
Pruning methods of rich bamboos

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pruning methods of rich bamboos

Rich bamboo means auspiciousness, and there has been a saying that bamboo is safe in China since ancient times, so many people raise rich bamboo at home or in the office, but many people do not know how to prune it. Below, the editor of Qiannong Network will introduce to you the pruning method of rich bamboo.

Pruning method of overlong buds of rich bamboo

Rich bamboo needs to be pruned when the bud is too long. If the bud is too long, it will not only affect the growth of rich bamboo, but also affect the beauty of rich bamboo. Pruning methods are as follows:

1. Use gardening scissors or other sharp knives to cut the extra buds away from the parent plant 0.5cm.

2. Dry the incision, then put the incision into an appropriate amount of potassium permanganate solution, disinfect the incision and soak for at least 30 minutes to prevent the incision from infection.

3. Put it back into the vase for maintenance.

Pruning methods of damaged roots of rich bamboos

The main reasons for the rot of rich bamboo roots are that there are stones in the roots or being injured and infected during transportation, and bacteria are not only in the roots, but also in the roots close to them, so the infected areas need to be cut off. At this time, pruning should pay attention to the following points:

1. The part of the bamboo rod infected by bacteria is relatively soft. Squeeze the bamboo rod with your hand and cut off the part that feels soft. The knife edge should be smooth until the bamboo body is hard when you squeeze it with your hands, and if the cut is of normal color, you do not need to cut it any more.

2. Disinfect with potassium permanganate solution.

3. After the incision is dried, it is inserted into clean water or wet soil for cultivation. Do not move the rich bamboo at will within half a month, after which you can grow new roots.

The pruning method of rich bamboo is introduced here first. Generally speaking, the pruning method of rich bamboo is not difficult, mainly due to the location of construction and disinfection.

Maintenance and Management methods of Fugui Bamboo

1. If the leaves turn yellow, pay attention to whether there is not enough light or too much fertilizer.

2. If there are rotten leaves and roots, they should be removed in time.

3. Change the water frequently. If you find any strange smell, you should change the water immediately.

4. Do not put it next to the electrical appliances, such as do not put the rich bamboo next to the TV set or where the air conditioner often blows, so as to prevent the leaf tip and edge from drying up.