
Explain in detail the breeding methods and matters needing attention of household pocket coconut.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pocket coconut is one of the most popular indoor potted plants in North China in recent years. Pocket coconuts like warm, moist and semi-overcast environments. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees, entering dormancy at 13 degrees, and the lowest temperature for overwintering in winter is 3 degrees.

Pocket coconut is one of the most popular indoor potted plants in North China in recent years. Pocket coconuts like warm, moist and semi-overcast environments. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees, entering the dormancy period at 13 degrees, and the lowest overwintering temperature in winter is 3 degrees.

The following is a brief introduction to my breeding method: with pots, I chose white plastic pots. But for those who grow flowers for the first time, it is best to choose a mud basin (which can cover other pots outside the mud basin, which is both beautiful and breathable), so as to waterproof and water the root system for a long time. In the basin soil, 2 parts of peat soil, 1 part of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of river sand and a little base fertilizer (which can be used as rotten cake fertilizer) were used to form nutrient soil. Keep the basin soil moist in summer and autumn and often spray water to the foliage; keep the basin soil dry in winter, not dry or irrigated. When there is dust on the leaf surface, it can be cleaned with a small sprayer. Fertilization depends on plant growth (such as bright green leaves, that is, no lack of fertilizer; yellowing and dim, indicating lack of fertilizer), cruller fertilizer can be applied twice a year from March to August, either directly on the surface of the basin soil or buried in the soil. Can also be poured through the bubble mature cake fertilizer (sesame oil cake, bean cake, etc.) water. Stop fertilizing in winter. The temperature should be placed in a sunny place indoors in winter, and the overwintering temperature should be no less than 10 ℃. Shade should be appropriate in other seasons to prevent the leaves from turning yellow due to too strong light. In the bright room, it can be put and cultivated for a long time.

Change pots for 2 to 3 years can be changed once in spring, properly remove the surrounding old soil, add new culture soil, and be careful not to hurt the roots too much. When the plant is small, it can be planted in a pot with 3 to 4 plants as a unit. Cut off the withered leaves and residual leaves in time during the growing period to keep the plant beautiful. Sowing is used in aquaculture. It is dioecious and can bear fruit by artificial pollination after flowering. Seeds are collected after autumn and sowed as they are picked.

To sum up, the key points of pocket coconut culture are as follows

Lighting: pocket coconuts prefer semi-shade, and the leaves will turn yellow in strong sunlight; if placed in places where there is not enough light for a long time, the plant will become thin and long. So it's best to put it in a bright place by the window indoors.

Temperature: pocket coconut likes to be warm, the suitable temperature for growth is 18 Mel 24 degrees Celsius, 13 degrees Celsius goes into dormancy. It's best not to be less than 10 degrees Celsius in winter.

Watering: pocket coconuts like water, keep the soil moist during growth, and wait until 2/3 of the basin soil is dry during dormancy before watering. In addition, pocket coconuts like high air humidity. If they are too dry, the leaf tips will turn brown. Therefore, during the drying period, such as autumn, measures such as spraying water to the leaves should be taken to improve the air humidity around the plant.

Fertilization: compound fertilizer can be applied to the plant once a month during the growing period.

Potted soil: it is best to plant in well drained, loose and fertile loam.

Reproduction: pocket coconuts are generally propagated with seeds.

Key points of Pocket Coconut Aquaculture

1. Avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will become withered and yellow, but the color of the leaves will be light when they are too overcast.

2. The plant shape of pocket coconut is the most beautiful when it is 30cm to 50cm. When the plant is too high, the ornamental value will be reduced because the lower part of the coconut is empty. Small plants can be cultivated below when planting.

3. The acquisition of hydroponic materials: the pot root washing method was adopted. New roots can grow in a few days after washing.

When raising pocket coconuts, attention should be paid to the following:

① beware of focusing edges caused by too much light. Because pocket coconuts prefer a shady environment, indoor cultivation should be placed near the north window, east window or other places with bright scattered light; pocket coconuts are most afraid of direct light, even if exposed to the sun for a short time, it will also cause the leaves to scorch and turn yellow. On the contrary, if it is kept in a dark, dry place for a long time, the color of the leaves will become lighter and lose its luster.

The suitable temperature for ② growth. Generally, the optimum temperature for growth is 20: 30 ℃. In winter, the indoor temperature is between 12 and 14 ℃, and the lowest temperature can not be lower than 10 ℃.

③ maintains the humidity of the surrounding air. It is necessary to spray water on the leaf surface frequently to increase the air humidity.

Acid soil should not be used in ④ basin soil, and a small amount of clay should be added.

⑤ needs to be changed every 3 years.

In the seedling stage of ⑥, the rarefied liquid fertilizer should be applied for 3 to 4 times in spring and spring.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of pocket coconut

Pocket coconut is prone to social brown spot under high temperature and high humidity. If brown spot is found, topiramate or chlorothalonil should be used in time to control the disease.

Scale insects are also easy to occur in dry air and poor ventilation. If shell insects are found, they can be sprayed with 8-1000 times omethoate in addition to artificial scraping.

Explain in detail the culture methods and matters needing attention of crab claw orchid

Culture methods and matters needing attention of crab claw orchid

The main results are as follows: 1. Crab claw orchid is a kind of plant with strong phototropism. In the process of its growth, if its light-oriented position is changed, its growth will be affected, especially during the period of budding, changing its light-oriented position may cause dumb bud and bud drop phenomenon. Therefore, the crab claw orchid in the maintenance process, do not frequently change its light position.

