
The balconies of these nine kinds of florets are easy to burst and easy to raise.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
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October 15


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Flower friends in the heart of the explosive dream, whether to start to move?

We have the impression that it is much more difficult for flowers to burst than succulent plants because they have to be carefully trimmed. But what I want to introduce to you today are several kinds of florets that can easily burst into pots without too much energy.

Most of them reproduce with seeds and have the ability to sow themselves. after buying a seed, they can continue to sprout and blossom, and they are strong in nature, extensive in management, and the gospel of the disabled party.

Despite their small flowers, look carefully, the flower posture is not inferior to the gorgeous flowers, once the pot burst, it is even more amazing.

Six times the profit

The six-fold blossom is dense, easy to burst, and the flowers are rich, such as red, peach, purplish blue, white and so on. Hanging pots and potted plants are fine at home.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. The seeds can germinate 20 days after sowing at about 22 ℃, grow better at 12-15 ℃, sow from January to March and blossom after July.

two。 Keep the soil moist during the growing period; blossom only in long sunshine and slightly low temperature; supplement phosphate fertilizer before flowering to facilitate flowering.

3. When it grows to 4-5 cm, irregular heart picking is carried out to promote the germination of lateral buds, so that there are more flower buds differentiated in the later stage.

Millions of small bell

Millions of small bells, also known as dancing spring flowers, is a kind of petunia, a flower can bloom for a week, full branches of flowers like a waterfall, very lovely.

Some netizens have recorded the flowering of millions of small bolls: among the 12-color small bolls of spring seedlings, orange flowering is the earliest, white flowering is the latest, amber star and blue legends are the best, and deep pink, deep magenta and yellow flowers are the largest.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. Cuttage propagation, select the new buds to leave only 4-5 cm in length, one and a half months later for planting.

two。 The best growth temperature is between 15-30 ℃. Follow the watering principle of no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly, and apply thin fertilizer diligently during the growing period.

3. Ensure enough sunshine to make Xiaoling flowers colorful; pick the heart from time to time and keep the branches as short as possible.


Compared with pansy, pansy has smaller flowers, more and denser flowers, and is hardy and heat-resistant. The flowers are purple, bright red, orange, bright yellow and complex color, and the florescence varies with the time of cultivation.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. Sowing and propagation, the optimum temperature for germination was 15-20 ℃, germinated in about a week, and planted with soil blocks after 40 days. When the seeds of Corydalis fall to the ground, they can also sow themselves.

two。 The cultivation of Corydalis should choose loam or sandy loam which is fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter.

3. Short-day sunshine can promote branching; keep ventilated and try not to put it indoors; it is best to water it every day except in winter.


It blossoms naturally in spring and summer every year, and the small balls are swaying in the wind after flowering.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. Sowing and reproduction are more than spring and autumn, and self-sowing reproduction can also be carried out.

two。 Potted plants had better be loose and fertile mixed soil or culture soil, slightly hardy, grow at a temperature above 10 ℃, and prefer to be born in a warm and sunny place.

3. It only needs to be watered occasionally; at the initial stage of growth, it is necessary to pick the heart once to promote branching.


That is, the so-called pentagram flower, unlike other small flowers, it is a climbing vine plant. Can be planted in the windowsill or anti-theft window, fast growth, long florescence, like small broken flower curtains, beautiful and lovely.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. You only need to buy seeds once, and there will be a lot of seeds after flowering, which can be sown in the spring and autumn of the following year.

two。 The demand for soil fertilizer is not high, sowing seeds on wet soil can germinate, the optimum temperature for seed germination is 20-25 ℃, and the germination rate is more than 95%.

3. Like light, like warm and humid environment.

Arabidopsis thaliana

Because of its early flowering and large number of flowers, it is a very good variety to be used in early spring. Its vitality is very tenacious, the adaptability is also very strong, easy to cultivate. The main colors are purple, pansy and white.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. It can be sown in spring and autumn, germinate at 15-20 ℃, germinate in 7-14 days, and blossom after 3 months of spring sowing.

two。 The planting soil should be loose and ventilated.

3. It should be placed in a sunny place, resistant to drought, waterlogging and low temperature of minus 15 ℃.

Persian chrysanthemum

There are rich colors, such as pink, white, crimson and so on. Persian chrysanthemum has a princess-like name, but it gives birth to grassroots vitality. It has a high germination rate and grows fast, and it is even more moving when a large piece of flowers bloom.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. Persian chrysanthemum is strong in nature, likes sunshine, is resistant to drought, and is not strict with the soil, but can not accumulate water. two。 It grows rapidly and can be plucked many times to increase branching.


Also known as Penghao chrysanthemum and mu Chrysanthemum, the fresh and refined florets are loved by the Norwegian princess, so they are named Margaret by the princess. Its florescence is very long, from early spring to autumn can bloom, mainly white, pink and yellow and so on.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. It is easy to reproduce and can survive with a section of rhizome, and the cultivated soil is better in sandy loam rich in organic matter. two。 Like cool and humid environment, the suitable temperature for growth is about 15-22 ℃. Like sunshine, afraid of stagnant water.

Xi Lin grass

There are wild flowers everywhere in California, but the domestic flower market is very rare. Flower lovers who want to grow flowers can search and buy flowers online. The colors are red, yellow, orange, blue and white, black and white. It has a very lovely English name: baby-blue-eyes, that is, baby's blue eyes.

The method of cultivating lazy people:

1. September-October is the best sowing time, flowering from March to May in spring, the flowering period is very long, and the seeds can be sown by themselves. Seedlings at least can withstand the low temperature of about zero degrees, like the sun, watering should be appropriate, maintain ventilation and prevent mildew. When the sun is not enough, the sprawling Xi Lin grass is actually very beautiful.

The big flower has the beauty of the big flower, the small flower has the delicacy of the small flower, give it a piece of soil, it can return you a whole sea of flowers. No matter how busy you are in your work and life, you can give yourself a surprise!

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