, which is an effective way to rapidly breed seedlings.

Several kinds of terrestrial ferns such as Jinglan grass and Guanzhong have strong alkali resistance, strong resistance and extensive management, and can adapt to almost all soil types. Guanzhong can be used as ground cover plants at the roadside, forest edge and under the forest of green space, and the posture of Jinglan edge grass is fine and soft. Properly matched with stone scenery, it can achieve a unique landscape effect; hairy fern, gold star fern and so on are especially suitable for planting in green space with bright green color.

5. Phyllostachys pubescens broad-leaved bamboo is a shrub bamboo of Gramineae, with a height of 0.5 to 1 meter. Ruo bamboo is native to East and Central China, which is rich in wild resources and widely distributed, and is also cultivated in Beijing and the south. Strong adaptability, cold tolerance, wet and drought tolerance, lax soil requirements, normal growth in mild saline-alkali soil, like light, tolerance to semi-shade.

Phyllostachys pubescens can be propagated by sowing, dividing or burying whip, among which the burying whip method is the most commonly used and the survival rate is higher.

Most of the gardens are planted under sparse forests, and they can also be planted in riverside revetments. Culms can be used as brush poles and bamboo chopsticks, and leaves can be used as bamboo hats, canopies and rice dumplings.

Snake raspberry Rosaceae is a perennial perennial root herb, born on hillsides, roadsides, grass, shady places. Snake berry grows rapidly and has strong ability to cover the ground. its leaves, flowers and fruits all have high ornamental value. from April to May, small yellow flowers are embellished on them when they bloom, breaking the green monotony and giving people vitality. After flowering, it is covered with red fruit like small strawberries, which is quite attractive. It is a rare new ground cover plant with strong stress resistance, extensive and simple management and no need for pruning.

The seed germination rate of snake raspberry is very low, usually no more than 10%, and its asexual reproduction ability is very strong. Artificial terrace can be transplanted as a whole or separate the entire stolon branch, or it can be cut into a stem segment of 20 to 35 cm and buried in soil at a depth of 3 to 5 cm. Keep the soil moist and the flat can be formed in about 3 months.

Snake berries have strong vitality, evergreen, fast-growing, fresh flowers, beautiful fruit, short plants, creeping growth, and resistance to trampling. They should be planted in slopes, forests, courtyards and other places to form a characteristic green landscape and enhance the wild interest of the city. it is a rare excellent ground cover plant. At present, Shanghu Park in Changshu, Jiangsu Province has been widely used.

7. Dawu Fengcao, Chrysanthemum, perennial evergreen herbs. The leaves are bright green and glossy, blooming in late autumn and yellow. Like semi-overcast and humid environment, afraid of direct sunlight, cold-resistant, can survive the winter in the open field in the south of the Yangtze River.

Ramet propagation is commonly used, combined with turning the basin and changing the soil in spring, shake off the persistent soil after removing the basin, divide the plant clump into 3 to 4 parts, and put on the basin respectively. Can also be cultivated in the open field, after planting management can be more extensive, the aboveground withered in winter, the next spring will germinate and spread leaves. Euphorbia mandshurica can also be sowed and propagated by seeds, sown in the seedbed in early spring every year, and then transplanted into the basin after emergence.

Dawu wind grass should not be too wet at seedling stage, otherwise it is easy to get sick.

It is suitable for planting under forest cover or overpass ground cover, forest side shade wetland, stream and gully edge, rock side and so on. Several application methods are introduced in detail: planted in the north of the building, especially in the north of the high-rise building; planted in the bamboo forest, maple incense forest or deciduous evergreen mixed forest as the ground cover of the scenic forest; planted in the north of the rock wall, or in the backlit corner of the building wall; planted under viaducts and overpasses to form a shady ground cover.

8. Huoxue Dan, also known as Euphorbia angustifolia, Herba Euphorbiae, etc., is a perennial creeping herb of Labiatae. Leaves opposite, long-stalked, margin crenate, pubescent on both sides of veins. Flowers born in leaf axils, 2 to 6 whorled, lip-shaped, lavender or pink, flowering from March to April. Huoxue Dan is scattered under the woods, by the road and by the stream, and likes the overcast and wet environment. Now the horticultural variety Huaye Huoxue Dan has the same growth habits as Huoxue Dan and has a white edge on the edge of the leaf.

