
Although this flower has green leaves, it is highly poisonous. Don't raise it at home.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Now that the standard of living has improved, raising some flowers in pots has become a part of improving the quality of life. Of course, potted flowers are not expensive, but growing flowers can make the home more beautiful and pleasant. In addition, there are some flowers that can purify the air.

Now that the standard of living has improved, raising some flowers in pots has become a part of improving the quality of life. Of course, potted flowers are not expensive, but growing flowers can make the home more beautiful and pleasant. In addition, some flowers can purify the air, and the room will be clean. However, not every kind of potted flowers in the flower market is suitable to be raised at home. For example, the next to tell you that this kind of flower, it is obviously the whole plant is "highly toxic", but there are still a lot of people in the cultivation. Do you think it is good-looking, regardless of the well-being of your family?

This kind of flower is a typical foliage plant, "dripping Guanyin". According to the vendors in the flower market, the leaves of this flower are green all the year round and are easy to raise. Usually do not need how to manage, watering on the line, will not be yellow leaves, very suitable for raising in the living room. The owners of these flowers all want to sell them to you, but they seldom say the disadvantages of these flowers. Although Dishui Guanyin is a potted plant with high ornamental value, we flower growers must pay attention to its shortcomings.

Dishui Guanyin, in fact, is not its real name, the reason why it is so called, it is all because of "commercial behavior". How beautiful the name of Dishui Guanyin is! Originally called "sea taro", it is a perennial herb of the genus Amorphophallus of Araceae. It can be said that the whole plant is poisonous. Whether it is the rhizome or leaves, fruits, all have toxins. You can't even touch it. Skin contact with dripping Guanyin juice will cause pain, redness and swelling. If the juice enters the eyes, it can also cause severe conjunctivitis. If there are children at home and eat its fruit, it is even more dangerous!

Although Dishui Guanyin is very toxic, many people still keep it in the living room. Here, it is recommended that flower friends have indoor maintenance and move out as soon as possible. It's better to keep it outdoors than indoors. Some flower friends may have said, I raise it, in addition to watching the leaves, but also want it to absorb indoor dust and purify the air! It is said that the purification ability of Dishui Guanyin is really general, which is not as good as raising a few pots of green apple and hanging orchid.

In addition to Dishui Guanyin is not suitable for indoor breeding at home, there are some "poisonous flowers" can not be raised. For example, common poinsettia, oleander, hook kiss, mandala, tulips, gut grass and so on. Finally, why do we have to raise these poisonous plants when it is not good to raise plants at home? There are many beautiful flowers, and there are also many beautiful plants. Rich bamboo, happiness tree, peace tree and gentleman orchid are all better than the flowers above.

This is the end of the knowledge about growing flowers. Thank you for reading! If you read this article, you are advised to share it with flower growers around you, especially those with children at home, who have been poisoned by accidental ingestion of dripping Guanyin seeds before, so be careful.

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