
Cultivation methods and management points of Jasmine in family

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The following is the cultivation method of family jasmine: 1 Jasmine is one of the typical strong positive flowers. It grows vigorously in the summer high temperature season and needs more sun exposure. There is a saying that jasmine cannot die in the sun. If the light is insufficient, the leaves will become larger and thinner, the leaf color will become light green, the flowers will be few and the aroma will be poor.

Here are the ways to cultivate jasmine at home:

Jasmine is one of the typical strong positive flowers. It grows vigorously in summer high temperature season and needs more sun exposure. There is a saying that "sun-immortal jasmine". If the light is insufficient, the leaves will become bigger and thinner, the leaf color will become light green, the flowering will be few and the aroma will be poor.

2 fertilization: Jasmine in the exuberant growth season, to flood and fertilizer, can promote its exuberant growth, many flowers, flower fragrance. "clear orchid, turbid jasmine" can see the degree to which jasmine likes to be fat. If there is a lack of fertilizer, it may not blossom or even drop buds.

3 watering: flood is needed in the growing season, and water should be properly controlled in other seasons so as not to make the basin soil too wet. Stagnant water in the basin soil is easy to cause rotten roots.

4 soil: Jasmine likes to be cultivated with acid soil and can be purchased directly from the flower store. For self-made culture soil, there are 4 parts of garden soil, 4 parts of compost, 2 parts of yellow sand and 1 part of plant ash. The time for potting should be from April to May, not too early.

5 Thermal insulation, windproof: Jasmine is afraid of the cold. Frosts Descent should be kept in the sunny place before entering the room. The room temperature should not be lower than 8 degrees. When the temperature is too low, plastic bags can be used to protect against wind and freezing. It is advisable to guard against cold wind in spring, especially to avoid the northwest wind. Should not leave the room too early, should be before and after the Qingming Festival after the break of frost.

6 Jasmine is easy to appear leaf color lighter, yellow, a large number of fallen leaves, affecting flowering, and even death in serious cases. The main reasons are:

A keep it indoors for a long time without seeing or seeing little sunlight

B the basin soil is too wet for a long time, poor permeability and lack of oxygen, resulting in root rot.

C did not change the basin soil in time, did not apply enough fertilizer in time, and the soil fertility was insufficient.

D the soil is alkaline.

The solution is to change the soil frequently, fertilize frequently, and fully accept the sun. If the watering quality is too alkaline, about 2/1000 ferrous sulfate can be used regularly in the growing season to change the acidity and alkalinity of the soil and keep it in a slightly acidic range.

7 other aspects that need to be noted:

An after each flower fade, the residual flowers should be removed in time and the long branches should be trimmed properly. Fertilizer should also be applied once; if you pursue the quality of flowers, the first flowers should be removed each year, so as to ensure that the second flowers are more, more and fragrant.

B when buying jasmine, you should try to buy young plants. Jasmine blossoms on new branches. The old trees that have formed stumps should be bought carefully, and the old stumps tend to blossom less, which are often eliminated by florists after flowering. C change the soil in time after leaving the house in spring, remove the old leaves of the next year, trim the long branches (about 10 cm), trim and remove the diseased and withered branches, too dense twigs, in order to promote the germination of strong new branches.

D insect pests are caused by weak plants and poor ventilation, while strong plants rarely occur.

E to the first ten days of September, fertilizer should be stopped to facilitate the Lignification of branches and to survive the winter.

The Culture method of how to raise Jasmine

The cultivation method of jasmine is a more comprehensive article about jasmine culture, which is worth reading and learning for those who like jasmine. The editor also hopes that this article can help you to cultivate jasmine.

How to raise jasmine

Jasmine prefers a warm, humid and sunny environment, and grows best in a well-ventilated, semi-overcast environment. The soil is the most suitable for slightly acidic sandy soil which contains a lot of humus. Most varieties are afraid of cold and drought, and are not resistant to frost, waterlogging and alkaline soil. When the winter temperature is lower than 3 ℃, the branches and leaves are easy to suffer frost damage, and if they last for a long time, they will die.

Jasmine likes fertilizer very much, and potted jasmine can blossom three times a year as long as it is properly maintained. If there is not enough fertilizer and nutrients, after blooming once, it will no longer blossom. If the jasmine is managed in place, it can keep blooming from the end of May to the beginning of November. The key is to master pruning, sunshine, and fat and water.

Culture methods of jasmine flowers

First, watering

Planting jasmine, learning to water is considered to be the door of growing jasmine. The jasmine cultivated by many people does not grow well, such as yellow leaves, sparse leaves, few or no flowers at all, or no winter at all, and the following year will either wither or grow more unseemly, more unshaped, and so on.

The above symptoms show that: first, usually inappropriate watering, mainly do not know which season should be watered more, which season should be watered less, there are more watering seasons, how to water by stages in a day, and how to water less in the less watering season? How to observe whether it needs watering and so on.

These are certain technical content and meticulous maintenance links, too much watering jasmine is easy to rot the root, the layman often can not see whether its root is rotten, still think that the watering is not enough, still think that malnutrition, give it fertilizer, this will kill the jasmine! Watering jasmine less generally won't kill it. Flower cultivation proverb: "dry jasmine, wet chrysanthemum." this is a summary of the experience of flower growers since ancient times, so it is said that learning to water jasmine is the door to growing jasmine.

How to grasp watering:

1. If you look at the basin soil, you can see whether it is dry or wet, and whether it is dry or not.

2. Fingers tapping on the flowerpot to listen to the sound, clear and sweet means that the pot soil is dry; the muffled voice indicates that the pot soil contains water.