Huoxue Dan belongs to insect pollination, and the seeds can fall to the ground naturally after maturity, but because its stolons take root node by node, asexual reproduction is relatively easy. The stolon section can be cut when the artificial turf is built, generally 2 to 3 segments are one segment, not less than 2 nodes. Soil moisture is guaranteed in summer, it can take root in about 10 days, and a good landscape effect can be formed in about 1 month.

In early spring, the purple or pink florets of Huoxue Dan dotted the green leaves, filling up the deficiency that most grass species had not yet turned green in this period, and added some color to the early spring.

The above several kinds of plants have wild resources distribution in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, which is also one of the main sources of garden and green space application materials at present, but this method can not be used for a long time, and finally it has to be cultivated and propagated artificially. And excellent varieties of shade-tolerant ground cover are still lacking. Therefore, to study the rapid and effective propagation methods of shade-tolerant plants and to continue to develop local shade-tolerant quilts is an important work in the next stage. With the process of urbanization, the density of urban buildings increases, a large number of shady environments appear, and the requirements of urban greening coverage are getting higher and higher, whether it is the roof greening of high-rise buildings or the green leisure square in the city center, or under the overpass or viaduct, these places need to afforest the forest is also one of the major directions of greening, and the ecological benefit is remarkable. The greening under forest, overpass and viaduct is an important part of urban greening, and the important material of greening in these areas is shade-tolerant ground cover plants.

Planting methods of shade-tolerant ground cover plants

With the process of urbanization, the density of urban buildings increases, a large number of shady environments appear, and the requirements of urban greening coverage are getting higher and higher, whether it is the roof greening of high-rise buildings or the green leisure square in the city center, or under the overpass or viaduct, these places need to afforest the forest is also one of the major directions of greening, and the ecological benefit is remarkable. The greening under forest, overpass and viaduct is an important part of urban greening, and the important material of greening in these areas is shade-tolerant ground cover plants.

Like other plants, shade-tolerant ground cover plants have many functions, such as regulating environmental temperature, humidity, absorbing and digesting harmful gases and dust, purifying air, balancing the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air, and so on; at the same time, it makes up for the shortcomings of other plants. it can grow well in areas with little sunlight and damp environment, and play a good role in soil and water conservation. The use of shade-tolerant plants for shade land greening is an important measure to increase the greening area, beautify, incense and improve the ecological environment. This paper introduces several common shade-tolerant ground cover plants:

First, purple Taurus purple Taurus family is an evergreen shrub, folk also known as Lao Wu Da, ground orange, flat wood, etc., is a blindly Chinese herbal medicine. Plant height 10 to 30 cm, leaves nearly leathery, light green above, light green below. Flowering from June to September, with small, white or pink flowers. Fruit period from August to December, ripe red, long-lasting, quite beautiful.

Zijin cattle can be sown, ramet and cuttage culture. According to records, the seeds of Zijin cattle did not germinate in that year, but could not germinate until May to June of the following year, and the natural germination rate was very poor, generally only 3% to 5%, which needed to be treated with sulfuric acid. Ramet culture is usually carried out in spring and autumn, cutting the rhizome, ensuring that there is a branch on each section of the rhizome, and then planting it in a prepared container or on flat soil, keeping it moist and surviving in about 20 days. If you use cutting culture, you can cut branches from May to June, about 5 to 8 cm high, remove some of the old leaves, cut them in the prepared cutting bed, keep the foliar moisture and medium moist, and take root in about 1 month.

Because it is born under the forest, valley, stream and other shady and humid environment, it is extremely shade-tolerant, so it is an excellent foliage ground cover plant in shady and humid environment. It is mostly used in the shady and wet places under forests and bushes, and it is the new favorite of the ground under urban overpasses and viaducts. It can also be used for potted ornamental plants, rock gardens, flower beds and flower borders.

