
Flower planting technique: the Seedling and planting method of African Corydalis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, African pansy general leaf inserted seedlings with 4-6 leaves can be divided, seedlings should avoid hot and humid and cold weather, otherwise it is easy to rot seedlings. The seedling should wait for the medium to be a little drier. Remove the leaves with seedlings, shake off the loose medium, and carefully break off the seedlings with your hands.

African pansy general leaf inserted seedlings with 4-6 leaves can be divided, seedlings should avoid hot and humid and cold weather, otherwise it is easy to rot seedlings.

The seedling should wait for the medium to be a little drier. Take off the leaves with seedlings, shake off the loose medium, and carefully break off the seedlings with your hands.

The medium of the seedling is adjusted to a loose state with a certain humidity in advance, and it is appropriate to grasp it by hand without forming a weight. Put the medium into the small flowerpot and dig a hole in the middle, put the seedling in, gently compact the medium with your fingers, fix the position of the seedling, and bury the seedling in depth to expose the growing point. Don't water the seedlings that have just been planted. The seedlings are planted for a day before they are watered. Enter the normal management after a week in the place where there is scattered light and ventilation. There are pansy enthusiasts said that after dividing the seedlings, they should be moisturized in a plastic box, especially in the dry climate in the north. When the roots of the seedlings grow well and begin to grow, they can enter normal maintenance. This process takes about two weeks or more.

Not every seedling is the same size. Separate the larger one and leave the small one on the mother leaf. Sometimes the small buds at the growth point have not yet developed into small seedlings, so you can put the mother leaves back into the original basin, bury them, and wait for the seedlings to continue to grow. These can grow into seedlings in the future, but later seedlings are often not as strong as those that grow earlier. Of course, if you don't plan to reproduce more, you'd better throw them away. The mother leaves that have just finished dividing the seedlings should not be watered immediately, mainly in order to prevent the wound infection caused by the seedlings.

The Culture method of African Corydalis in the whole process of sowing and Propagation

Flower bonsai network guide: today's flower bonsai network is to share with you about the whole process of sowing and breeding of African pansy, the breeding methods of African pansy, let's take a look.

African pansy is commonly used in the home, and African pansy is also a species that is relatively easy to feed. Here is the process of sowing and breeding African pansy.

Preparation of African pansy before sowing:

Sowing season: spring and autumn, 20-25 degrees is more suitable.

1. Containers: you can use smaller plastic boxes, such as individual moon cakes and translucent fast food boxes.

two。 Medium: small granular vermiculite that has not been used can be used.

3. Prepare the plastic wrap to seal the container.

The operation steps of sowing the seeds of Corydalis are as follows:

Put the seeds in a paper bag and soak the seeds in room temperature water (about 20-25 degrees Celsius) for 8-12 hours. Soak do not open the paper package, directly soak the paper package in water, and then squeeze the paper package to discharge the gas to soak the seeds.

The sowing container can not make a leak, and the medium in the sowing container can be drenched with tap water or pure water.

Sowing method:

Dry the soaked seed paper bag with a paper towel, open the paper package and use a toothpick to put the seeds into the sowing container and finish sowing before the paper package is completely dry. Do not cover or water the seeds after sowing. The distance between the seeds should be more than one centimeter.

Maintenance of Corydalis after sowing (temperature, humidity, light)

After sowing, seal the seeding box with plastic film, and then put it into a large, transparent, covered or sealed container, which can be moisturized with water, and put the container in a place where there is no direct sunlight. Seeds begin to germinate in 10-20 days at an ambient temperature of 20-25.

Budding, budding and transplanting of Corydalis

1. After germination, the seedlings should pay attention to moisturizing, and after most seedlings have 2 leaves, gradually open the sowing box seal fresh film ventilation, until fully opened, but the sowing box should also be placed in a large container.

two。 The seedlings are so delicate that they can only be placed in a place where there is no direct sunlight.