Usually, broken pots are placed at the bottom of the flowerpot to facilitate drainage and ventilation. The foam block used as a basin floor pad is a new material, and it can also be regarded as a new thing, which can not be defined by good or bad. Just like the original wound was bandaged with hemostatic powder and gauze, with a band-aid, people apply it according to material for the same reason.

II. Fertilization

There are three elements of plant growth: "soil, sunlight and water". With the three elements, plants can survive and grow. So if plants want to grow sturdy, luxuriant branches and leaves, flowers and fruits rich, we must know that the three elements of plant nutrients: "nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium". The same is true of growing jasmine, we must understand these two "three elements". Often beginners who grow jasmine do not understand the essence of the "three elements" of nutrients needed by plants, and easily fertilize jasmine. This not only fails to achieve the effect, but is counterproductive, making the jasmine that can grow worse and worse.

Learn to fertilize jasmine, then you will go from the initial stage of growing jasmine to an important maintenance stage in the next step. If you fertilize jasmine properly, it is self-evident that jasmine will blossom and grow luxuriantly, strong branches and moderate tree shape, so that there is no need for the owner to worry about the functions of disease and disaster resistance, cold resistance and heat resistance.

Why can't family pot-raised jasmine be fertilized in a hurry in spring and early summer?

(1) many Taoists are more concerned about this problem, but often after listening to the words of the florist or the introduction of the Internet or books or magazines, they seize the opportunity to fertilize jasmine at home. I hope that after receiving fertilizer, my jasmine can grow faster, blossom more, branches stronger, etc., the result is either wrinkled leaves, thin leaves, or only long branches and leaves without many flowers. At this time, the owner still thought that jasmine was short of fertilizer and constantly applied all kinds of fertilizers to it, but the result was still unsatisfactory, thus hurting the confidence of protecting jasmine, which is the reason why it is not in a hurry to apply fertilizer.

(2) fertilization must be under the condition that the basin soil is dry, and it should be carried out from afternoon to evening. General family maintenance of jasmine should not be fertilized in the morning or noon, and a small amount of water should be poured to the fertilized ML the next morning, which is called watering [backwater]. This link is very important and is the key to whether jasmine can absorb the fertilizers. The best way to apply fertilizer is to compost ripe human manure, followed by potting cake fertilizer (soybean cake and sesame cake) water, and again (without conditions) is chemical granular fertilizer, the method is to loosen the soil at the edge of the basin slightly, put it into granular fertilizer, press the pot soil and pour clear water, generally about 5 inch flowerpot can be put about 15. Granular fertilizer in my early years (around the 1990s) used Zhenjiang "Fei Hua Dan" effect is OK, I do not know whether it is sold now. Remember the time after applying this kind of granular fertilizer, apply it on time according to the instructions, and keep in mind that no fertilizer should be widely used. Jasmine likes compost most, but it is not easy for families to raise jasmine. Generally, they use bean cake and sesame cake to mash, soak, soak and mix with water, or soak with eggshell to soak and apply with water. Those without conditions have no choice but to apply granular fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium after germination of flower buds. Pay attention to the application of nitrogen-containing granular fertilizer as little as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to nurture flower buds only with long leaves.

(3) as the temperature rises gradually after the Dragon Boat Festival, there is a saying in Wuhan: "give your cotton-padded clothes after eating salt egg dumplings" means that there will be no more "cold wave". The period from Dragon Boat Festival to Mid-Autumn Festival is usually called the blooming period, and the flowers blooming in the summer summer are called summer flowers. Professional florists have the saying that "head-volt flower season, two-volt flower season, three-volt flower season", which means blooming like a tide in this blooming season. The same is true of the magic of family care, during which flowers are pleasing to the eye and fragrant. People must not neglect the care of each flower when it is in full bloom. It is only a day and a night before the flowering period of each flower. After flowering, you should cut off the residual flowers in time, give nutrients to other flowers, and build them step by step. After a batch of flowers are all in full bloom, prune the branches in time according to the shape of the flower tree and personal wishes, waiting for them to sprout new branches and then give birth to new buds. Once new buds are found, they will form. It is necessary to apply fertilizer and water in time, and the frequency of fertilizer and water should increase with the increase of the bud. It is the principle that the pot soil is too wet to fertilize. Only when the jasmine is budding, people want to enjoy the flowers to avoid the smell and stop applying them. 、 、

3. Pruning

To plant and cultivate jasmine, learning to prune is a very important link. Necessary and appropriate pruning of jasmine can not only ensure the storage of jasmine's own nutrients, facilitate the growth of new branches and the germination of new flower buds, but also ensure the beauty of the tree shape. cutting propagation of strong branches can also be used to ensure the replacement of new and old jasmine.

Nursing points of jasmine in early spring:

[picking leaves] during the period from Qingming Festival to Grain Rain, the temperature gradually rose and the branches of jasmine began to germinate. at this time, all the old leaves on the branches of jasmine should be picked off in time. These old leaves have been completed, the historical mission of storing nutrients to keep jasmine safe through the winter, and its photosynthetic cycle function is basically damaged. Keeping them not only hinders the daylighting of jasmine branches, but also consumes the limited nutrients left in jasmine branches after winter, so it is necessary to pick all the old leaves on jasmine branches before sprouting, that is, before Qingming.