Second, the hairpin of Liliaceae is a perennial herb, which is mainly distributed in wild gully edges and shady and humid places under forests in East and Southwest China. Like warm and humid climate, like shade, avoid long-term direct sunlight, strong tillering ability and cold resistance, not strict requirements for soil. The general soil can grow well. Turn green in the first and middle of April, florescence from June to July, the scape is drawn from the leaves when flowering, the flower is small, lavender, and the fruiting period is August. It entered the withering period from late September to early October.

Purple calyx is mainly cultured in ramets and transplanted in pots in spring and autumn. The purple calyx is easy to survive after transplanting and has a quick effect.

Purple calyx has strong ability to adapt to the environment, extensive management, great ornamental value and greening function, and can be widely used in shaded places such as overpass, viaduct, courtyard, community, park, green forest and so on.

Third, the hairpin is a perennial perennial herb of the family Liliaceae, with fat and strange leaves, bright green leaves, scape standing on the leaves, beautiful flowers and leaves, blooming from July to September, white as Jasper, fragrant, beautiful and elegant summer ornamental flowers. Now, there are more varieties of horticulture, and more varieties of flowers and leaves enrich the vision.

Hosta can be cultured by sowing and dividing plants, and some new varieties of horticulture are also cultured by tissue culture. Hosta produces few seeds and is harvested before the mature seeds and pods are cracked after autumn and dried and stored. The seeds can be sown from February to March in the early spring of the following year, and the seedlings grow slowly. Ramet culture is the main method of Hosta culture. In spring and autumn, before germination in March to April, in early spring, after the leaves are withered and yellow in autumn, the roots should be taken out and cut with sharp shears where the root nodes are sparse. 3 to 4 buds should be retained in each piece, and at least 2 buds should be retained. Ramet culture can retain the good characters of the variety and grow fast, so it can blossom in the same year.

Hosta especially likes the shady and humid environment, which will destroy the chlorophyll, yellowing the leaves and scorching the edges of the leaves due to strong sunlight. The garden is most suitable for planting under a forest, or in the shade of the building (north side) to set off the building, or on the edge of the rock, or potted.

4. Most pteridophytes have strong shade tolerance, strong adaptability and resistance, and can survive in unfavorable environment, especially in those places where the soil is barren, hidden and unsuitable for cultivation. In these places, the use of pteridophyte scenery, greening is the best choice, and pteridophytes grow fast, strong breeding power, can soon show the green belt landscape. In the south of the Yangtze River, Dryopteris Dryopteris, Dryopteris Dryopteris, Dryopteris przewalskii, Libai, Jinglan grass, etc., are easy to grow, extensive management, and will soon become a scene.

At present, pteridophytes used in commercial landscape mainly rely on field mining and sporophyte ramet culture, which cause serious damage to wild pteridophyte resources and ecological environment. The culture coefficient of ramet culture is low and the ornamental value is poor. However, pteridophytes have a large number of spores, which is an effective way to rapidly breed seedlings.

Several kinds of terrestrial ferns such as Jinglan grass and Guanzhong have strong alkali resistance, strong resistance and extensive management, and can adapt to almost all soil types. Guanzhong can be used as ground cover plants at the roadside, forest edge and under the forest of green space, and the posture of Jinglan edge grass is fine and soft. Properly matched with stone scenery, it can achieve a unique landscape effect; hairy fern, gold star fern and so on are especially suitable for planting in green space with bright green color.

5. Phyllostachys pubescens broad-leaved bamboo is a shrub bamboo of Gramineae, with a height of 0.5 to 1 meter. Ruo bamboo is native to East and Central China, which is rich in wild resources and widely distributed, and is also cultivated in Beijing and the south. Strong adaptability, cold tolerance, wet and drought tolerance, lax soil requirements, normal growth in mild saline-alkali soil, like light, tolerance to semi-shade.

Ruo bamboo can be cultured by sowing, dividing plants or burying whips, among which the burying whip method is the most commonly used and the survival rate is higher.

