
Culture methods of African Corydalis (detailed tutorial)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Not long ago, I had the idea of writing down the breeding method of African pansy, but I didn't start it for a long time. I feel that it is not mature enough and not sure enough. Here is a brief talk about my way of raising African pansy for flower friends' reference. Cultivation, 1. I have raised some colorful African pansy on and off in the first few years.

Not long ago, I had the idea of writing down the breeding method of African pansy, but I didn't start it for a long time. I feel that it is not mature enough and not sure enough. Here is a brief talk about my way of raising African pansy for flower friends' reference.

I. cultivation and cultivation

1. In the first few years, I raised some colorful African pansy on and off. The one time I was most impressed was that a man foolishly went to Fang Village in Guangzhou to buy nine African pansy and then desperately inserted leaves according to the book to breed. It was a success. At that time, there were two words: excitement. In the Spring Festival flower market in 2007, I bought another box of colorful African pansy. At that time, there were so many colorful varieties that they continued to breed crazily. Then in one summer, they sacrificed seven or seven or eight, leaving only a few big seedlings left.

2. I joined a local flower group by chance. After joining the group, I found that the African pansy in my hand was really a little powerless. The big family, the master, the variety, made me marvel, so I took an active part in the activities in the group. I didn't miss any opportunity to rob leaves and seedlings. After a year of efforts, the variety on my hands has been enriched and has been recognized by the big families. Although many methods and precautions have been used for reference, there are still many sacrifices in summer.

3. After another period of time, a strange thing happened. The big local families gave up raising African pansy and said they were willing to transfer it to me. I really didn't dare to take it all at once, because I was really not sure that I could let them live in my home. I only took a small part of it. After a summer, I found that the African pansy in my hand was all right, so I dared to take over the African pansy from the big families around me. So I suddenly became a big fan of African pansy, which is not much in the mainland.

4. The trust and support of flower friends make me pay more attention to raising African pansy. I have been thinking about how to make them spend the summer safely in my house without an air-conditioning budget. I thought of this sentence: thin S camels are fatter than horses! When there is a large number, there is always S left, so we are very busy with inserting leaves and breeding. After that summer, a strange thing happened again. Most of the seedlings with dense leaves spent the summer on the balcony, but some older mother plants and some variegated varieties were sacrificed. In this process, it can be found that the resistance of young seedlings is stronger than that of old seedlings, the effect of living in groups is better than living alone, and the new soil is better than the old one. Because of the small success of this method, the number of African pansy has gone up all of a sudden.

5. With the experience of the previous year, one month before the beginning of summer in the second year, all the big seedlings were replanted with new plant materials, and the leaves of individual varieties continued to be planted and backed up. Because there are enough medium-sized seedlings in the family, and the workload of beheading and living in groups is too heavy, we changed the way to stack them on perlite plates, so that their roots extend from the bottom of the basin to the perlite layer, creating a virtual social environment to be approachable. not many sacrifices were made this year, but later found that the seedlings in late summer were generally harmed by root powder, so it was a new round of beheading replanting. Tired! This method is preferable for a small number of students.

6. leaf cutting propagation: the effect of orderly and dense planting in a larger shallow basin is better than that in a small basin alone. I guess African pansy is also afraid of loneliness and knows that unity is strength. The leaf insertion temperature can be maintained at 15-30 degrees Celsius for a long time, especially in the early stage of leaf insertion. When the air humidity is low during leaf insertion, film mulching can be used to moisturize, and the moisturizing space should not be too small.

7. Watering: early watering in spring, noon watering in winter, better watering in the evening if you can't get up early enough in summer, and more watering in autumn. African pansy is a more moisture-resistant plant, try to keep the soil moist, it is best to water once a month to dilute the basin salt. Everything is moderate, it is easy to get bacteria if it is too wet, and it is easy to cause insects if it is too dry.

8. Fertilization: apply more in the growing period, too cold and too hot, less in the flowering period, and apply light fertilizer frequently.