Picking all the leaves for jasmine is the experience of conserving jasmine for many years. For those old leaves that have gone through last year and winter, their photosynthetic cycle function has basically been damaged to the utmost. For those who first raised jasmine, it seems that the green branches and green leaves are very beautiful, but in fact, these old leaves are left on the branches of jasmine, which is a great harm to the jasmine itself:

[first] these old leaves are left on the branches of jasmine, when jasmine has not yet returned to normal function in early spring, especially when the root system of jasmine has not fully restored the function of absorbing nutrients from the soil. However, they are the first to absorb the limited nutrients in the branches of jasmine and retain very little nutrients after a winter. Straight segments affect the germination of new buds of jasmine, causing the germination of new buds to lag or underdevelop, thus affecting the formation of flower buds. Often many people maintain the jasmine in the first year is in full bloom, and then the next year is not as good as a year just do not understand this point.

[second] these old leaves stay on the branches, straight nodes affect the lighting of jasmine branches, and then affect the germination of new buds of jasmine and, more importantly, the formation of flower buds in the new buds. The flower buds of jasmine are formed in the new buds, and those old leaves are left on the branches, which can not help the jasmine carry out photosynthesis, make the nutrients in the branches of jasmine circulate normally, and constantly absorb the nutrients that should be used for the growth of new branches, leaves and flower buds. In this way, how can the preserved jasmine grow stronger and stronger year by year?

[pruning] after sprouting the new bud, the orientation of the new bud extension was selected, and yesterday the new bud was shaped and pruned.

After the Qingming Festival, the temperature gradually picked up and more stable, the pruned jasmine can be placed on the flower rack for maintenance.

The experience summed up over the years: do not rush to change the pot in spring, wait for the first stage of flowers to bloom, and then change the pot. Its advantage is that it happens to have a period of rejuvenation and sprouting after blooming, during which the temperature is relatively high and relatively stable. The jasmine root system moved during the basin change is easy to recover.

The nursing care of jasmine in spring is mainly to cut off the old branches and leaves, prune the old and weak branches, and set the pruning. In addition, there is another important nursing point that is not known to the public, that is, the tip of the new bud is removed, and a large part of the new buds germinated are only long branches. This kind of branch generally does not germinate flower buds. If it is not removed in time, it not only affects the shape of flowers and trees, but also absorbs a large amount of nutrients in the basin, which is not conducive to the germination of flower buds, so it must be removed in time.

The flower buds conceived in this season (April) are called "Sui Niang Flowers". In order to make the jasmine stronger, it is generally necessary to remove the jasmine. After removal, it is very beneficial for it to bloom in summer. People often only care about a little flower bud in front of them, while neglecting the long-term love and maintenance of flowers and trees. The reason that the new leaves are not green is that the mother flower absorbs a lot of nutrients. It is up to the florist to prune more or less of the flowers. If you want the branches of flowers and trees to be strong and blossom more in the future, you should trim them all. If you want to appreciate the flowers in your flowerpot at that time, you can not cut the flowers, but not trim them. These flowers will absorb a lot of nutrients from the trunk and affect the sprouting of new branches and flower buds. This is a knock-on effect of Sui Niang Flower. The so-called "Sui Niang Flower" is a unique flower bud in an abnormal state among the characteristics of jasmine, which germinates earlier, less and less fragrant. Professional flower growers all know that Suiniang flowers must be pruned before jasmine can achieve high efficiency and high yield. These are the experiences summed up by people, which are rarely published in theory, and are often difficult to be understood.

Pick the top according to the shape of your favorite flowers and trees. You can take a closer look at the top jasmine in my pot, usually from the first or second section of the branch (that is, the root up the first pair of petioles or the second pair of petioles). Not to pick the top at will!

[several key points] (1) Ferrous sulfate cannot be applied at will, do not listen to the promotion of flower fertilizer, the leaves of jasmine will turn yellow after the potted soil is too alkaline, which shows that it is necessary to supplement acidic elements, and people using ferrous sulfate will be counterproductive at that time. There are bad phenomena such as rotting roots and burning to death. In fact, they have raw materials to supplement acidic elements-rice washing water. Amoy rice water left into the empty high orange bottle, let it fully ferment spare, when needed, take a small amount of water to immediately supplement acid elements, both economical, affordable and relatively safe.

(2) keep it outdoors in the sun, not indoors or in a dark place.

(3) pruning after flowering according to your favorite tree shape, there is no definition, pruning skills need to be summed up slowly.

(4) the height of the branches retained when pruning should be determined by the shape of flowers and trees, or by the shape of flowers and trees that one likes, for example, some people like to be tall and strong (growing upward, giving priority to the middle trunk, partial branches as a supplement), some people also like to be dwarf (the tree shape is shorter and stretches around, partial branches are mainly, the middle trunk is oriented pruning), you can't cut or retain a few sections as a whole.

(5) intentionally or unintentionally, part of the root system will be damaged more or less when changing the basin, so [do not rush to apply fertilizer]. If you apply fertilizer (no matter what fertilizer), people generally cannot see the rotten root of jasmine. However, from the surface phenomena such as: growing well before changing the basin, not many new buds sprouting, no flower bud germination and so on, we can see that the root system has been damaged. People often misunderstand it as: lack of fertilizer, lack of water, lack of what, constantly add fertilizer and water to it, the result is more and more bad, and finally end up with the loss of confidence in the conservation of jasmine. Generally, when changing the basin, put an appropriate amount of ripe cake fertilizer at the bottom of the basin, and cover up the fertilizer with basin soil, so that the root system can not be directly glued to fertilizer to avoid rotting roots. Normal watering and fertilization management can be carried out after changing the basin for 2 to 3 weeks.