3. When there are too many seedlings in the sowing box, the seedlings in the places with dense buds can be removed with toothpicks in time.

4. When the seedlings are bigger, they can be fertilized with dilute fertilizer to promote growth.

5. After the seedlings have 4-6 leaves, we can consider using 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 medium to plant seedlings at the right time.

Culture methods of African Corydalis

Not long ago, I had the idea of writing down the breeding method of African pansy, but I didn't start it for a long time. I feel that it is not mature enough and not sure enough. Here is a brief talk about my way of raising African pansy for flower friends' reference.

I. cultivation and cultivation

1. In the first few years, I raised some colorful African pansy on and off. The one time I was most impressed was that a man foolishly went to Fang Village in Guangzhou to buy nine African pansy and then desperately inserted leaves according to the book to breed. It was a success. At that time, there were two words: excitement. In the Spring Festival flower market in 2007, I bought another box of colorful African pansy. At that time, there were so many colorful varieties that they continued to breed crazily. Then in one summer, they sacrificed seven or seven or eight, leaving only a few big seedlings left.

2. I joined a local flower group by chance. After joining the group, I found that the African pansy in my hand was really a little powerless. The big family, the master, the variety, made me marvel, so I took an active part in the activities in the group. I didn't miss any opportunity to rob leaves and seedlings. After a year of efforts, the variety on my hands has been enriched and has been recognized by the big families. Although many methods and precautions have been used for reference, there are still many sacrifices in summer.

3. After another period of time, a strange thing happened. The big local families gave up raising African pansy and said they were willing to transfer it to me. I really didn't dare to take it all at once, because I was really not sure that I could let them live in my home. I only took a small part of it. After a summer, I found that the African pansy in my hand was all right, so I dared to take over the African pansy from the big families around me. So I suddenly became a big fan of African pansy, which is not much in the mainland.

4. The trust and support of flower friends make me pay more attention to raising African pansy. I have been thinking about how to make them spend the summer safely in my house without an air-conditioning budget. I thought of this sentence: thin S camels are fatter than horses! When there is a large number, there is always S left, so we are very busy with inserting leaves and breeding. After that summer, a strange thing happened again. Most of the seedlings with dense leaves spent the summer on the balcony, but some older mother plants and some variegated varieties were sacrificed. In this process, it can be found that the resistance of young seedlings is stronger than that of old seedlings, the effect of living in groups is better than living alone, and the new soil is better than the old one. Because of the small success of this method, the number of African pansy has gone up all of a sudden.

5. With the experience of the previous year, one month before the beginning of summer in the second year, all the big seedlings were replanted with new plant materials, and the leaves of individual varieties continued to be planted and backed up. Because there are enough medium-sized seedlings in the family, and the workload of beheading and living in groups is too heavy, we changed the way to stack them on perlite plates, so that their roots extend from the bottom of the basin to the perlite layer, creating a virtual social environment to be approachable. not many sacrifices were made this year, but later found that the seedlings in late summer were generally harmed by root powder, so it was a new round of beheading replanting. Tired! This method is preferable for a small number of students.

6. leaf cutting propagation: the effect of orderly and dense planting in a larger shallow basin is better than that in a small basin alone. I guess African pansy is also afraid of loneliness and knows that unity is strength. The leaf insertion temperature can be maintained at 15-30 degrees Celsius for a long time, especially in the early stage of leaf insertion. When the air humidity is low during leaf insertion, film mulching can be used to moisturize, and the moisturizing space should not be too small.

7. Watering: early watering in spring, noon watering in winter, better watering in the evening if you can't get up early enough in summer, and more watering in autumn. African pansy is a more moisture-resistant plant, try to keep the soil moist, it is best to water once a month to dilute the basin salt. Everything is moderate, it is easy to get bacteria if it is too wet, and it is easy to cause insects if it is too dry.

8. Fertilization: apply more in the growing period, too cold and too hot, less in the flowering period, and apply light fertilizer frequently.