9, sterilization: what is not visible to the naked eye is often the most lethal, and the plant bacterial infection is generally found to be too late. Plum rain weather can increase the frequency of sterilization, African pansy spilled by Rain Water can use the method of flushing once to achieve the cleaning effect.

10. Insect pests: it is difficult for flower cultivation not to deal with pests, and prevention is better than cure. In particular, it is necessary to prevent the high temperature root powder in summer and the hidden insect pests in autumn and winter dryness. The root powder is cultivated in the home or office. It is recommended to replant the stem with new soil (not necessary, do not use pesticides). When beheading injection, pay attention to the stem not to leave too long leaves, to remove the pedicel and bud to retain the top three layers of leaf, the stem can be kept 0.5 cm long. Conditions permit it is best to put into the transparent moisturizing box (that is, transparent finishing box), pay attention to observe the seedling condition, half a month later can be normal management.

11. Soil: it is recommended to use imported peat soil with fine fiber. The domestic soil is really poor. There is a scary recipe for humus soil next to me. The ratio of peat soil to perlite is basically universal. Too much perlite and less peat will result in less nutrients and relatively weak seedling growth.

12: soil change: it is best to do it one month to one and a half months before the beginning of summer. It is recommended to do it again in the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is best to ensure that the soil is changed once a year to increase the nutrients needed for plant growth.

13. Illumination: light is a necessary factor for plant growth. Generally speaking, Corydalis can grow normally if there is enough scattered light. The main factor affecting the opening light is the light, the direct sunlight before 9 o'clock in the morning is nutritious and generally will not hurt the leaves, the plant will naturally come to flower when it grows to a certain stage, and the light in the early stage of flowering has a significant impact on the quality of the later flowering. This autumn found that the autumn sun is very poisonous, may be related to low air humidity, sunburn in summer, sunburn is serious in autumn, this point should be paid special attention!

14: flowerpots: generally use plastic pots, according to the plant size to determine the pot size, too big or too small is not good, if you want to blossom early, you can use a smaller pot to plant. If you want to look beautiful as a whole, you can coat a proper ceramic basin in a plastic basin. The red pottery basin is well breathable, but the watering should keep up, and it is easy to accumulate salt, and it can be soaked and cleaned many times for a long time.

Second, the experience.

1. To create a good planting environment, the way of raising African pansy will be like a fish in water, such as adding some medium and large green plants around raising African pansy, which can not only block the light and humidify, but also alleviate the loneliness of African pansy.

2. Other people's methods are always just reference answers, which should be combined with their own reality (time, space, variety).

3. Observe, summarize, compare, practice and communicate attentively, so that the level of flower cultivation can be improved quickly.

4. Learn from nature, understand the original metamorphic environment of plants, and simulate and create the primary growth environment.

3. Selection of seedlings

Be sure to choose the variety you really like, and only those you really like will pay attention to it and take pains to raise it well.

2, physical store selection seedlings to choose strong, green leaves stretch; Taobao shop purchase, do not worry, it is best to consult the store seedling condition, the seedling is not the bigger the better, of course, not too small, 8-12 true leaves are almost, too big and too old seedlings are easy to damage in the process of packaging, seedling retarding process is also prone to accidents. The vitality of the big and old seedlings is not as good as that of the small ones. It is not recommended to pursue the flowering plants of the big seedlings. Think about how strong the vitality is when the children in our family can cry for a few hours. We can't afford to cry for half an hour.

4. Slow down seedlings

The main results are as follows: 1. when the leaves are inserted into the seedlings, the old leaflets are knocked off, and the new moisturized soil is used for light compaction and proper moisturization. during this period, attention should be paid to replenishing water and keeping the soil moist, which can be managed normally in half a month.

2, online shopping seedlings (non-chimera flower varieties), no matter what the condition of the seedlings, it is recommended to lay down a few leaves for cutting propagation in case of slow seedling period, clean up the roots, and also lightly compact the new embellish soil to plant, moisturize properly with a larger space, pay attention to replenish water during the period, and keep the soil moist, which can be managed normally in half a month. 3. Fertilization is not recommended in the slow seedling stage. Haste makes waste!