(6) the lack of water in flowerpots on sunny days is easy to see from the leaves, and it is generally difficult to identify the lack of water in flowerpots on cloudy days, as well as the size, light and shade tolerance of flowers and trees, large flowers and trees consume a large amount of water, while small flowers and trees consume a lot of water, while light-resistant flowers and trees consume a lot of water, while shade-tolerant flowers and trees do the opposite. The top leaves first knock on the flowerpot with their fingers and listen to the sound of the flowerpot. If the sound is clear, it means the pot soil is dry, and if the sound is stuffy, it means the pot soil contains water. Sometimes it may be that there is something wrong with the root system of this flower and plant, and the more you water it, the more it will make the leaves grow.

The flowers and trees that have just changed pots should be put in a cool and ventilated place outside, usually within 1-3 days at most. Or put it in a place where you can't see the sun (that is, do not bask in the sun) for 1-3 days to maintain it normally.

(7) any flowers and trees in new pots or new pots (including jasmine) cannot be directly exposed to the sun, but are generally placed in a place where the sun is avoided-where the sky does not see the sun, for 3-5 days, the aim is to restore the vitality of the roots that have been moved, the absorption function of the roots is normal, and the branches and leaves of the flowers and trees are responsive, and then they can be placed in the sun for maintenance. Three elements of plant growth: soil, water, sunlight, all of which are indispensable.

(8) it was found that the jasmine leaves were crumpled in spring. First, fertilization was too early. Second, the light of the cultivation site is too little. Third, watering is too frequent.

(9) the basin soil is taken according to its own conditions, and it is best to dry the jasmine with [lotus pond mud] under the conditions, and then there is the old vegetable garden soil-oil sand. The quality of the soil should not only keep moisture but also have good water permeability, which requires that it is not dry and not white, and wet and not muddy.

IV. Management in early summer

In early summer, the temperature gradually rises and is relatively stable, and the branches and leaves of jasmine grow vigorously. When the temperature reaches more than 30 degrees Celsius, it will sprout flower buds. The key management points are as follows:

(1) the jasmine placed on the balcony flower rack for maintenance, during this period, pay attention to often (once a week) to change the direction of the flowerpot, so that the jasmine will always grow in the same direction and grow in a crooked tree. this conversion of flowerpots can also make jasmine branches evenly bathed in the sun and better sprout new branches and flower buds. The flower buds of jasmine are conceived in new branches.

(2) in this season, we should also pay attention to the proper pruning of branches to ensure that jasmine continues to sprout new buds and nurture flower buds, so that the owner of jasmine can enjoy its luxuriant flowers and leaves and enjoy its fragrance in full bloom (7.8.9 months).

(3) watering should be moderate, basin soil should not be watered, jasmine roots should be prevented from waterlogging in cloudy and rainy days, the drainage function of basin bottom should be ensured, the drainage hole of basin bottom should not be blocked when placing flowerpots, and it is appropriate to carry out watering in the morning when watering is needed. It is generally not watered at noon and at night, unless it is watered after missed watering in the morning.

(4) after the new branches grow, they are pruned according to the requirements of the tree shape, cutting off the tips that affect the beauty of the tree shape, transparent tips (branches that are difficult to germinate flower buds), special-shaped tips (single leaves, normally opposite double leaves), and so on.

(5) cut off the flowers in time. The blooming period of jasmine is in the midsummer season, and the bud germinated in this season is bred by the nutrients left in the branches of jasmine after winter. it is usually a single flower, and some are still abnormal buds. If it is not cut off, it will have a great impact on the germination of more new branches and new flower buds of jasmine. When many people see their jasmine, they are very happy to have a bud early for fear that they will lose it and nurture it carefully until it blossoms. As a result, some of them become deformed flowers, while others are not very fragrant even when they are in bloom. The biggest disadvantage is that these flowers absorb a large amount of nutrients in the branches, making it difficult for jasmine to sprout new flower buds when they are in full bloom, because they lose the nutrients to sprout new flower buds prematurely. Pruning off the tip of a Sui Niang flower can at least sprout two new tops, and so on to its full bloom, the new flower buds it germinates are far more than those of these Suiniang flowers which have no "gold content".

[key points of autumn nursing of jasmine]

In autumn, the maintenance of jasmine flowers must pay attention to the following points:

(1) fertilization is strictly prohibited. Avoid growing too many branches to affect the winter.

(2) watering a small amount. Promote the Lignification of jasmine branches to make it through the winter.

(3) keep the branches and leaves. Branches and leaves should not be pruned to make jasmine use them to store nutrients and create conditions for winter.

(4) outdoor maintenance. Jasmine is placed outdoors for maintenance day and night to adapt to the gradually cold seasonal climate to facilitate the winter.

(5) after entering autumn, the new buds growing near the jasmine basin soil, especially on the trunk, generally have to be removed. Whether the new buds germinated on the trunk in spring and summer can be retained or not according to the shape of the tree.

In addition: jasmine leaves yellowing in autumn is not very normal, the main reason is that summer maintenance deviation: such as watering, fertilization, lighting and other improper, only reflected in autumn, if it is better to control in spring and summer, this season is not good radical cure, conservative nursing methods: (1) dry maintenance, timely removal of yellow leaves. (2) with more daylighting, photosynthesis can alleviate leaf yellowing. (3) when adding a small amount of ferrous sulfate (crystal powder) when watering, stop using it as soon as you see some relief in the leaves.


The main factor of A-jasmine root germination is air temperature. When the temperature is below 30 degrees Celsius, the branches and leaves, branches and roots of jasmine all grow slowly, and flower buds cannot germinate. The cuttings did not sprout new roots, mainly restricted by temperature and light. If the light is strengthened after autumn, there may be a glimmer of hope for cutting branches to sprout new roots.