9, sterilization: what is not visible to the naked eye is often the most lethal, and the plant bacterial infection is generally found to be too late. Plum rain weather can increase the frequency of sterilization, African pansy spilled by Rain Water can use the method of flushing once to achieve the cleaning effect.

10. Insect pests: it is difficult for flower cultivation not to deal with pests, and prevention is better than cure. In particular, it is necessary to prevent the high temperature root powder in summer and the hidden insect pests in autumn and winter dryness. The root powder is cultivated in the home or office. It is recommended to replant the stem with new soil (not necessary, do not use pesticides). When beheading injection, pay attention to the stem not to leave too long leaves, to remove the pedicel and bud to retain the top three layers of leaf, the stem can be kept 0.5 cm long. Conditions permit it is best to put into the transparent moisturizing box (that is, transparent finishing box), pay attention to observe the seedling condition, half a month later can be normal management.

11. Soil: it is recommended to use imported peat soil with fine fiber. The domestic soil is really poor. There is a scary recipe for humus soil next to me. The ratio of peat soil to perlite is basically universal. Too much perlite and less peat will result in less nutrients and relatively weak seedling growth.

12: soil change: it is best to do it one month to one and a half months before the beginning of summer. It is recommended to do it again in the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is best to ensure that the soil is changed once a year to increase the nutrients needed for plant growth.

13. Illumination: light is a necessary factor for plant growth. Generally speaking, Corydalis can grow normally if there is enough scattered light. The main factor affecting the opening light is the light, the direct sunlight before 9 o'clock in the morning is nutritious and generally will not hurt the leaves, the plant will naturally come to flower when it grows to a certain stage, and the light in the early stage of flowering has a significant impact on the quality of the later flowering. This autumn found that the autumn sun is very poisonous, may be related to low air humidity, sunburn in summer, sunburn is serious in autumn, this point should be paid special attention!

14: flowerpots: generally use plastic pots, according to the plant size to determine the pot size, too big or too small is not good, if you want to blossom early, you can use a smaller pot to plant. If you want to look beautiful as a whole, you can coat a proper ceramic basin in a plastic basin. The red pottery basin is well breathable, but the watering should keep up, and it is easy to accumulate salt, and it can be soaked and cleaned many times for a long time.

Second, the experience.

1. To create a good planting environment, the way of raising African pansy will be like a fish in water, such as adding some medium and large green plants around raising African pansy, which can not only block the light and humidify, but also alleviate the loneliness of African pansy.

2. Other people's methods are always just reference answers, which should be combined with their own reality (time, space, variety).

3. Observe, summarize, compare, practice and communicate attentively, so that the level of flower cultivation can be improved quickly.

4. Learn from nature, understand the original metamorphic environment of plants, and simulate and create the primary growth environment.

3. Selection of seedlings

Be sure to choose the variety you really like, and only those you really like will pay attention to it and take pains to raise it well.

2, physical store selection seedlings to choose strong, green leaves stretch; Taobao shop purchase, do not worry, it is best to consult the store seedling condition, the seedling is not the bigger the better, of course, not too small, 8-12 real leaves are almost, too big and too old seedlings are easy to damage in the process of packaging, seedling retarding process is also prone to accidents. The vitality of the big and old seedlings is not as good as that of the small ones. It is not recommended to pursue the flowering plants of the big seedlings. Think about how strong the vitality is when the children in our family can cry for a few hours. We can't afford to cry for half an hour.

4. Slow down seedlings

The main results are as follows: 1. when the leaves are inserted into the seedlings, the old leaflets are knocked off, and the new moisturized soil is used for light compaction and proper moisturization. during this period, attention should be paid to replenishing water and keeping the soil moist, which can be managed normally in half a month.