5. Flowering

1, to the appropriate temperature conditions of maturity, African pansy will naturally come to the bud, do not worry, the flower can be folded straight must be folded, do not wait for no flower to break the branch.

2. The mature environmental conditions of seedlings can appropriately increase the frequency of promoting flower fertilizer, but also keep in mind that it is too strong.

3. Lateral buds usually appear before flowering (some say sucking buds). These buds are either lateral buds or really become large lateral buds. The appearance of these buds more or less affects the quality of flowering. If it is not for reproduction, they can be removed to make the plants look beautiful.

4. broken flowers often appear when the temperature and humidity are not ideal, which is also a normal phenomenon. Don't doubt that your technology and variety are wrong. African pansy is changeable, which does not mean that it always becomes beautiful and has an ugly side. We should learn to accept it. These flowers that bloom in the normal period under abnormal conditions can be knocked off, and strange flowers will bloom when the growth condition is not ideal.

5. African pansy takes a long time from seeing the bud to blooming. To be patient, it takes about a month to remember, and you have to learn to enjoy the process of expectation. If you want to bloom faster, I think the better way is to raise a few more plants and more varieties, so that the time is scattered, and you don't even know if you inadvertently bloom.

6. If you want to be beautiful as a whole, you have to manually operate the African pansy. If the African pansy is cultivated by unilateral light, it should be rotated 180 degrees from time to time. Generally, it can be adjusted twice, and when the flower bud is squeezed under the leaves and cannot stand out, it can be spent manually and gently. In this way, the flowers will be more concentrated, there will be more bouquets, and they will not be too messy.

Agreed to write well, but the writing seems to be messed up again, everyone will take a look at it! Occasional update, revision and improvement, I hope it will be helpful for you to raise African pansy, if you succeed, count me as a credit, and don't give up easily if you fail! Finally, I would like to send you some favorite African pansy to encourage you.

The Culture method of African Corydalis how to raise African Corydalis in potted plants

African pansy is a kind of purple flower with yellow spots in its flower heart, which is very popular in Africa. Many gardeners will plant African pansy. So how to cultivate potted African pansy and what matters needing attention are there in breeding African pansy? the following article will introduce the breeding methods of African pansy in detail for you. If you are a novice flower grower, don't be nervous. African pansy only needs basic care, which is not difficult to raise.

Methods / steps

Ensuring adequate light is very important to promote flowering. Please put the plant by the window so that the right amount of sunlight can come in through the glass. The one next to the east-facing window is the best, because the plants can shine on the morning sun. If you put it in front of a window facing south or west, cover it with thin curtains. In addition, in order to evenly expose all parts of the plant to the sun, turn the flowerpot 1 turn 4 times every other week.

If you can't find natural light, you can also use fluorescent lamps to illuminate plants. The light used to cultivate African pansy needs to come from a double lamp-one with a cold white tube and the other with a full-spectrum lamp. The electric lamp should be illuminated from 20-25 cm above the plant for 12-14 hours a day. If the plant grows too fast and needs to stretch a little bit, the light time can be reduced to 8-10 hours a day.

The most likely cause of death in planting African pansy at the right time is overwatering. The right amount of water should be to keep the soil just a little moist, not to be soaked. Only when the surface of the soil feels dry can it be watered. In addition, warm water should be used for watering.

Pay attention to the watering method you can pour from the top down, you can also pour from the bottom up, you can also use automatic watering devices such as cotton core. However, at least once a month, it should be watered from the top down so that the accumulated fertilizer and salt can be washed away. Also, never soak the flowerpot in water (unless you put a tampon or use Oyama to automatically enter the flowerpot). If the leaves are stained with water, wipe them off with a paper towel immediately to avoid stains on the leaves.

The suitable pot substrate for planting African pansy must be sterilized, light and breathable to facilitate root growth. Soilless nutrient matrix is the most ideal, which contains moss peat, vermiculite and perlite.

To create a favorable growth environment, temperature and humidity are important factors to be considered in the cultivation of Corydalis. Most African pansy can grow at 16-27 degrees Celsius, but the ideal temperature is 22-24 degrees during the day and 18 degrees at night. The best humidity is 40%, 60%. In the hot season, you can put a humidifier or a bowl of water next to the African pansy to increase humidity.