B-never fertilize jasmine in autumn! Be sure to make the basin soil dry (observe the branches and leaves of jasmine), so that its fibrous roots are plump, the main roots are strong, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and store enough nutrients to safely survive the cold winter. Note: first, the potted soil is wet and easy to rot (it is obvious that the white fresh fibrous root is the most delicate and most perishable). Second, improper nursing during summer and autumn, if strong stems, branches and leaves can not be retained, jasmine can not use leaves for photosynthesis to maintain life, and there is no strong root system to absorb water to supply leaf formation. Third, improper pruning in late summer and early autumn, only growing branches and leaves were not removed in time because they were too delicate and withered. Fourth, ferrous sulfate solution or other biochemical items cannot be widely used. Improper use can easily lead to the premature death of the whole pot of flowers and trees (jasmine).

5. Key points of nursing in winter

Neither dry nor wet (easy to dry bad branches without watering, easy to rot roots if too much watering), neither frozen nor wrapped (not bandaged easily frozen branches, tightly wrapped and easy to fall leaves), that is, can not be closed and blown (not ventilated, easy to close bad branches, too much wind is easy to wither branches), that is, afraid of wind chill and sunlight (no light is easy to stuffy branches, too much sun exposure is easy to catch cold).

Improper nursing of jasmine in winter has a direct effect on its germination in the following spring. Winter care of jasmine is a key season for jasmine conservation. There are different opinions on how to care for jasmine. Many newspapers, magazines and flower books have been introduced. I have maintained jasmine at home for more than 30 years, especially in winter.

The main points of bandaging branches against cold:

Jasmine also has weak physiological circulation function in winter, such as leaf respiration, root water absorption and so on, but people can not see it as intuitively as in hot weather, and a slight nursing mistake will make it lose its vitality. Therefore, the cold-proof bandage can only use snakeskin bag material, this material can block the wind, cold and breathable. Must not be wrapped with plastic bag materials, plastic bag bandage, although it can temporarily protect against the wind and cold effect, but not breathable directly affect the functional circulation of jasmine, resulting in stuffy branches, branches and leaves, resulting in jasmine branch necrosis, branches and leaves fall, to the next spring but can not sprout slowly withered.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Jasmine Flower

The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of jasmine is a more comprehensive article on jasmine culture, which is the experience of jasmine conservation in the past 30 years. It is worth reading and learning for those who like jasmine. The article involves jasmine watering, fertilization, pruning and other important links.

I. the culture method of jasmine-watering

Planting jasmine, learning to water is considered to be the door of growing jasmine. The jasmine cultivated by many people does not grow well, such as yellow leaves, sparse leaves, few or no flowers at all, or no winter at all, and the following year will either wither or grow more unseemly, more unshaped, and so on.

The above symptoms show that: first, usually inappropriate watering, mainly do not know which season should be watered more, which season should be watered less, there are more watering seasons, how to water by stages in a day, and how to water less in the less watering season? How to observe whether it needs watering and so on.

These are certain technical content and meticulous maintenance links, too much watering jasmine is easy to rot the root, the layman often can not see whether its root is rotten, still think that the watering is not enough, still think that malnutrition, give it fertilizer, this will kill the jasmine! Watering jasmine less generally won't kill it. Flower cultivation proverb: "dry jasmine, wet chrysanthemum." this is a summary of the experience of flower growers since ancient times, so it is said that learning to water jasmine is the door to growing jasmine.

How to grasp watering:

1. If you look at the basin soil, you can see whether it is dry or wet, and whether it is dry or not.

2. Fingers tapping on the flowerpot to listen to the sound, clear and sweet means that the pot soil is dry; the muffled voice indicates that the pot soil contains water.

Usually, broken pots are placed at the bottom of the flowerpot to facilitate drainage and ventilation. The foam block used as a basin floor pad is a new material, and it can also be regarded as a new thing, which can not be defined by good or bad. Just like the original wound was bandaged with hemostatic powder and gauze, with a band-aid, people apply it for the same reason.)

Second, the culture method of jasmine-- fertilization.

There are three elements of plant growth: "soil, sunlight and water". With the three elements, plants can survive and grow. So if plants want to grow sturdy, luxuriant branches and leaves, flowers and fruits rich, we must know that the three elements of plant nutrients: "nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium". The same is true of growing jasmine, we must understand these two "three elements". Often beginners who grow jasmine do not understand the essence of the "three elements" of nutrients needed by plants, and easily fertilize jasmine. This not only fails to achieve the effect, but is counterproductive, making the jasmine that can grow worse and worse.

Learn to fertilize jasmine, then you will go from the initial stage of growing jasmine to an important maintenance stage in the next step. If you fertilize jasmine properly, it is self-evident that jasmine will blossom and grow luxuriantly, strong branches and moderate tree shape, so that there is no need for the owner to worry about the functions of disease and disaster resistance, cold resistance and heat resistance.

Why can't family pot-raised jasmine be fertilized in a hurry in spring and early summer?

(1) many Taoists are more concerned about this problem, but often after listening to the words of the florist or the introduction of the Internet or books or magazines, they seize the opportunity to fertilize jasmine at home. I hope that after receiving fertilizer, my jasmine can grow faster, blossom more, branches stronger, etc., the result is either wrinkled leaves, thin leaves, or only long branches and leaves without many flowers. At this time, the owner still thought that jasmine was short of fertilizer and constantly applied all kinds of fertilizers to it, but the result was still unsatisfactory, thus hurting the confidence of protecting jasmine, which is the reason why it is not in a hurry to apply fertilizer.