2, online shopping seedlings (non-chimera flower varieties), no matter what the condition of the seedlings, it is recommended to lay down a few leaves for cutting propagation in case of slow seedling period, clean up the roots, and also lightly compact the new embellish soil to plant, moisturize properly with a larger space, pay attention to replenish water during the period, and keep the soil moist, which can be managed normally in half a month. 3. Fertilization is not recommended in the slow seedling stage. Haste makes waste!

5. Flowering

1, to the appropriate temperature conditions of maturity, African pansy will naturally come to the bud, do not worry, the flower can be folded straight must be folded, do not wait for no flower to break the branch.

2. The mature environmental conditions of seedlings can appropriately increase the frequency of promoting flower fertilizer, but also keep in mind that it is too strong.

3. Lateral buds usually appear before flowering (some say sucking buds). These buds are either lateral buds or really become large lateral buds. The appearance of these buds more or less affects the quality of flowering. If it is not for reproduction, they can be removed to make the plants look beautiful.

4. broken flowers often appear when the temperature and humidity are not ideal, which is also a normal phenomenon. Don't doubt that your technology and variety are wrong. African pansy is changeable, which does not mean that it always becomes beautiful and has an ugly side. We should learn to accept it. These flowers that bloom in the normal period under abnormal conditions can be knocked off, and strange flowers will bloom when the growth condition is not ideal.

5. African pansy takes a long time from seeing the bud to blooming. To be patient, it takes about a month to remember, and you have to learn to enjoy the process of expectation. If you want to bloom faster, I think the better way is to raise a few more plants and more varieties, so that the time is scattered, and you don't even know if you inadvertently bloom.

6. If you want to be beautiful as a whole, you have to manually operate the African pansy. If the African pansy is cultivated by unilateral light, it should be rotated 180 degrees from time to time. Generally, it can be adjusted twice, and when the flower bud is squeezed under the leaves and cannot stand out, it can be spent manually and gently. In this way, the flowers will be more concentrated, there will be more bouquets, and they will not be too messy.

Agreed to write well, but the writing seems to be messed up again, everyone will take a look at it! Occasional update, revision and improvement, I hope it will be helpful for you to raise African pansy, if you succeed, count me as a credit, and don't give up easily if you fail! Finally, I would like to send you some favorite African pansy to encourage you.