The lack of timely nutritional supplement in fertilization is one of the common reasons for the non-flowering of Corydalis. The simplest solution is to mix liquid fertilizer with each watering, that is, add 1x8-1 4 teaspoons of liquid fertilizer to every 4.5 liters of water. 20-20-20 and 12-36-14 are water-soluble fertilizers with balanced nutrition. In addition, the fertilizer used should contain less urea nitrogen, because urea can cause root burning. Formaldehyde, copper sulfate and nitroglycerin and other substances, if appropriate use and careful care, plant health can be greatly improved. Turpentine, iodine and common salt are also good soil additives that can be used to prevent the growth of weeds.


Don't wet the leaves, because if the leaves are stained with water droplets, they will have yellowish-brown spots. The soil should always be kept moist, but should not be soaked by water, otherwise it will cause root rot or crown rot. Generally speaking, watering once a week is enough, or watering each time when the soil is more than 2.5cm dry. If there is a hole under the flowerpot, you can put the flowerpot in the basin and fill it with water from the bottom up. In addition, the ideal pot substrate should be composed of 25% air, 25% moisture and 50% soil.

African pansy needs to be handled frequently.

The culture method of African pansy also known as African Violet is a plant of the genus Corydalis of Gesneriaceae. African Corydalis small and skillful Lingmei, colorful and poetic, is a famous potted flower in the world, especially popular in Europe and America. After it was discovered by the French in Africa in 1893, it was not found until the beginning of the 20th century that it could blossom year-round in a suitable environment and adapt to the air-conditioned environment. African pansy has been very popular in the United States in the 1930s, and many intermediate and double varieties have been bred in the 1940s. Up to now, Corydalis has become the main potted flower produced in the United States, which is widely cultivated in families, and many new varieties are created by amateurs. In Europe, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and France all have mass production. The Netherlands ranked seventh in the production of potted flowers in 1995, with an output value of 21.4 million US dollars. African pansy has become a windowsill plant in Europe and America and can be bought at any time in supermarkets.