(2) fertilization must be under the condition that the basin soil is dry, and it should be carried out from afternoon to evening. General family maintenance of jasmine should not be fertilized in the morning or noon, and a small amount of water should be poured to the fertilized ML the next morning, which is called watering [backwater]. This link is very important and is the key to whether jasmine can absorb the fertilizers. The best way to apply fertilizer is to compost ripe human manure, followed by potting cake fertilizer (soybean cake and sesame cake) water, and again (without conditions) is chemical granular fertilizer, the method is to loosen the soil at the edge of the basin slightly, put it into granular fertilizer, press the pot soil and pour clear water, generally about 5 inch flowerpot can be put about 15. Granular fertilizer in my early years (around the 1990s) used Zhenjiang "Fei Hua Dan" effect is OK, I do not know whether it is sold now. Remember the time after applying this kind of granular fertilizer, apply it on time according to the instructions, and keep in mind that no fertilizer should be widely used. Jasmine likes compost most, but it is not easy for families to raise jasmine. Generally, they use bean cake and sesame cake to mash, soak, soak and mix with water, or soak with eggshell to soak and apply with water. Those without conditions have no choice but to apply granular fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium after germination of flower buds. Pay attention to the application of nitrogen-containing granular fertilizer as little as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to nurture flower buds only with long leaves.

(3) as the temperature rises gradually after the Dragon Boat Festival, there is a saying in Wuhan: "give your cotton-padded clothes after eating salt egg dumplings" means that there will be no more "cold wave". The period from Dragon Boat Festival to Mid-Autumn Festival is usually called the blooming period, and the flowers blooming in the summer summer are called summer flowers. Professional florists have the saying that "head-volt flower season, two-volt flower season, three-volt flower season", which means blooming like a tide in this blooming season. The same is true of the magic of family care, during which flowers are pleasing to the eye and fragrant. People must not neglect the care of each flower when it is in full bloom. It is only a day and a night before the flowering period of each flower. After flowering, you should cut off the residual flowers in time, give nutrients to other flowers, and build them step by step. After a batch of flowers are all in full bloom, prune the branches in time according to the shape of the flower tree and personal wishes, waiting for them to sprout new branches and then give birth to new buds. Once new buds are found, they will form. It is necessary to apply fertilizer and water in time, and the frequency of fertilizer and water should increase with the increase of the bud. It is the principle that the pot soil is too wet to fertilize. Only when the jasmine is budding, people want to enjoy the flowers to avoid the smell and stop applying them.

Third, the culture method of jasmine-- pruning.

To plant and cultivate jasmine, learning to prune is a very important link. Necessary and appropriate pruning of jasmine can not only ensure the storage of jasmine's own nutrients, facilitate the growth of new branches and the germination of new flower buds, but also ensure the beauty of the tree shape. cutting propagation of strong branches can also be used to ensure the replacement of new and old jasmine.

Nursing points of jasmine in early spring:

[picking leaves] during the period from Qingming Festival to Grain Rain, the temperature gradually rose and the branches of jasmine began to germinate. at this time, all the old leaves on the branches of jasmine should be picked off in time. These old leaves have been completed, the historical mission of storing nutrients to keep jasmine safe through the winter, and its photosynthetic cycle function is basically damaged. Keeping them not only hinders the daylighting of jasmine branches, but also consumes the limited nutrients left in jasmine branches after winter, so it is necessary to pick all the old leaves on jasmine branches before sprouting, that is, before Qingming.

Picking all the leaves for jasmine is the experience of conserving jasmine for many years. For those old leaves that have gone through last year and winter, their photosynthetic cycle function has basically been damaged to the utmost. For those who first raised jasmine, it seems that the green branches and green leaves are very beautiful, but in fact, these old leaves are left on the branches of jasmine, which is a great harm to the jasmine itself:

[first] these old leaves are left on the branches of jasmine, when jasmine has not yet returned to normal function in early spring, especially when the root system of jasmine has not fully restored the function of absorbing nutrients from the soil. However, they are the first to absorb the limited nutrients in the branches of jasmine and retain very little nutrients after a winter. Straight segments affect the germination of new buds of jasmine, causing the germination of new buds to lag or underdevelop, thus affecting the formation of flower buds. Often many people maintain the jasmine in the first year is in full bloom, and then the next year is not as good as a year just do not understand this point.

[second] these old leaves stay on the branches, straight nodes affect the lighting of jasmine branches, and then affect the germination of new buds of jasmine and, more importantly, the formation of flower buds in the new buds. The flower buds of jasmine are formed in the new buds, and those old leaves are left on the branches, which can not help the jasmine carry out photosynthesis, make the nutrients in the branches of jasmine circulate normally, and constantly absorb the nutrients that should be used for the growth of new branches, leaves and flower buds. In this way, how can the preserved jasmine grow stronger and stronger year by year?

[pruning] after sprouting the new bud, the orientation of the new bud extension was selected, and yesterday the new bud was shaped and pruned.

After the Qingming Festival, the temperature gradually picked up and more stable, the pruned jasmine can be placed on the flower rack for maintenance.

The experience summed up over the years: do not rush to change the pot in spring, wait for the first stage of flowers to bloom, and then change the pot. Its advantage is that it happens to have a period of rejuvenation and sprouting after blooming, during which the temperature is relatively high and relatively stable. The jasmine root system moved during the basin change is easy to recover.

The nursing care of jasmine in spring is mainly to cut off the old branches and leaves, prune the old and weak branches, and set the pruning. In addition, there is another important nursing point that is not known to the public, that is, the tip of the new bud is removed, and a large part of the new buds germinated are only long branches. This kind of branch generally does not germinate flower buds. If it is not removed in time, it not only affects the shape of flowers and trees, but also absorbs a large amount of nutrients in the basin, which is not conducive to the germination of flower buds, so it must be removed in time.

