
Matters needing attention in Fugui Bamboo Culture

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Matters needing attention in Fugui Bamboo Culture

Rich bamboo can be made into pagoda shape and given as a gift, which represents auspiciousness, wealth and wealth congratulations. in its culture, attention should be paid to controlling the top and lateral buds in order to make rich bamboo grow well and have more ornamental value. do you know what matters needing attention in rich bamboo culture? Let's take a look at it together.

Points for attention in controlling apical and lateral buds of Phyllostachys pubescens

The branches and leaves of rich bamboo are easy to grow endlessly, if not treated, it will affect the ornamental effect, and the ways to restrain the growth of branches and leaves are as follows:

1. Control watering. To keep it at a low temperature and keep it below 18 ℃, you need to change water frequently to prevent the roots from rotting.

2, pick the heart, when the top bud of each stem segment grows to 1 cm, remove the top, that is, fix the bamboo tower with the left hand, carefully squeeze the tip two leaflets of the right thumb and index finger, pull out the heart leaves hard, be careful not to hurt other lobules.

Points for attention in the styling of Fugui Bamboo

Rich bamboo has an auspicious meaning, whether you give it to others or watch it yourself, it is the enjoyment of beauty, and you can also shape it according to your preferences.

1. Pagoda shape: rich bamboo has strong growth, strong vitality, strong fecundity and easy management. according to these characteristics, a large number of new bamboos are propagated and many stems of different lengths are cut off to form a pagoda, and the upper end of each stem must carry bamboo shoots. it is necessary to retain the bud eye so that the top of each pagoda can grow buds and grow branches and leaves to form a new living pagoda.

2. Bottle-style bonsai: intercept the stem and tail of rich bamboo about 20 cm long, cut it in a vase or hanging vase, then put water 5 cm deep, change the water once every few days, and usually put it on several cases of cool and ventilated indoor, which can keep the leaf color green for a long time. Don't have some fun.

3. Green pillars: two pots of rich bamboo are placed on both sides of the hall screen. If they are not moved or trimmed for a long time, they are allowed to grow freely and rise so that they can grow more than 1 meter high and form a green column.

4. Jungle bonsai: when Hsinchu grows up, the old, weak and dense bamboos can be cut off and properly trimmed to make a jungle style. after shaping, the withered stems and old leaves in the lower layer of the bamboo stem can be peeled off, and the green, bright and glossy bamboo knots can be seen against each other, which can improve the ornamental effect.

Matters needing attention in Fugui Bamboo Culture

1. Moisture: it is more frequent to change water in summer than in winter. Clean water, grease, dirty water and hard water may cause rotting roots.

2. Fertilization: rich bamboo raised by water should not put chemical fertilizer, but can put some nutrient solution every month.

3, light: rich bamboo is a shade-loving plant, the light should not be too strong, but it is best to get scattered sunlight, do not put it next to the TV, where fans and air conditioners can blow, so as not to cause the leaves to wither.

4. Temperature: the rich bamboo grows between 20 ℃ and 35 mm. Pay special attention to the frostbite of the rich bamboo in winter, which can cause its withered leaves to turn yellow and should not be put outdoors.