Huo Xiang Thistle Ageratum conyzoides Huo Xiang Thistle Picture: how to raise Huo Xiang Thistle / Huo Xiang Thistle how to breed Huo Xiang Thistle Business Card Huo Xiang Thistle Ageratum conyzoides Culture methods and matters needing attention Huo Xiang Thistle is native to tropical America, perennial herbs, often used for annual cultivation, 30cm high, the whole plant is hairy. Stems scattered, internodes rooting, white pilose. Leaves opposite, leaf blade ovate. Head, florets are all tubular flowers, colors are light blue, blue pink, white and so on. The florescence is from July to frost. Achenes 1.5 Mel 1.8 mm long, easy to fall off. A thousand seeds weigh 0.15 grams. Like a warm, sunny environment. It is not strict with the soil. It is not resistant to cold and does not grow well in extreme heat. Strong branching force, resistant to pruning. Sowing and propagation, cutting propagation can be used for fine varieties. Flower beds, flower mirrors, potted ornamental and cut flowers. Huoxiang thistle is distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places in China, cultivated and naturalized wild distribution 0; raw valleys, hillside forests or forest margins, riverside or hillside grasslands, field edges or wasteland. It is only cultivated in Zhejiang and Hebei. Morphological characteristics of thistle annual herbs, 50-100 cm tall, sometimes less than 10% sparse pubescent and with yellow glandular spots, slightly more hairs along veins and below leaves, sometimes subglabrous below, petioles of upper leaves or axillary young branches and leaflets on axillary branches are usually densely spreading villous. Capitate inflorescences 4 Mel 18 arranged in usually dense corymbose inflorescences at stem apex; inflorescences 1.5 mi 3 cm in diameter, rarely arranged loosely corymbose. Pedicel 0.5 ft 1.5 cm long, dusty pubescent. Involucral bracts campanulate or hemispherical, 5 mm wide. Involucral bracts 2-layered, oblong or lanceolate-oblong, 3 Mel 4 mm, outside glabrous, margin lacerate. Corolla 1.5 mi 2.5 mm long, outside glabrous or apex dusty puberulent, eaves 5-lobed, lavender. Achenes dark brown, 5-angled, L.2-1.7 mm long, white sparsely puberulent. Crown diaphragms 5 or 6, oblong, apex sharply narrowed or attenuate growing or shortly Awned, or part of the diaphragm tip truncate without awn-shaped acuminate; all crown membranes 1.5 ml 3 mm long. Thistle has no obvious main root. Stem stout, base 4 mm in diam., or rarely slender, but base less than 1 mm in diameter, unbranched or branched from base or above middle, or lower base procumbent with nodes often adventitious roots. All stem branches are reddish, or distally green, white dusty pubescent or distally densely spreading villous. Leaves opposite, sometimes distally alternate, often with axillary rudimentary leaf buds. Middle stem leaves ovate or elliptic or oblong, 3 mi 8 cm long and 2 mi 5 cm wide; leaves from middle leaves upward and downward and on axillary branchlets gradually smaller or smaller, ovate or oblong, sometimes all leaves of the plant are small, only 1 cm long and only 0.6 mm wide. All leaves base obtuse or broadly cuneate, basally triveined or inconspicuously pentadecate, apex acute, margin rounded serrate, petiole 1 Mel 3 cm long, white on both surfaces. The ecological habits of thistles in valleys, under hillside forests or on forest margins, riversides or hillside grasslands, fields or wastelands. It is only cultivated in Zhejiang and Hebei. Huoxiang thistle prefers a warm, sunny environment. It is not strict with the soil. It is not resistant to cold and does not grow well in extreme heat. Strong branching force, resistant to pruning. Cultivation techniques of thistle Seedling Seedling Huoxiang thistle seed is small, sowing requires meticulous operation. In general, sowing in the greenhouse in early February can also be sown in the open field in early April. The cultivated soil should be half of agricultural fertilizer and half of garden soil, mixed with a small amount of rotten leaf soil, mixed evenly and sifted. A small amount of seedlings can be raised in flowerpots (a large number of seedlings can be used as beds), the culture soil will be loaded into the basin, compacted and poured through water, and after the water seeps, the seeds will be spread evenly on the wet soil. Do not cover the soil too thick, so as to cover the seeds strictly. Keep the potted soil moist. The seedlings can emerge in about 10 days. The seedlings were divided into two pairs of true leaves, and one plant was planted in a small plastic nutrition bowl. The seedlings grow slowly. In order to form early and blossom early, cuttings can be used to raise seedlings. Large mother plants should be prepared for cuttage breeding, which should be put in the greenhouse in winter, strong branches should be taken in early spring, and 4 true leaves should be retained, leaving no growing point. The length of the branch is 5ml / 6cm, and the cut should be under the node and cut as you go. The cutting depth is the