
The Culture method of Guanyinlian in Sedum Family

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The Culture method of Guanyinlian in Sedum Family

Crassulaceae Guanyin lotus, also known as longevity grass, Guanyin lotus, Buddha lotus, etc., originated in the mountains of Spain, France, Italy and other European countries. The meat, such as its name, has a lotus-shaped shape like a lotus, and has a high ornamental value. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of crassulaceae Guanyinlian

The Propagation method of Guanyinlian of Sedum

1. Cuttage: the propagation of Guanyinlian is generally cut by lateral seedlings, which can be carried out in sandy soil and keep a little damp after cutting. after 2-3 weeks, it will be put on the pot directly after having roots under the leaflet plate.

2. Sowing: sowing under the condition of about 20 ℃ and germinating in about 10 to 15 days, although the seedlings grow slowly, they can get a large number of seedlings at one time.

3. Leaf cutting: the survival rate of leaf cutting is low, so it is rarely used, but if it has been partially hydrated, you can still try it.

4. Tissue culture: the cultivation of crassulaceae Guanyinlian, a high-tech method, can be tried if you have the conditions and interest.

The Culture method of Guanyinlian in Sedum Family

1. Soil: the soil in the basin is required to be fertile, loose and breathable, with good drainage. It is best to use rotten leaves, peat, coarse sand or vermiculite each half, properly mixed with a small amount of bone powder calcareous material, mix evenly. After new planting, watering as little as possible to maintain its semi-dry state, in order to facilitate the recovery of the root system.

2, temperature: Guanyinlian likes the semi-overcast warm environment, and it is suitable for daily growth of about 25 degrees, above 15 degrees during the day in winter, and the temperature at night is not lower than 5 ℃, the plant can continue to grow, can be watered normally, and fertilized properly; if watering is controlled, the plant can be dormant and can also withstand the low temperature of 0 ℃. The long-growing grass is not heat-resistant, and the plant growth stops gradually after May, entering the summer dormancy period, the family can keep it under the corridor or on the inside of the balcony where there is no direct sunlight, good ventilation and no rain, and control watering and stop fertilization. lest plants rot due to muggy, humid and stagnant soil.

3. Illumination: plants are dormant in high temperature in summer and cold in winter, and the main growth period is in the cooler spring and autumn seasons. Sufficient sunlight is required in the growth period. If insufficient light will lead to loose plant shape, not compact, affecting its ornamental, while the plants growing in the place of sufficient light, the leaves are thick and plump, compact and beautiful.

4. Watering: watering should pay attention to the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly" to avoid stagnant water and root rot, but it should not be too dry, otherwise the plant will grow slowly, yellowing or even die. Plants evaporate seriously in summer, so we should pay attention to watering more. The leaves will wither when they are short of water, so it is often necessary to spray water on the leaves and keep them moist, but the accumulation of water in the basin must be avoided, otherwise it will cause root rot.

5. Fertilization: fertilization is mainly based on rotten thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus and potassium, which is applied once every 20 days. Fertilization is usually carried out in the morning or evening when the weather is clear, do not splash the fertilizer on the leaves, and water it once in the evening or the next morning to dilute the residual fertilizer in the soil. Put it in a sunny place indoors in winter, if the lowest temperature at night is about 10 ℃, and there is a certain temperature difference between day and night, it can be properly watered and fertilized as appropriate to make the plant continue to grow. If it can not keep such a high temperature, we should control watering, keep the basin soil dry, stop fertilization, make the plant dormant, and can withstand the low temperature of 5 ℃, and some varieties can even withstand the low temperature of 0 ℃.

6. Propagation: Guanyinlian is propagated by cuttage, which is cut in sandy soil and kept slightly moist after cutting. after 2-3 weeks, it will be put on the pot directly after having roots under the leaflet plate. However, the survival rate of leaf cutting is low, so it is rarely used. The second harvest is the sowing method, under the condition of about 20 ℃ and germinating in 10 to 15 days, although the seedlings grow slowly, they can get a large number of seedlings at one time.

7. Change the basin: it is best to change the basin once a year, in spring and autumn, and to build roots to eliminate withered roots and old roots. The soil in the basin is required to be loose, breathable and fertile. Still use rotten leaf soil or peat soil, coarse sand or vermiculite in half, mixed with a small amount of bone powder and other calcareous materials, mix well and use. Because the soil is moist, the newly planted plants do not need to irrigate too much water to maintain their semi-dry state to facilitate the restoration of roots.

Notes on Guanyinlian of crassulaceae

1. When watering Guanyinlian, you should master "no dry, no watering, then watering thoroughly". Watering should be appropriate to avoid rotting roots caused by long-term stagnant water, and to prevent excessive drought caused by long-term non-watering.

2. During the high temperature period in summer, we should often spray water on the leaf surface and keep the environment moist.

3. The newly planted plants do not need to irrigate too much water and keep them in a semi-dry state, which is beneficial to the restoration of roots.

4. Guanyin lotus will blossom, the leaves grow in rosette shape, long oval-shaped Obovate, apex acute. Cymes; florets light rosy red, follicles, florescence from June to July.