
Planting methods of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting methods of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

How to grow osmanthus seeds? Osmanthus seeds are drupes, long oval, angular, generally mature in April to May. When mature, the outer skin changes from green to purple-black and falls off from the tree. Seeds can be picked from trees, can also be picked up on the ground, but to do with the pick up, otherwise the spring climate is dry, seeds easy to lose water and lose sowing value, let's look at the planting method of osmanthus seeds together!

Pre-sowing treatment of Osmanthus fragrans seeds

1. Seed modulation: After osmanthus seeds are collected, they should be modulated immediately. Mature fruit testa soft, can be immediately washed with water, wash the pericarp, remove floating in the water on the empty particles and small seeds, pick up impurities, and then placed indoors dry. Be careful not to dry in the sun, because there is no waxy layer on the seed coat of Osmanthus fragrans, it is easy to lose water and dry up, thus losing physiological activity.

2. Seed storage: Osmanthus seeds have the characteristics of physiological post-ripening, and must be properly stored to germinate before sowing seedlings. Osmanthus fragrans seeds are stored in sand and water.

① Sand storage is covered with layers of wet sand. It is best to store seeds in a cool and ventilated place first, and stack them on the land or sand land, not on the concrete floor.

Water storage is to put the seeds in a bag that is breathable and not easy to rot, tighten the bag mouth, and put them into cold water, preferably running water. Check frequently to see if the seeds are dehydrated or moldy. The seed bags stored in water should not be exposed to the water surface. In summer, the seed bags should be kept away from the high temperature water layer on the water surface to avoid seed germination and heat decay.

3. Inspection and disinfection of seeds

① Inspection: Seed inspection should be carried out before sowing to eliminate empty seeds and deteriorated seeds. Then cut a number of plump seeds randomly with a knife to observe whether the kernels are fresh and have viability. Generally good seed kernels are milky white.

② Disinfection: Wash the seeds with clean water, then dip them in 0.5% potassium permanganate or 1% bleaching powder solution for 15~20 minutes, then filter off the residue of disinfectant solution, wash the seeds with clean water and dry them for sowing; or soak them in 0.5% formalin solution for 15 minutes, pour out the solution, seal them for half an hour, wash them with clean water and dry them for sowing.

4. Germination treatment: In order to make the seeds germinate quickly and neatly, the sterilized seeds can be immersed in warm water of about 50℃ for 4 hours, then taken out and placed in the basket, covered with damp cloth or straw, and placed at 18~24℃ for germination. When half of the seed shells are cracked or the radicles are slightly exposed, sowing can be carried out. In the process of germination, the seeds should be turned frequently to keep the temperature and humidity of the upper and lower layers consistent so that the buds are neat.

Osmanthus fragrans seed sowing method

From February to early April of the next year, sowing and seedling raising can be carried out when the seed crack is exposed. Generally, the drilling method is adopted, that is, horizontal or longitudinal grooves are made on the seedbed, the groove width is 12 cm, the groove depth is 3 cm; the seeds after germination are sown every 6~8 cm in the groove. When sowing, the hilum should be placed laterally to avoid bending the radicle and young stem, affecting the growth of seedlings. In Guilin area, wide sowing is usually used, row spacing is 20~25 cm, width is 10~12 cm, sowing is 20 kg per mu, and 25000~30000 seedlings can be produced.

After sowing, immediately cover with fine soil, the thickness of the soil should not exceed 2~3 times the transverse diameter of the seed; after covering the soil, level the ridge surface to avoid ponding; cover with thin layer of straw, so as not to see the soil, and tension the rope to prevent the grass from being blown away by the wind; then spray water fully with a fine eye sprayer until the soil is wet. Covering grass and spraying water can keep the soil moist, avoid soil hardening, and promote early germination and early emergence of seeds.

Post-sowing Management of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

After seed germination, management work should be followed up in time to cultivate healthy seedlings. The growth and development of seedlings, in the specific operation should do the following six points:

1. Uncovering grass and shading: When the seeds germinate, they should be properly uncovered on cloudy days or in the evening. Uncovering the grass too early will not achieve the purpose of covering the grass; uncovering the grass too late will cause the sprouts to break or form tall seedlings. The removal of weeds should be carried out in stages, and a part of the cover grass can be left between seedlings to keep the seedbed moist, reduce water evaporation and prevent weed growth. After removing grass, entering the summer high temperature season, it is necessary to set up a shade in time to keep the transmittance of the shade at about 40%. The daily shade time is generally covered in the morning and uncovered in the evening; the sunny day is covered, and the rainy day is uncovered. By the middle of September, the reed curtain for shading can be collected and stored.

2, loose soil and weeding: loose soil should be carried out in time, the depth of 2~3 cm, should be shallow not deep, in order to prevent root injury. Weeding can be combined with loosening, and strive to achieve early, small, except. In addition, weeds should also be removed from the edges of ditches, footpaths and ridges to clean the nursery and eliminate breeding sites for pests and diseases.

3. Thinning and supplementing seedlings: Osmanthus seedlings are more tolerant to shade and grow slowly. Generally, there is no need to thinning seedlings, and proper thinning can be done. Do not damage the roots of the seedlings when transplanting. Irrigation should be carried out after transplanting to make the roots of the seedlings closely combine with the soil.

4, irrigation and fertilization: summer and autumn dry season must pay attention to drought protection seedlings, irrigation in the morning or evening is appropriate. Adopt quick irrigation and quick drainage method, water should be irrigated thoroughly and evenly, and in rainy season, ditch cleaning and drainage should be strengthened to avoid seedling waterlogging. One month after the seedlings emerged, they entered the vigorous growth period of seedlings. A thin, decomposed manure or nitrogenous fertilizer should be applied once a month. The concentration is 150 - 200 g of manure or urea or 300 - 400 g of thiamine per 100 kg of water. With the growth of seedlings, fertilizer concentration can be appropriately increased. After autumn, stop topdressing to prevent seedlings from growing and suffering from freezing injury. When topdressing, do not make fertilizer attached to seedlings, to avoid injury seedlings.

5. Pest control: Osmanthus continuous cropping nursery is prone to brown spot disease and blight, resulting in a large number of withered leaves, or seedling root neck and root cortex rot and lead to the death of the whole plant. At the same time, aphids are also prone to damage in seedling stage. Therefore, pest control work can not be ignored.

6. Timely transplanting: Osmanthus fragrans 1-year-old seedlings are 20~30 cm high and transplanted in early spring of the following year. When 2-year-old seedlings are about 60 cm high and 3-year-old seedlings are about 1 m high, they are required to be transplanted again. As a shade tree or trunk tree, it is generally required to cultivate for 8~10 years, 2~3 meters high and 8~10 cm in diameter, which is conducive to post-planting conservation and management.