The history of cultivation of Corydalis in China is not long, and test-tube plantlets have only been introduced from the United States and the Netherlands since the 1980s. At present, a small number of Sino-foreign joint venture horticulture companies only have small batch production, cultivation is not common, but the development prospect is still very good. [morphological characteristics and varieties] Corydalis is a perennial herb. Stemless, whole plant hairy. Leaves ovate, petiole stout and fleshy. One or more flowers together, lavender. In recent years, there are many varieties, such as large flowers, single, semidouble, double, variegated leaves, etc., with purple red, white, blue, pink and double colors. Common cultivated varieties are single-petal snow prince (SnowPrince), white flowers; pink miracles (PinkMiracle), pink, pink, edge rose; wrinkle queen (RuffledQueen), purplish red flowers, margin wrinkles; Pocone, large flowers, 5 cm in diameter, light purplish red flowers; and Diana, dark blue flowers. Semidouble FuchsiaRed / purplish red. Double Collina (Corinne), white flowers; Flash, red flowers; BluePeak, blue flowers, margin white; DoubleDelight, flowers blue; blue Capriccio, light blue flowers; ashamed bride (BlushingBride), pink. Foliage species appearance queen (ShowQueen), blue flowers, margin wrinkles, leaves with yellow and white markings; snow blue child (BlueBoyintheSnow), flowers lavender, leaves with white stripes. The ornamental species of the same genus are Corydalis paniculata and Corydalis paniculata. [biological characteristics] Corydalis is native to the tropical regions of eastern Africa. Like warmth. Moist and semi-overcast environment. I am afraid of bright light and high temperature in summer. The suitable temperature for production is 1624 ℃, 1824 ℃ from April to October, and 1216 ℃ from October to April of the following year. The daytime temperature is no more than 30 ℃, and the high temperature is disadvantageous to the growth of Corydalis. The night temperature in winter is not lower than 10 ℃, otherwise it is easy to suffer frost injury. Relative humidity of 40% to 70% is more appropriate, the basin is too wet, easy to rot roots. The air is dry and the leaves lack luster. African pansy needs shade in summer, the leaves are green and green; in winter, it is sunny enough to blossom continuously; rain and snow plus auxiliary light is very beneficial to the growth and flowering of African pansy. [culture method] the methods of sowing, cutting and tissue culture are commonly used. Sowing and breeding: it can be carried out in spring and autumn. In greenhouse, it is better to sow in autumn from September to October, with high germination rate, strong seedling growth, and more big flowers in the following spring. Sow in February and blossom in August, but the growth potential is worse and the flowering is less. The seeds of Corydalis are small, and the sowing pot soil should be fine. After sowing, the soil should not be covered and flattened. The optimum temperature for germination was 18-24 ℃, germinated 15-20 days after sowing, and transferred seedlings 2-3 months after sowing. At the seedling stage, pay attention to the basin soil should not be too wet. It usually takes 6-8 months from sowing to flowering. Cuttage culture: mainly with leaves. After flowering, strong and full leaves were selected, and the petiole was cut off with a length of 2 cm, dried slightly, inserted into the sand bed, and maintained a high air humidity. The room temperature was 18-24 ℃, rooting 3 weeks after implantation, and seedlings would be produced in 2-3 months and moved into a 6-cm basin. In the process of cutting, vitamin ratio treatment was beneficial to the growth of seedlings after rooting, and the petiole treated with 25 mg / L kinetin for 24 hours was beneficial to the formation of adventitious buds. It takes 4 to 6 months from cutting to flowering. If large tiller cuttings are used, the effect is good, generally cutting from June to July, flowering from October to November, such as cutting from September to October, and flowering from March to April of the following year. Tissue culture: in recent years, tissue culture of African pansy is more common. Leaves, petioles and epidermis were used as explants. MS medium was added with 1 mg / L 6-benzylaminoadenine and 1 mg / 1 naphthylacetic acid. Adventitious buds appeared 4 weeks after inoculation, and rooting plantlets could be planted 3 months later. The plantlets were transplanted into the matrix of rotten leaf soil and peat bryophyte, and the survival rate was 100%. At present, test-tube plantlets of Corydalis are produced in the United States, the Netherlands, Israel and other countries. [cultivation management] watering is very important in the cultivation of Corydalis, low temperature in early spring, watering should not be too much, otherwise the stems and leaves are easy to rot and affect flowering. Summer high temperature, dry, should be more watering, and spray water to increase air humidity, otherwise pedicel sagging, florescence shortened. However, when spraying water, the leaves spatter too much water, which will also cause the leaves to rot. In autumn and winter, when the temperature drops, watering should be reduced appropriately. African Viola semi-negative plants, 8 hours of light per day is the most appropriate. If there is not enough light in rainy and snowy days, artificial light should be added. Such as lack of light, elongation of petiole, delayed flowering and dim color. If the light is too strong in midsummer, it will burn or whiten the young leaves and need shade protection. It is required that the temperature at night is higher than that in the day, 24 ℃ at night and 16 ℃ in the day. The stems and leaves grow luxuriantly and the flowers are large and many. In the process of growth, the fertile and loose rotten leaf soil is the most ideal, fertilizing once every semimonthly, if the fertilizer is insufficient, the flowering decreases and the flowers become smaller. After blooming, the residual flowers should be picked at any time to prevent them from mildew and rot. [pest control] Fusarium wilt, powdery mildew and leaf rot are easy to occur under high temperature and humid conditions. 1000 times of acetic acid solution of 10% antimicrobial agent can be sprayed or infused into basin soil. Scale insects and red spiders often harm African pansy during the growing period and can be sprayed with 1000 omethoate EC. [postpartum treatment] small potted ornamental plants of the genus Viola, especially suitable for the middle-aged and elderly. It takes a long time to bloom, easy to move and easy to breed. Potted flowers decorate the desk, desk, windowsill, very elegant and beautiful, presented to relatives and friends, but also good taste.