2. Crab claw orchid is a plant that adapts to weakly acidic soil, and its ph value is 6.5-6.8. Too high and too low will affect its growth and the brightness and color of flowers. In general, tap water is neutral or above, so if the soil is watered with tap water for a long time, the soil must be alkaline. Therefore, ferrous sulfate is used to regulate the soil every half. The method is as follows: use 2g ferrous sulfate, add 200g ~ 300ml of water, shake it evenly, make it dissolve fully, and pour it in when the flowers need to be watered. If there is a ph test strip, you can use 200~300ml water, add an appropriate amount of ferrous sulfate, adjust to 6.5. pour it in when there is a shortage of water.

3. In order to make the crab claw orchid blossom luxuriant and bright, after the dormancy period in midsummer, fertilizer should be added in time. 1:1:1 compound fertilizer can be used in the soil. The leaf surface can be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.

4. Potted crab claw orchid should choose loose, fertile and well-drained condensed acid culture soil, and avoid stagnant water in the basin. From spring to summer, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every 10-14 days, and fertilizer should be stopped in summer high temperature period; from the Beginning of Autumn to flowering, fertilizer and water should be applied continuously, generally applying liquid fertilizer or compound chemical fertilizer once a week, and applying quick-acting phosphate fertilizer once or twice before flowering. During this period, sufficient nutrients should be provided, which is not only conducive to the formation of flower buds, but also conducive to bright colors. Crab claw orchid like semi-shade, put leeward to the sun after leaving the room in spring, and move to a ventilated and cool shade after summer. In midsummer, the growth of crab melon orchid is at a standstill stage, so it is necessary to water less, but it needs to be sprayed 2 times a day. If it is watered too much at this time, it is easy to rot the root, after autumn, it can be irradiated in a sunny place to promote flower bud differentiation. Crab claw orchid is not cold-resistant, it should be moved into the room after cool autumn, placed in the sunny place, the room temperature should be maintained at about 15 ℃. Spray water frequently during pregnancy to keep abnormal stems and buds moist. The best temperature at flowering stage is 10: 15 ℃, and there is a short dormant period after flowering. At this time, less watering should be done, fertilization should be stopped, all the residual flowers should be cut off, and the plant shape should be trimmed. After new buds grow on the stem nodes, normal water and fertilizer management should be carried out.

Detailed explanation: the breeding methods and matters needing attention of rich bergamot

This period of fengshui brings us the breeding methods and matters needing attention to attract wealth bergamot. Bergamot is a tropical and subtropical plant, like warm, humid, sunny environment, not resistant to cold, frost and drought, shade, barren, waterlogging. Next, let Wealth fengshui continue to explain for us in detail!

Bergamot culture method (basic knowledge): the best breeding time: mid-late March.

The best growth soil: bergamot is suitable for growing in acid loam, sandy loam or clay loam with deep, loose and fertile soil, rich in humus and good drainage.

Growth humidity requirements: the most suitable humidity for bergamot is 70%-90%.

The optimum growth temperature of bergamot is between 22 ℃ and 24 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is above 5 ℃.

The best growth light: the annual sunshine hours is 1200 to 1800 hours.

Matters needing attention in breeding bergamot: applying fertilizer: 1. During the period of new shoots growing in spring, fertilization should be light. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied thinly once a week in combination with watering. 2. Summer is the peak period for the growth of bergamot. The flower multiplication fruit stilbene needs a large amount of fertilizer, and the fertility is also thickened accordingly. The fertilizers are mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizers such as withered cake, bone meal, visceral fluid of mature animals or compound fertilizer. 3. During the period from early autumn to mid-autumn, phosphorus, potassium and calcium compound fertilizer should be applied, which is beneficial to improve the fruit setting rate. In late autumn, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in time after picking fruits, so that dwarf plants can replenish a large amount of nutrition, restore growth, and lay the foundation for flowering and fruiting in the following year.

Watering points: 1. Bergamot should be watered frequently because its root system is shallow and its absorptive capacity is weak. 2. During the peak growth period of bergamot, it is high temperature in summer, and the water demand is large. In addition to watering in the morning and evening, it is also necessary to spray water to increase environmental humidity. 3. After the beginning of autumn, the amount of water can be reduced gradually. 4. During the low temperature period in late winter and early spring, indoor evaporation is slow, which can be watered every three or five days in the morning to keep the basin soil moist. 5. The current period is in the early stage of flowering and fruiting, watering should not be too much to prevent a large number of flowers and fruits.

Pruning essentials: 1. Those who blossom and bear fruit in the same year should not let them blossom. Flower buds should be picked as soon as possible to promote the coarse growth and crown expansion of the tree. 2. The trees entering the peak period of flowers and fruits are generally pruned after sprouting in March and harvest in autumn and winter. 3. When regulating flowers and fruits, attention should be paid to removing early flowers (that is, flowers blooming in late spring and early summer, so most of the flowers blooming at that time are male flowers can not bear fruit), and extra axillary buds sprouting on female branches should also be wiped to reduce nutrient consumption and improve growth conditions. 4. Bergamot has more coarse and fast-growing branches, and reasonable pruning and shaping must be carried out every year to make the tree vigorous and promote the uniform distribution of fruiting branches. 5. Pruning and shaping was carried out after fruit picking and before sprouting in March, cutting off cross branches, weak branches, disease and insect branches and dead branches, and only growing branches. 6. Most of the short branches of bergamot are fruiting mother branches, which should be retained as far as possible. All summer shoots growing in summer should be cut off except for individual needs to expand the crown.

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