
Cultivation techniques of Primula

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cultivation techniques of Primula

Primroses, also known as primroses, are typical warm temperate plants, most of which are distributed in high latitudes, low elevations or low latitudes and high altitude. they like cool, humid environment and soil rich in humus, and are not resistant to high temperature and strong direct sunlight, and most of them are not resistant to cold.

Reproduction method

Primroses are mainly propagated by seeds, and special horticultural varieties also use ramet or tillering methods.

The life span of seeds is generally short, so it is best to sow them immediately after harvest, or to store them at dry and low temperatures. Sowing seeds in sowing boxes or shallow pots. Because the seeds are small, they can not be covered with soil after sowing. Seeds need light to germinate and like to be moist, so they need to be covered with glass and covered with a newspaper, or put in a semi-shaded place. It sprouted in 10 to 28 days. When the suitable temperature 15C~21C is more than 25C, the germination rate decreases obviously, so the midsummer season should be avoided. The sowing period is determined according to the required flowering time. If it blossoms in winter in a cold greenhouse, it can be sown in late spring; if it blossoms in early spring, it can be sown in early autumn. Flowers are used in open-field flower beds in spring, and they can also be sown in early autumn.

Tillering is usually carried out in autumn.

Cultivation techniques

Primula cultivation management well is not difficult, as greenhouse pot flower species, from sowing to 12 cm pot listing, about 160 days. If sown in July, it can blossom at the beginning of the year. To avoid hot weather, sow seeds in August or blossom in January. The first transplant in a shallow basin or wooden box, the plant distance is about 2 cm, or directly on the 8 cm small basin, the basin soil should not be acidic, and then directly on the 12 cm basin. Planting depth should be moderate, too deep and easy to rot roots, too shallow easy to lodge. Fertilizers must be applied regularly. The reason for the loss of green leaves, in addition to the acidity of the basin soil, may be too wet or poor drainage. Not only should the sun be shaded in summer, but also shade should be given when the sun is strong in winter to ensure bright colors.

For hardy species, when overwintering in the open field to the north of the Yangtze River, leeward conditions should be provided and slight protection should be given to ensure safety. Sowing in August, potted seedlings overwinter in a cold bed, and can blossom and appear on the market from February to April.

The seedlings are transplanted into the pot, and the flowerpot is generally limited to 12 cm ~ 16 cm. The 2-year-old plant can be enlarged properly. Pay attention to ventilation during the summer, give semi-overcast and prevent showers, spray, scaffolding and ground sprinkling and other measures to cool down. The lowest indoor night temperature in winter should be controlled at about 5C, which should not be too high. However, as potted flowers, if sowing too late (October), the overwintering temperature should be raised to 10C in order to accelerate growth and ensure timely flowering in next spring.