The flower buds conceived in this season (April) are called "Sui Niang Flowers". In order to make the jasmine stronger, it is generally necessary to remove the jasmine. After removal, it is very beneficial for it to bloom in summer. People often only care about a little flower bud in front of them, while neglecting the long-term love and maintenance of flowers and trees. The reason that the new leaves are not green is that the mother flower absorbs a lot of nutrients. It is up to the florist to prune more or less of the flowers. If you want the branches of flowers and trees to be strong and blossom more in the future, you should trim them all. If you want to appreciate the flowers in your flowerpot at that time, you can not cut the flowers, but not trim them. These flowers will absorb a lot of nutrients from the trunk and affect the sprouting of new branches and flower buds. This is a knock-on effect of Sui Niang Flower. The so-called "Sui Niang Flower" is a unique flower bud in an abnormal state among the characteristics of jasmine, which germinates earlier, less and less fragrant. Professional flower growers all know that Suiniang flowers must be pruned before jasmine can achieve high efficiency and high yield. These are the experiences summed up by people, which are rarely published in theory, and are often difficult to be understood.

Pick the top according to the shape of your favorite flowers and trees. You can take a closer look at the top jasmine in my pot, usually from the first or second section of the branch (that is, the root up the first pair of petioles or the second pair of petioles). Not to pick the top at will!

[several key points] (1) Ferrous sulfate cannot be applied at will, do not listen to the promotion of flower fertilizer, the leaves of jasmine will turn yellow after the potted soil is too alkaline, which shows that it is necessary to supplement acidic elements, and people using ferrous sulfate will be counterproductive at that time. There are bad phenomena such as rotting roots and burning to death. In fact, they have raw materials to supplement acidic elements-rice washing water. Amoy rice water left into the empty high orange bottle, let it fully ferment spare, when needed, take a small amount of water to immediately supplement acid elements, both economical, affordable and relatively safe.

(2) keep it outdoors in the sun, not indoors or in a dark place.

(3) pruning after flowering according to your favorite tree shape, there is no definition, pruning skills need to be summed up slowly.

(4) the height of the branches retained when pruning should be determined by the shape of flowers and trees, or by the shape of flowers and trees that one likes, for example, some people like to be tall and strong (growing upward, giving priority to the middle trunk, partial branches as a supplement), some people also like to be dwarf (the tree shape is shorter and stretches around, partial branches are mainly, the middle trunk is oriented pruning), you can't cut or retain a few sections as a whole.

(5) intentionally or unintentionally, part of the root system will be damaged more or less when changing the basin, so [do not rush to apply fertilizer]. If you apply fertilizer (no matter what fertilizer), people generally cannot see the rotten root of jasmine. However, from the surface phenomena such as: growing well before changing the basin, not many new buds sprouting, no flower bud germination and so on, we can see that the root system has been damaged. People often misunderstand it as: lack of fertilizer, lack of water, lack of what, constantly add fertilizer and water to it, the result is more and more bad, and finally end up with the loss of confidence in the conservation of jasmine. Generally, when changing the basin, put an appropriate amount of ripe cake fertilizer at the bottom of the basin, and cover up the fertilizer with basin soil, so that the root system can not be directly glued to fertilizer to avoid rotting roots. Normal watering and fertilization management can be carried out after changing the basin for 2 to 3 weeks.

(6) the lack of water in flowerpots on sunny days is easy to see from the leaves, and it is generally difficult to identify the lack of water in flowerpots on cloudy days, as well as the size, light and shade tolerance of flowers and trees, large flowers and trees consume a large amount of water, while small flowers and trees consume a lot of water, while light-resistant flowers and trees consume a lot of water, while shade-tolerant flowers and trees do the opposite. The top leaves first knock on the flowerpot with their fingers and listen to the sound of the flowerpot. If the sound is clear, it means the pot soil is dry, and if the sound is stuffy, it means the pot soil contains water. Sometimes it may be that there is something wrong with the root system of this flower and plant, and the more you water it, the more it will make the leaves grow.

The flowers and trees that have just changed pots should be put in a cool and ventilated place outside, usually within 1-3 days at most. Or put it in a place where you can't see the sun (that is, do not bask in the sun) for 1-3 days to maintain it normally.

(7) any flowers and trees in new pots or new pots (including jasmine) cannot be directly exposed to the sun, but are generally placed in a place where the sun is avoided-where the sky does not see the sun, for 3-5 days, the aim is to restore the vitality of the roots that have been moved, the absorption function of the roots is normal, and the branches and leaves of the flowers and trees are responsive, and then they can be placed in the sun for maintenance. Three elements of plant growth: soil, water, sunlight, all of which are indispensable.

(8) it was found that the jasmine leaves were crumpled in spring. First, fertilization was too early. Second, the light of the cultivation site is too little. Third, watering is too frequent.

(9) the basin soil is taken according to its own conditions, and it is best to dry the jasmine with [lotus pond mud] under the conditions, and then there is the old vegetable garden soil-oil sand. The quality of the soil should not only keep moisture but also have good water permeability, which requires that it is not dry and not white, and wet and not muddy.

IV. The culture method of jasmine-- the management in early summer

In early summer, the temperature gradually rises and is relatively stable, and the branches and leaves of jasmine grow vigorously. When the temperature reaches more than 30 degrees Celsius, it will sprout flower buds. The key management points are as follows:

(1) the jasmine placed on the balcony flower rack for maintenance, during this period, pay attention to often (once a week) to change the direction of the flowerpot, so that the jasmine will always grow in the same direction and grow in a crooked tree. this conversion of flowerpots can also make jasmine branches evenly bathed in the sun and better sprout new branches and flower buds. The flower buds of jasmine are conceived in new branches.