length of the cuttings, which is the length of the cuttings, which is the length of the cuttings. In high temperature season, put it in a cool place after cutting to prevent high temperature and sun exposure. Except for the low temperature in winter, cutting seedlings can be carried out in other growing seasons and are easy to survive. The seedlings of thistle were planted in pot when there were 4 branches of 2Mel. One plant was planted in a 4-inch flowerpot, and the pot soil was mixed with agricultural fertilizer, garden soil and fine sand. After the seedlings are planted, the potted soil should be compacted, watered, put in a cool place, and moved to the sun after 10 days. At this time, the seedlings basically slowed down and began to grow normally. Pay attention to water and fertilizer management, basin soil surface whitening see dry watering, each watering should be enough, not half of the water. Enter the high temperature season, plant growth peak season, watering twice a day. Thin cake fertilizer and water were irrigated once every 10 min 15 days, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were added appropriately. In this way, the plant can be dwarfed, the flowers will be colorful, and the ornamental value can be improved. Pruning Huoxiang thistle has a long flowering period. in order to keep the plant type short, compact and beautiful, it is necessary to pick the heart for many times and generally pick the heart for 3 times. To form a round plant type, the top of each branch can form buds and blossom at the same time, making its branches and leaves luxuriant, colorful, beautiful and spectacular. After the first batch of flowers bloom, pruning and pruning should be made in time. Generally, the old branches are kept 5m high, the upper part is cut off, and the dense branches are thinned at the same time. Then it is necessary to ensure sufficient water and fertilizer to promote the germination of new branches in order to produce fresh chlorophyll. The seeds of thistle are easy to fall off after maturity and should be harvested in time. When most of the florets in the head are dry and the achene crown hairs are clearly exposed, they can be harvested. After drying, you can rub off the seeds, clean up the bags and store them in a cool and dry place. Huoxiang thistle has a long flowering period and seed maturity is not concentrated, so it should be harvested many times. The leaves are large, and photosynthesis produces a lot of starch, so it is a good material for photosynthesis experiment. The temperature environment thistle has a strong ability to adapt to light. Put in indoor maintenance, as far as possible in places with bright light, such as well-lit living room, bedroom, study and other places. Like wet or semi-dry growth environment, require the relative temperature of the air in the growth environment at 50-70%, the lower leaves yellowing and falling off when the air relative humidity is too low, and the upper leaves are not glossy. Thistle is not cold-resistant. It should be moved indoors before frost and put in a sunny place. The temperature should be above 5 ℃ at night and 10 ℃-15 ℃ during the day can grow and blossom normally. Water is watered every 3 times every 5 days, and thin cake fertilizer is watered once a month. After indoor maintenance for a period of time, it should be moved to an outdoor place with shade (heat preservation in winter) for a period of time, so that it can be exchanged alternately. Humidity management likes the humid or semi-dry climate environment, which requires that the relative air temperature of the growing environment is 50-70%. When the air relative humidity is too low, the lower leaves yellowing and falling off, and the upper leaves are not glossy. Temperature management because it is native to the subtropics, the temperature in winter is very strict, and the growth stops when the ambient temperature is below 8 ℃. Light management has a strong ability to adapt to light. Put in indoor maintenance, as far as possible in places with bright light, such as well-lit living room, bedroom, study and other places. After indoor maintenance for a period of time (about a month), it should be moved to an outdoor place with shade (heat preservation in winter) for a period of time (about a month), so alternately. The cultivation method of thistle 1. Cultivate strong seedlings of thistle with fine seeds and meticulous sowing. In general, sowing in the greenhouse in early February can also be sown in the open field in early April. The cultivated soil should be half of agricultural fertilizer and half of garden soil, mixed with a small amount of rotten leaf soil, mixed evenly and sifted. A small amount of seedlings can be raised in flowerpots (a large number of seedlings can be used as beds), the culture soil will be loaded into the basin, compacted and poured through water, and after the water seeps, the seeds will be spread evenly on the wet soil. Do not cover the soil too thick, so as to cover the seeds strictly. Keep