Most of the gardens are planted under sparse forests, and they can also be planted in riverside revetments. Culms can be used as brush poles and bamboo chopsticks, and leaves can be used as bamboo hats, canopies and rice dumplings.

Snake raspberry Rosaceae is a perennial perennial root herb, born on hillsides, roadsides, grass, shady places. Snake berry grows rapidly and has strong ability to cover the ground. its leaves, flowers and fruits all have high ornamental value. from April to May, small yellow flowers are embellished on them when they bloom, breaking the green monotony and giving people vitality. After flowering, it is covered with red fruit like small strawberries, which is quite attractive. It is a rare new ground cover plant with strong stress resistance, extensive and simple management and no need for pruning.

The seed germination rate of snake berry is very low, usually no more than 10%, and its asexual culture ability is very strong. Artificial terraces can be transplanted as a whole or separate the entire stolon branches, or cut and grow into stem segments of 20 to 35 centimeters, buried in 3 to 5 centimeters of soil, keep the soil moist, and the flat can be formed in about 3 months.

Snake berries have strong vitality, evergreen, fast-growing, fresh flowers, beautiful fruit, short plants, creeping growth, and resistance to trampling. They should be planted in slopes, forests, courtyards and other places to form a characteristic green landscape and enhance the wild interest of the city. it is a rare excellent ground cover plant. At present, Shanghu Park in Changshu, Jiangsu Province has been widely used.

7. Dawu Fengcao, Chrysanthemum, perennial evergreen herbs. The leaves are bright green and glossy, blooming in late autumn and yellow. Like semi-overcast and humid environment, afraid of direct sunlight, cold-resistant, can survive the winter in the open field in the south of the Yangtze River.

Ramet culture is commonly used, combined with turning the basin and changing the soil in spring, shake off the persistent soil after taking off the basin, divide the plant clump into 3 to 4 parts, and put on the basin respectively. Can also be cultivated in the open field, after planting management can be more extensive, the aboveground withered in winter, the next spring will germinate and spread leaves. Euphorbia mandshurica can also be sowed and bred with seeds, sown in the seedbed in early spring every year, and then transplanted to the basin after emergence.

Dawu wind grass should not be too wet at seedling stage, otherwise it is easy to get sick.

It is suitable for planting under forest cover or overpass ground cover, forest side shade wetland, stream and gully edge, rock side and so on. Several application methods are introduced in detail: planted in the north of the building, especially in the north of the high-rise building; planted in the bamboo forest, maple incense forest or deciduous evergreen mixed forest as the ground cover of the scenic forest; planted in the north of the rock wall or in the backlit corner of the building wall; planted in the viaduct and under the overpass to form a shady ground cover.

8. Huoxue Dan, also known as Euphorbia angustifolia, Herba Euphorbiae, etc., is a perennial creeping herb of Labiatae. Leaves opposite, long-stalked, margin crenate, pubescent on both sides of veins. Flowers born in leaf axils, 2 to 6 whorled, lip-shaped, lavender or pink, flowering from March to April. Huoxue Dan is scattered under the woods, by the road and by the stream, and likes the overcast and wet environment. Now the horticultural variety Huaye Huoxue Dan has the same growth habits as Huoxue Dan and has a white edge on the edge of the leaf.

Huoxue Dan belongs to insect pollination, and the seeds can fall to the ground naturally after maturity, but because its stolons take root node by node, asexual culture is relatively easy. The stolon section can be cut when the artificial turf is built, generally 2 to 3 segments are one segment, not less than 2 nodes. Soil moisture is guaranteed in summer, it can take root in about 10 days, and a good landscape effect can be formed in about 1 month.

In early spring, the purple or pink florets of Huoxue Dan dotted the green leaves, filling up the deficiency that most grass species had not yet turned green in this period, and added some color to the early spring.

The above several kinds of plants have wild resources distribution in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, which is also one of the main sources of garden and green space application materials at present, but this way can not be used for a long time, and finally it has to be cultivated artificially. And excellent varieties of shade-tolerant ground cover are still lacking. Therefore, to study the fast and effective culture methods of shade-tolerant plants and to continue to develop local shade-tolerant quilts is an important work in the next stage.