(2) in this season, we should also pay attention to the proper pruning of branches to ensure that jasmine continues to sprout new buds and nurture flower buds, so that the owner of jasmine can enjoy its luxuriant flowers and leaves and enjoy its fragrance in full bloom (7.8.9 months).

(3) watering should be moderate, basin soil should not be watered, jasmine roots should be prevented from waterlogging in cloudy and rainy days, the drainage function of basin bottom should be ensured, the drainage hole of basin bottom should not be blocked when placing flowerpots, and it is appropriate to carry out watering in the morning when watering is needed. It is generally not watered at noon and at night, unless it is watered after missed watering in the morning.

(4) after the new branches grow, they are pruned according to the requirements of the tree shape, cutting off the tips that affect the beauty of the tree shape, transparent tips (branches that are difficult to germinate flower buds), special-shaped tips (single leaves, normally opposite double leaves), and so on.

(5) cut off the flowers in time. The blooming period of jasmine is in the midsummer season, and the bud germinated in this season is bred by the nutrients left in the branches of jasmine after winter. it is usually a single flower, and some are still abnormal buds. If it is not cut off, it will have a great impact on the germination of more new branches and new flower buds of jasmine. When many people see their jasmine, they are very happy to have a bud early for fear that they will lose it and nurture it carefully until it blossoms. As a result, some of them become deformed flowers, while others are not very fragrant even when they are in bloom. The biggest disadvantage is that these flowers absorb a large amount of nutrients in the branches, making it difficult for jasmine to sprout new flower buds when they are in full bloom, because they lose the nutrients to sprout new flower buds prematurely. Pruning off the tip of a Sui Niang flower can at least sprout two new tops, and so on to its full bloom, the new flower buds it germinates are far more than those of these Suiniang flowers which have no "gold content".

[key points of autumn nursing of jasmine]

In autumn, the maintenance of jasmine flowers must pay attention to the following points:

(1) fertilization is strictly prohibited. Avoid growing too many branches to affect the winter.

(2) watering a small amount. Promote the Lignification of jasmine branches to make it through the winter.

(3) keep the branches and leaves. Branches and leaves should not be pruned to make jasmine use them to store nutrients and create conditions for winter.

(4) outdoor maintenance. Jasmine is placed outdoors for maintenance day and night to adapt to the gradually cold seasonal climate to facilitate the winter.

(5) after entering autumn, the new buds growing near the jasmine basin soil, especially on the trunk, generally have to be removed. Whether the new buds germinated on the trunk in spring and summer can be retained or not according to the shape of the tree.

In addition: jasmine leaves yellowing in autumn is not very normal, the main reason is that summer maintenance deviation: such as watering, fertilization, lighting and other improper, only reflected in autumn, if it is better to control in spring and summer, this season is not good radical cure, conservative nursing methods: (1) dry maintenance, timely removal of yellow leaves. (2) with more daylighting, photosynthesis can alleviate leaf yellowing. (3) when adding a small amount of ferrous sulfate (crystal powder) when watering, stop using it as soon as you see some relief in the leaves.


The main factor of A-jasmine root germination is air temperature. When the temperature is below 30 degrees Celsius, the branches and leaves, branches and roots of jasmine all grow slowly, and flower buds cannot germinate. The cuttings did not sprout new roots, mainly restricted by temperature and light. If the light is strengthened after autumn, there may be a glimmer of hope for cutting branches to sprout new roots.

B-never fertilize jasmine in autumn! Be sure to make the basin soil dry (observe the branches and leaves of jasmine), so that its fibrous roots are plump, the main roots are strong, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and store enough nutrients to safely survive the cold winter. Note: first, the potted soil is wet and easy to rot (it is obvious that the white fresh fibrous root is the most delicate and most perishable). Second, improper nursing during summer and autumn, if strong stems, branches and leaves can not be retained, jasmine can not use leaves for photosynthesis to maintain life, and there is no strong root system to absorb water to supply leaf formation. Third, improper pruning in late summer and early autumn, only growing branches and leaves were not removed in time because they were too delicate and withered. Fourth, ferrous sulfate solution or other biochemical items cannot be widely used. Improper use can easily lead to the premature death of the whole pot of flowers and trees (jasmine).

[key points of jasmine winter nursing]

Neither dry nor wet (it is easy to dry and spoil the branches without watering, and it is easy to rot the roots if too much watering)

Neither can it be frozen nor wrapped (if it is not bandaged, it is easy to freeze branches, tightly wrapped and easy to lose leaves)

Neither close nor blow (without ventilation, it is easy to close the branches, and too much wind is easy to wither the branches)

Not only afraid of the wind and cold, but also afraid of the sun (without light, it is easy to stuffy branches, too much sunshine is easy to catch cold).

Improper nursing of jasmine in winter has a direct effect on its germination in the following spring. Winter care of jasmine is a key season for jasmine conservation. There are different opinions on how to care for jasmine. Many newspapers, magazines and flower books have been introduced. I have maintained jasmine at home for more than 30 years, especially in winter.

The main points of bandaging branches against cold:

Jasmine also has weak physiological circulation function in winter, such as leaf respiration, root water absorption and so on, but people can not see it as intuitively as in hot weather, and a slight nursing mistake will make it lose its vitality. Therefore, the cold-proof bandage can only use snakeskin bag material, this material can block the wind, cold and breathable. Must not be wrapped with plastic bag materials, plastic bag bandage, although it can temporarily protect against the wind and cold effect, but not breathable directly affect the functional circulation of jasmine, resulting in stuffy branches, branches and leaves, resulting in jasmine branch necrosis, branches and leaves fall, to the next spring but can not sprout slowly withered.