
China's agriculture is undergoing an unprecedented test. The current situation of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is worrying.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, China's agriculture is undergoing an unprecedented test! This is not sensational, but real. Professional households who focus on rural areas look up to the sky and sigh: what's going on now? In the end, is it industry that feeds agriculture, or does industry attack agriculture? Three.

China's agriculture is undergoing an unprecedented test! This is not sensational, but real. Professional households who focus on rural areas look up to the sky and sigh: what's going on now? In the end, is it industry that feeds agriculture, or does industry attack agriculture? The current situation of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is worrying!

Liu, a big pig farmer, once took us into his farm, introduced the scale and management technology of the farm in detail, then talked about the breeding process of 18 years, talked about the state support policy in recent years, and finally revealed his helplessness. He concluded: "I believe you have also seen the operation of pig farms, chicken farms and ecological chicken farms around you, and 80% of them have closed down." Another big farmer of traditional Chinese medicine was also helpless. He successively planted traditional Chinese medicine for 21 years, experienced sexual Gastrodia elata reproduction, and finally sold Gastrodia elata into radish prices; contracted to plant turmeric 1200 mu, the final price was reduced, not enough to dig labor costs; planting Bletilla striata propagated year by year, now there are Bletilla striata 186 mu, as a result, the price has been reduced by five times, and you directly want to jump.

Today's agriculture is facing various challenges:

Declining enthusiasm for growing grain: affected by the laws of the market, more and more farmers begin to realize that farming is also a means of making money. when they feel that it is not profitable to invest manpower and material resources on land, they will reduce their investment in land and even abandon the land. they focus mainly on the idea of how to make money and how to leave the countryside, especially the new generation of farmers.

Land reduction: basic farmland is decreasing year by year in the process of urbanization and urbanization. High-speed railway, highway construction land, large-scale land for relocation, land for mineral development, land occupied by hydropower stations, and land for factory construction are quietly encroaching on a large amount of basic farmland.

The decline of land fertility: due to the continuous decline of land capital investment, the reduction of livestock breeding, and the decrease of the use of farm manure and organic fertilizer year by year, the decline of land fertility is inevitable.

Water conservancy facilities are in vain: the land in many old irrigation areas has not been irrigated for many years because the water fee is too expensive, irrigation facilities are aging and lose function, and some fields cannot be irrigated because of falling water levels, making it difficult to increase production.

Multiple cropping index is lower: for example, it is difficult to see wheat in southern Shaanxi, and there is only one crop of corn in some parts of Guanzhong, they are not willing to spend more energy and time on the land, turning two seasons a year into a single season.

Industrial pollution: factory wastewater and waste gas cause air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution, affecting crop yield and quality.

Genetically modified food: a large number of imports of genetically modified food, resulting in lower domestic food prices. Some experts advocate that the state will increase the area of genetically modified food crops, damaging the enthusiasm of farmers to grow food.

Rely on industrial food, more and more people like industrial food, almost all snacks are genetically modified raw materials, that is, grain imported from abroad, the consumption of domestic food has declined seriously. People are increasingly pursuing high-quality food. Imported American rice, Thai rice and American high-gluten wheat have gradually entered the dining table of every family, resulting in a relative surplus of food in the country.

The labor force yearns for the irreversibility of urban life: the new generation of farmers all yearn for urban life, and they are willing to work hard in the city no matter how tired they are. this change is the result of farmers' choice. on the one hand, there are more and more employment opportunities in cities. on the other hand, the system reform provides farmers with security for entering the city. When farmers go to the cities, the long-standing problem of large population and little land in China's rural areas will be alleviated to a great extent, farmers' income will continue to increase, and rural poverty will be greatly reduced. In this sense, farmers going to cities is not only a choice for farmers, but also one of the ways for them to improve their welfare. The peasants are not forced to go to the city, but on their own initiative. At the same time, in the current stage of China's economic development, farmers often go to cities only for young and middle-aged families, rather than for the whole family to go to cities, because the cost of living for the whole family is too high. Farmers choose the family planning model of "part-time work and half-farming" based on the intergenerational division of labor, in which young children go to cities to work and do business, and old parents stay in the village to do agriculture. At present, about 70% of Chinese peasant families have chosen such a household income model, which allows peasant families to earn both agricultural income and working income at the same time, while the cost of living in rural areas is relatively low, so that peasant families have economic savings every year. It is easier to live a life with savings. At the same time, under this "half-work and half-ploughing" family planning model, there will inevitably be left-behind elderly people and left-behind children, a large number of young and middle-aged labor force into the cities, resulting in the hollowing out of rural areas, and the social structure that maintained the basic production and life order of farmers began to change.

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Article source: Tianbao Agricultural Technology Service platform (ID:zhxdnyjs)


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