the potted soil moist. The seedlings can emerge in about 10 days. The seedlings were divided into two pairs of true leaves, and one plant was planted in a small plastic nutrition bowl. The seeds of thistle are small and the seedlings grow slowly. In order to form early and blossom early, cuttings can be used to raise seedlings. Large mother plants should be prepared for cuttage breeding, which should be put in the greenhouse in winter, strong branches should be taken in early spring, and 4 true leaves should be retained, leaving no growing point. The length of the branch is 5ml / 6cm, and the cut should be under the node and cut as you go. The cutting depth is the length of the cuttings, which is the length of the cuttings, which is the length of the cuttings. In high temperature season, put it in a cool place after cutting to prevent high temperature and sun exposure. It takes about 10 days to take root, and the seedlings can be divided. Except for the low temperature in winter, cutting seedlings can be carried out in other growing seasons and are easy to survive. 2. Planting and management of thistle seedlings were planted in pots when there were four branches. One plant was planted in a 4-inch flowerpot, and the pot soil was mixed with agricultural fertilizer, garden soil and fine sand. After the seedlings are planted, the potted soil should be compacted, watered, put in a cool place, and moved to the sun after 10 days. At this time, the seedlings basically slowed down and began to grow normally. Pay attention to water and fertilizer management, basin soil surface whitening see dry watering, each watering should be enough, not half of the water. Enter the high temperature season, plant growth peak season, watering twice a day. Thin cake fertilizer and water were irrigated once every 10 min 15 days, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were added appropriately. In this way, the plant can be dwarfed, the flowers will be colorful, and the ornamental value can be improved. 3. Plant pruning Huoxiang thistle has a long flowering period. in order to keep the plant type short, compact and beautiful, it is necessary to pick the heart for many times. To form a round plant type, the top of each branch can form buds and blossom at the same time, making its branches and leaves luxuriant, colorful, beautiful and spectacular. After the first batch of flowers bloom, pruning and pruning should be made in time. Generally, the old branches are kept 5m high, the upper part is cut off, and the dense branches are thinned at the same time. Then it is necessary to ensure sufficient water and fertilizer to promote the germination of new branches in order to produce fresh chlorophyll. 4. The thistle is not cold-resistant in winter. It should be moved indoors before the frost and put in a sunny place. The temperature should be above 5 ℃ at night and 10 ℃-15 ℃ during the day can grow and bloom normally. Water is watered every 3 times every 5 days, and thin cake fertilizer is watered once a month. The propagation of thistle prefers a warm, sunny environment. It is not strict with the soil. It is not resistant to cold and does not grow well in extreme heat. Strong branching force, resistant to pruning. Sowing and propagation, cutting propagation can be used for fine varieties. It is often propagated by sowing and cutting. Sowing, spring sowing in April. Sprouted 2 weeks after sowing. Cutting, cutting the top twigs as cuttings from May to June, rooting about 15 days after cutting, the survival rate is high. Seeds have the ability to self-sow and reproduce. The seeding seedlings are transplanted once when they are 3-4 cm high, and they are planted or potted when they are 7-8 cm high. During the growing period, fertilization was applied once a month, and 6-7 leaves were coring to promote multi-branching. At flowering stage, phosphate fertilizer was applied 1-2 times. The flowers will continue to blossom after sprouting new branches after they are re-cut once. Huoxiang thistle sowed and propagated, raised seedlings in indoor hotbed from March to April in early spring, and planted in the open field in the middle of April. For some excellent varieties, cutting can be used to raise seedlings, or tissue culture can be used to quickly raise seedlings. Huoxiang thistle has strong adaptability, does not choose soil, and can grow well in sandy loam, pastoral soil, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline soil. Under the condition of sufficient sunshine, the flowers are dense and colorful; in the shady environment, the stems and leaves are bright green and cover the ground well. Patchouli thistle is resistant to pruning and can be pruned at any time after flowering to form new flowers. During the growing period, it is required to apply appropriate amount of topdressing, which can be dried with compound chemical fertilizer or chicken manure, and remember to irrigate immediately after fertilization, otherwise it is easy to burn leaves or plant roots. Huoxiang thistle