
How do potted geraniums grow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pelargonium is a potted flower with good ornamental effect, and its cultivation management should pay attention to the following points. Good substrates are used as much as possible, such as 55% to 70% peat, 20% to 25% pearlite, 5% to 10% vermiculite and 5% to 10% ceramsite.

Geranium is a potted flower with good ornamental effect, and its cultivation and management should pay attention to the following points.

The matrix uses as many excellent substrates as possible, such as 55% to 70% peat, 20% to 25% perlite, 5% to 10% vermiculite and 5% to 10% ceramsite. It is ideal to mix according to this ratio. Because geraniums can be divided into hanging and erect varieties, there will be some differences in cultivation and management. For example, the pH value of fishing series is between 5.5 and 5.8, and the pH value of common species is between 6.0 and 6.3. The cultivation substrate should be determined before planting and every other week after cultivation. If you need to adjust the pH value, you can use acidic or alkaline fertilizer.

Before cultivation, water and fertilizer management can soak the substrate with a concentration of 400 mg / kg nitrogen fertilizer solution, which can promote the rapid growth of plants after planting. Can also be combined with the first irrigation for fertilization, the concentration of nitrogen is 300 mg / kg, watering is best in the early morning, can be carried out when the soil is slightly dry. But it should be noted that excessive drying can cause yellow leaves.

The ideal temperature is about 21 ℃ from 4 to 6 weeks after planting, which can promote the rooting, growth and branch extension of the plant.

Light geranium belongs to long sunshine flowers, and its growth is related to flowering and light accumulation. The more light exposure, the greater the growth, the earlier the flowering. Within two weeks after planting, the light intensity should be maintained at 27000 to 32000 lux, and then gradually increased to 38000 to 49000 lux.

Botrytis cinerea and true mildew are the main diseases of geranium. first of all, we should do a good job of prevention, keep the plant growth environment well ventilated, clean up the withered branches and leaves in time, keep a high night temperature indoors, and arrange irrigation in the early morning as far as possible. Mycosis can reduce the incidence of mycosis by using coarse peat matrix and not making plants short of water.

Hanging geranium is prone to edema disease, which is easy to occur when the plant absorbs a large amount of water and cannot evaporate through the leaf surface in time. The occurrence of the disease can be prevented by some methods, such as ensuring that the plant will not be short of water and drying when the temperature is high, ensuring that the air is fully ventilated and the relative humidity is less than 75%, shading treatment to avoid sudden strong light exposure, regular supplement of calcium nitrate fertilizer and so on.

The main pest of geranium is thrips, and many chemicals can control thrips.

Introduction to geraniums:

Geranium, alias Hydrangea, native to South Africa, is a perennial herbaceous flower. The leaf has a long handle, the leaf margin is serrated, and the leaf surface has deep annular markings. Corolla usually 5-merous, inflorescences umbellate, growing at tip of straight pedicel. Because the flowers are as dense as balls, it is also known as hydrangea. The colors of red, white, pink and purple vary a lot. The florescence begins in early winter and lasts until the beginning of summer. Potted plants should be used for indoor and outdoor decoration; they can also be used as flowers in spring flower beds.

Culture method of family potted geranium

Geraniums are more and more loved by people all over the world because of their gorgeous colors. In China, flower beds can be seen everywhere in parks and streets. When traveling abroad, geraniums are often placed in front of their homes. Looking at these blooming flowers, I hope they are also in full bloom in their own home, every day can enjoy the beautiful flowers of geraniums and its special fragrance. In fact, it is not difficult to grow at home. Let's take a look at my geraniums. The key points of this article

Pelargonium sandy soil

Geranium is easy to semi-dry soil, can not accumulate water, if it rains for several days in a row, it must be moved into the room, otherwise the roots will rot. Don't water it every day, it's dry and thoroughly. If it is summer, there is too much water and the stew is hot, it will rot the root.

Planting geraniums should choose breathable flowerpots, soil should choose rotten leaf soil and sandy soil, so it is not easy to accumulate water in flowerpots. To facilitate the growth of geraniums. Especially in summer, it is best to use breathable flowerpots. There should be enough light.

