
The Culture method of Ling Arrow Lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Culture method of Ling Arrow Lotus

The arrow lotus is a perennial evergreen epiphytic plant of the cactus family, with a wide variety of flowers and colors. It is deeply loved by people for its delicate and light posture, gorgeous color and gloomy aroma, mainly for potted ornamental plants, and more varieties are used in the greenhouse to improve the ornamental effect. the following editor will introduce the breeding methods of Arrow lotus for you!

The growth habit of Ling Arrow Lotus

Make the arrow lotus like a warm and humid environment, avoid direct sunlight, drought tolerance, semi-shade tolerance, fear of rain, require fertile, loose, well-drained neutral or slightly acidic sandy loam. The optimum temperature during the growing period is 20: 25 ℃, the optimum temperature for flower bud differentiation is between 10 and 15 ℃, the winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, and the florescence is April.

The arrow lotus should be cultivated in loose, fertile and well-drained soil, and it likes fertilizer, and it needs more fertilizer during the growing period so that it can blossom on time and produce beautiful flowers. It is suitable for survival in a warm and humid environment, do not let the balcony direct, drought-resistant and afraid of rain, although like wet, but the soil for planting arrow lotus is required to be a little dry, otherwise it will cause root mildew.

The breeding method of Ling Arrow Lotus

1. Cutting propagation: it is better to carry out cutting propagation between March and April every year. First, cut a healthy flat stem 10 cm long as cuttings, then dry it for 2 to 3 days, then insert it into wet sand or vermiculite, the depth is 1 inch 3 degrees of cuttings, the temperature is kept at 10: 15 ℃, and water is often sprayed to it. Generally, it can take root in one month and pot planting can be carried out.

2. Grafting propagation should be carried out at 25 ℃. The cactus can be selected as the rootstock. Cut a wedge-shaped opening on the rootstock with a knife, then take the 6-8 cm long stem piece of the arrow lotus as a scion, cut one knife on each side of the scion, expose the stem pith to make it into a wedge, then insert it into the crack of the rootstock, tie it up with hemp, and place it in a shady place for maintenance. About 10 days, the grafting part can grow close, remove the hemp skin, carry on the normal maintenance.

3. Ramet propagation: most of the branches sprouted in the lower part of perennial old plants can also be propagated by ramet.

The Culture method of Ling Arrow Lotus

The summer weather is hot, the sun is strong, should be placed under the shade shed, avoid direct sunlight, and often spray water around the basin to improve air humidity. Frosts Descent should move indoors before winter and survive the winter safely when the temperature is above 5 ℃. Move the plant to a sunny place in March and keep the temperature at 10: 15 ℃ to promote flower bud differentiation. When flower buds are formed, if they are too dense, they should be thinned properly. Pot soil can be prepared with garden soil, sand and organic fertilizer. With the growth of the plant, it is necessary to change the basin and soil in spring and autumn every year to promote the rapid growth of the plant, and set up a support to prevent the branch from breaking, at the same time, it is also conducive to ventilation and light, and the plant shape is beautiful.

Make the arrow lotus resistant to drought, so the potted soil should not be too wet. During the bud formation period from March to April, we should apply more phosphate fertilizer to accumulate nutrients, produce more buds and blossom more, but the potted soil should not be too wet. May to July is the flowering season. At this time, we should water less and do not fertilize. Generally, we can water thoroughly once a week. After the flower fade, the pot soil should be slightly dry, and after entering the room in winter, it should be watered according to the principle of "dry and thoroughly", otherwise it is easy to cause decay.

Make Arrow lotus like fertile, loose, well-drained slightly acidic (pH 5-6 is the most suitable) rotten leaf soil, heavy soil conditions are prone to root rot; drier soil is required in winter, but generally speaking, arrow lotus is mostly potted, and cutting can be used. In early spring in March and April, cut off a section of the stem of the arrow lotus as cuttings, then insert the bottom 1/3 into the prepared thin sand, spray some water every day, and almost take root for a month in a row. The grafting method can also be used. The grafting method of the arrow lotus is generally cut. You can first choose a cactus with good growth as the rootstock, then cut it with a knife, and insert the stem of the arrow lotus in the edge of the knife. It is best to insert it tighter, and then use a wet cloth strip to tie up the interface. After the interface slowly grows together, you can untie the wet cloth strip.

The good growth of the arrow lotus is inseparable from its usual maintenance work. The arrow lotus is a kind of plant that likes light but is not resistant to cold, so it should be exposed to more sunlight at ordinary times, but it should be noted that although it likes light but is afraid of the sun, it is still necessary to carry out shade work in summer. if the arrow lotus is raised with only long leaves but no blossoms, it is probably due to lack of sunshine.

During the growth period of the arrow lotus, fertilizer and water care must be in place. On average, liquid fertilizer or thin fertilizer should be applied every half a month. If the plant is found to be pregnant with bud, take the opportunity to apply phosphate fertilizer to make the arrow lotus blossom. When fertilizing, we should pay attention to if there is too much fertilizer and water, many small lateral buds will grow on the stem. Don't be distressed at this time. The sooner you erase these lateral buds, the better, otherwise it will be easy to grab the nutrients of the main flower stem, and the lateral buds will affect the overall appearance when they grow up. Remember to water after fertilization, the fertilizer diluted by water is more conducive to the absorption of the rhizome. Usually watering is half-dry and half-wet, so as not to accumulate water and rot the roots. When the weather is dry, you can spray some water on the flower stem of the arrow lotus, and you can avoid water and fertilizer in winter.

In addition, the best breeding temperature for arrow lotus is 15 degrees, and it is not a big problem to be a little lower or higher. If it is too high or too low, it will affect its growth. Either a lot of abnormal stems will grow, or the pregnant buds will freeze to death. So the temperature should also be controlled as far as possible. Finally, if the arrow lotus is raised indoors, it is also necessary to ensure the circulation of indoor air.

The four Seasons Conservation of Ling Arrow Lotus

1. Spring: during the growing season, we should pay attention to sufficient light and timely fertilization, and apply nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer every 10 to 15 days to promote the healthy growth of flowers and leaves. Avoid stagnant water in the basin to prevent rotting roots. From April, buds appeared at the edge of the fleshy upper half of the leaves, and gradually expanded, and bloomed half a month later. If the plant is undernourished and weakens, it will not blossom or blossom less. In order to prevent this phenomenon, the available phosphate fertilizer can be applied one or two times in advance. At the same time, too many lateral buds and basal shoots should be erased.

2. In summer: in the period of vigorous growth, one or two times of nitrogen topdressing should be applied in time. This not only promotes it to grow new branches and leaves, but also helps to grow buds and blossom next spring. If you want to increase the number of stems, it is necessary to seize this favorable period to leave buds. At the height of summer, when the arrow lotus enters the semi-dormant period, it should be placed in a ventilated and cool semi-shade, stop fertilizing, water not too much, and keep the potted soil a little dry to prevent it from being too shady so as not to affect flowering.

3. Autumn: it is the second prosperous growth period of the year, and the new leaves are aging and mature gradually. The management and maintenance method is basically the same as that in spring and early summer from May to June. Topdressing can be applied for 2 to 3 times, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. And increase the light time.

4. Winter: after Frosts Descent, the weather turns cold and needs to be moved into the room to keep warm. It can be placed in the sunny place indoors and kept at 8 ℃ at room temperature. Stop fertilizing, control watering, basin soil is dry, too wet will cause leaf wilting and root rot. From mid-March to early April after spring, the window ventilation exercise time can be gradually extended with the rise of temperature, so as to lay the foundation for moving out of outdoor maintenance in the future.