can produce about 9 pairs of leaves in about 60 days in early spring, and grow many seedlings with large buds, sowing seeds about 1.5 grams per square meter of seedling bed. Because the seed is very small, in order to sow evenly, mix the seed with about 30 to 50 times fine sand or fine soil, and then sow the seed. The seed is covered with fine soil about 0.3 cm. The ground temperature was controlled for 22 ~ 25 ℃, and the seeds were sowed and germinated for 5 days. The disease control of Huoxiang thistle is often caused by root rot, rust, night moth and whitefly. Root rot was sprayed with 1000 times of acetic acid solution of 10% antimicrobial agent, and rust was sprayed with 2000 times of 50% verapamil wettable powder. Huoxiang thistle is distributed in the area where patchouli thistle is originally produced in Mexico and is now widely distributed in the tropics of the Old World. "FloraofHongKong", which was first recorded in G.Bentham (1861) in China, was found in southern Yunnan at the end of the 19th century. It is now widely distributed in the low mountains, hills and plains of the Yangtze River basin and all parts of the south. Another kind of bear ear grass (A.houstonianum) originating from Central America is introduced and cultivated as an ornamental in southern China and is often used as a weed. The use of Huoxiang thistle flowers have an effect on health: 1. Huoxiang thistle flower color stimulates the senses and has an effect on people's psychology. Different flower colors of thistle have different effects. 2. The fragrance of thistle flower stimulates the taste, which is very beneficial to health. 3. Huoxiang thistle flower aromatic oil can resist bacteria and enhance human immunity. According to physiologists, the "external hormones" contained in the fragrance of thistle flowers have the same ability as human "sex hormones". 4. Thistle flowers can purify the air. The study found that thistle flowers have the effect of taking drugs, killing virus and preventing air pollution. Application value Huoxiang thistle luxuriant, light and elegant design, often used to configure flower beds and ground covers, can also be used for small courtyards, roadsides, rock side embellishment. Dwarf species can be potted and ornamental, while tall species are used to cut flower vases or make flower baskets. For flower beds, potted plants, ground covers, flower borders, flower lawns, etc., as well as ground covering materials. In African and American residents, the whole herb of this plant is used for heat-clearing and detoxification, anti-inflammation and hemostasis. In South America, local residents think highly of the use of this plant in the treatment of non-uterine vaginal bleeding in women. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of thistle the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Huoxiang thistle are only for reference and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Huoxiang thistle folk use whole herb to treat cold and fever, eczema, traumatic bleeding, burn and scald and so on. In African and American residents, the whole herb of this plant is used for heat-clearing and detoxification, anti-inflammation and hemostasis. In South America, local residents think highly of the use of this plant in the treatment of non-uterine vaginal bleeding in women. In Chinese folk, whole herbs are often used to treat colds, fever, eczema, traumatic bleeding, burns and so on. The garden use of thistle can be used to decorate flower beds and mirrors, and can also be used as ground cover plants. High-born species can be used as cut flowers, potted flowers and so on. It can also be planted along the edge of flowers, flowers or paths, and can decorate the rock garden, which can blossom quickly after pruning. Huoxiang thistle has luxuriant bushes and elegant flowers, which is often used to configure flower beds and ground quilts, and can also be used to decorate small courtyards, roadsides and rocks. Dwarf species can be potted and ornamental, while tall species are used to cut flower vases or make flower baskets. For flower beds, potted plants, ground covers, flower borders, flower lawns, etc., as well as ground covering materials. Huoxiang thistle has high seed setting rate and fast reproduction speed. Huoxiang thistle mainly has three colors: blue, white and pansy, and the plant can grow to 20cm to 25cm high. It is best to be used as a potted plant and edge plant in the courtyard, or to decorate the rock garden, or for indoor ornamental. If a large area is used in flower beds, it can be used as a base color adjustment configuration, which also has a unique effect. The flower language of Huoxiang thistle: beloved Huoxiang thistle and scenic spot red thistle, Compositae Huoxiang thistle genus. Originated in Mexico. Guangdong called salted shrimp flowers, white flowers, bitter white hair, white flowers stinky grass, Yunnan called Chongyang grass, Guizhou said abscess grass, green cohosh, Guangxi said stinky stove grass. Huo Xiang thistle pictures