
Maintenance technology of hydroponic plants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Maintenance technology of hydroponic plants

Hydroponic plants belong to a method of plant culture, which is different from the traditional method of raising plants in the soil, but adding the nutrient solution needed by plants to the water to grow plants in water. Hydroponic plants have better ornamental, now there are several goldfish in hydroponic plants, which have better decorative effect, so what are hydroponic plants and what breeding skills are there? The following editor will introduce them one by one.

The method of distinguishing true and false hydroponic plants

Hydroponics is a developing industry in China, bioengineering technology, the use of physical, chemical and biological engineering means to domesticate ordinary plants and flowers. Because it is easy to carry and take care of, the price is cheap, clean, the flowers and leaves grow healthily, and can enjoy the picture together. So it is loved by most people. The Chinese market is very worrying! Because of the existence of fake hydroponics.

Hydroponics technology originated from some developed western countries, and essential changes have taken place when hydroponics technology was introduced into China. For the sake of profit, some Chinese businessmen directly put the washed plants into the water to save costs without artificial training and bioengineering, so that the plants did not seem to die at that time, but a few days later the leaves of hydroponic plants began to turn yellow. finally, the hydroponic plants die slowly. This is not only irresponsible to customers, but also harmful to the real hydroponics industry.

The real hydroponic culture is to put the plant in the nutrient solution, which is prepared by professional hydroponic technology. Plants are made by artificial training or seedling training, and the survival rate is more than 95%. If you add professional care in the later stage, it can be said that they will not die. Therefore, only those who know the real hydroponics technology, the hydroponics cultivated will not die. Remind everyone to ask more when buying hydroponics, and don't buy fake hydroponics.

Maintenance technology of hydroponic plants

1. Selection of utensils: according to the specific conditions of the varieties, shapes, specifications and colors of the plant materials you want to carry out flower hydroponics, choose substitute bottles, pots, vats, and other instruments that can complement each other and complement each other. In accordance with the aforementioned principles for the selection of hydroponic appliances, purchase or process self-made, so that they can be used appropriately and elegantly, and must not be taken casually or misused. So as not to affect the image of hydroponic flowers and the beauty of interior decoration, so as to achieve unity and harmony between utensils and flowers and the living environment, so as to achieve a more ideal ornamental effect.

2. Removing soil and washing roots: when soil cultivation is changed to hydroponics, the work of removing soil and washing roots must be done well. As we all know, soil cultivation is organic nutrition, but after changing to hydroponic culture, it is completely changed to inorganic nutrition cultivation, and the organic matter attached to the soil and roots should be strictly cleaned so as not to affect the normal growth of hydroponic flowers and the infection of diseases and insect pests. Dig out the selected flower plants from the soil or gently pour them out from the flowerpot, first gently lift the branches and stems with the right hand, gently support the root system with the left hand, change the right hand to gently shake, and slowly pat, so that the root soil falls off and reveals all the roots. Then soak in water for 15-20 minutes, gently wash the root with hands, after 2-3 times of water cleaning, until the root is completely soil-free, the water for washing the root is clear and transparent and does not contain sediment. However, it should be noted that some flowers have hard roots and twisted joints, and a lot of soil is in the cracks, which can be dug out with bamboo sticks or sticks and screwdrivers if necessary. There must be no soil left, which is one of the important links in the success of hydroponics, and we must not be negligent.

3. Temperature: the suitable growth temperature of hydroponic plants is above 5 degrees above zero and below 30 degrees. In other words, as long as people feel more comfortable temperature, plants will feel very comfortable, they can grow normally, even in winter, can also flourish, add vitality for us.

4. Light: mainly scattered light. What is scattered light? It is the natural light that comes in from windows and other places, which is naturally scattered indoors. General plant growth as long as there is a proper light on the line, do not have to be exposed to the sun, in summer, but also try to avoid direct sunlight.

5, nutrient solution: generally, we can use the special nutrient solution for hydroponics sold on the market, according to the instructions to match the appropriate concentration, such as dilution 400x or 1000 times, the proportion must not be mistaken. When preparing, the tap water should be placed for two hours to half a day, and after its temperature is close to room temperature and the chlorine in the water is volatilized, the concentrated nutrient solution can be added in proportion to become a nutrient solution that can raise hydroponic plants.

6. Water change: water change refers to the replacement of water with nutrient solution added to the bottle. Under normal circumstances, the water is changed every 5-10 days in spring and autumn, once in about 5 days in summer, and once in 10-15 days in winter (after the tap water is placed for half a day, add concentrated nutrient solution proportionally). The purpose of changing water is to ensure the oxygen supply in the water. Fresh water contains more oxygen, and plants will grow healthier. If you don't change water for a long time, plants can persist for a period of time. For example, sometimes people go on business trips or go on vacation. If they are not at home for ten days and a half months or even a month, the soil-cultivated plants can't stand it for a long time and die out, while hydroponic plants can persist as long as you add more water. But if the time is too long, the water in the bottle is not fresh or deteriorated, it will affect the growth of hydroponic plants, and in serious cases, it will also cause its death. Note: when changing water, please expose half or 1/3 of the plant's roots.

7. Clean: every time you change water, rinse the roots and containers of plants with clean water, trim withered branches, fallen leaves and rotten roots. Under normal growth conditions, hydroponic plants will regularly rot part of the roots and grow new roots, so when you find rotten roots, don't panic, just use sterilized scissors (sterilized with alcohol cotton) to trim off the rotten roots, and sometimes some old roots can be trimmed off to promote the growth of new roots (note: under the guidance of professionals). But be careful not to hurt the aquatic roots, otherwise it will affect the growth of plants. Hydroponic plant roots, above those white and tender roots are aquatic roots, some grow directly from the base of the stem, some grow from the main root, they are responsible for the absorption function of the plant, must not hurt them.

8. Moisturizing: there is little moisture in the air in winter, especially in the north, which is very dry indoors, which is disadvantageous to the growth of plants, so please spray leaves with clean water to maintain humidity, you can spray water twice a day.