Geranium does not need big fertilizer, usually pour some Amoy rice water and bean dregs water, do not apply more nitrogen fertilizer, more will make the leaves grow a lot, even light leaves do not blossom. Pour some phosphate fertilizer such as milk bottle water before flowering to promote it to blossom and bloom.

Geraniums do not need special care, and the way of maintenance is relatively rough. However, the summer temperature is too high, we should pay attention to cover, if it is easier to survive in a breathable flowerpot, put it in the shade soon in summer, do not move it, lest it can not adapt to the temperature difference. Just leave it indoors in winter.

Every spring or autumn, you can cut off the new branches of geraniums, then put them in a flowerpot for a day and pour water on them, which is a new pot of geranium. Just leave two or three leaves. Too many leaves will deplete nutrients. Affect the growth of geraniums.

Once the yellow leaves are found, remove them in time, and cut off the residual branches in time after the flowers are in bloom. To ensure the blooming of the flowers behind. Flowers can bloom from spring to late autumn. The florescence is very long.

Geraniums have a peculiar fragrance, pay attention to good fertilizer and water management, it is generally not easy to give birth to insects. Its unique fragrance is used in essential oils and fragrances. Perhaps because it is easy to maintain and peculiar fragrance, it is very popular today.

Matters needing attention

The smell of geraniums is peculiar. If you put it indoors, if you put too much, you should still be careful.

Introduction to the culture techniques of potted geraniums. Let's learn it.

Geraniums, alias hydrangea, native to South Africa, are perennial herbaceous flowers, flowering from early winter to early summer, potted plants should be used for indoor and outdoor decoration, can also be used as flowers for spring flower beds. Let's take a look at the introduction of cultivation techniques of potted geraniums.

How to raise potted geraniums?

Cultivation method of potted geranium 1. Soil selection: 4 parts of humus soil, 3 parts of garden soil (or peat soil), 2 parts of river sand (or perlite) and 1 part of organic fertilizer mixed culture soil. It can also be mixed with fine sand soil, humus soil, perlite and organic fertilizer. Geranium requires that the soil is more loose and breathable, and the basin can be turned every autumn, or loosen the soil in time.

Cultivation method of potted geranium 2. Fertilization method: during the growth period, liquid fertilizer was applied every 10-15 days, while in spring and autumn, liquid fertilizer was applied every 7-10 days; nitrogen fertilizer was the main fertilizer before budding, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was the main fertilizer after budding, and the concentration was 0.1%-0.2%. Put in indoor maintenance in winter, the temperature is higher, basically will not stop growing, can be properly fertilized. With high temperature in summer, the plant is in a semi-dormant state, so fertilization should be stopped. It is best to apply fertilizer in the evening and water it the next morning.

The cultivation method of potted geranium 3. Watering method: the geranium should be watered properly and would rather be dry than wet. Spring and autumn growth season should meet sufficient moisture, so that the basin soil often keep moist, but not stagnant water; cloudy or rainy days, generally do not water, do not fertilize. Plants can be properly accepted by Rain Water, but avoid too much Rain Water watering. Otherwise, it is easy to cause root rot.

Cultivation methods of potted geraniums 4, temperature requirements: geraniums like warmth, avoid high temperature, afraid of cold. The suitable growth temperature of geranium is 1525 ℃. In winter, the indoor temperature should be kept at 10 ℃. The geranium is vulnerable to chilling injury below 3 ℃, but some varieties can tolerate the low temperature of 0 ℃. In summer, when the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, it enters a semi-dormant state. Try to maintain ventilation to avoid muggy environment, which is not conducive to dormancy.

Cultivation methods of potted geraniums 5. Lighting requirements: geraniums are not afraid of strong light, but need shade at noon in summer. The geranium grows strongly in the sun, the leaves are dark green, the internodes are short, and the plant shape is beautiful. Family farming, autumn, winter and spring should be placed in places with direct sunlight, flowering can be moved to indoor to appreciate maintenance, appropriate to receive light, but to avoid direct light, so as not to cause petals scorched.

Breeding methods of potted geraniums 6. Pest control: geraniums are poorly ventilated and too humid, and are prone to leaf spot and Fusarium wilt. After discovery, pay attention to ventilation, immediately remove sick flowers and leaves to prevent infection, and spray the same amount of Bordeaux solution to prevent and cure. The main pests are red spiders and whitefly, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate emulsion.

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