
If your flowers don't blossom, you may miss these methods.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Growing flowers does not blossom, which is a big blow to people who love flowers and plants. In fact, in addition to the weak growth of the plant itself has not reached the flowering conditions, there are these reasons that affect flowering: lack of light, poor ventilation, temperature.

Growing flowers does not blossom, which is a big blow to people who love flowers and plants.

In fact, in addition to the weak growth of the plant itself has not reached the flowering conditions, there are these reasons that affect flowering: lack of light, poor ventilation, temperature discomfort, soil pH discomfort, improper pruning, lack of nutrients, too much nitrogen fertilizer, diseases and insect pests.

The growth habits of flowers and plants are different, and the treatment methods are naturally different. List several common treatment methods for flowering plants that do not blossom.

Longevity flower

Florescence: February to May

Move to the place where there is enough light: longevity flowers like light, lack of light or too weak light will affect flowering, can be transferred to the basin to receive light evenly.

Properly reduce moisture: too much water in the flowering period is easy to grow flowers.

Pay attention to fertilization: longevity flowers like fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied to promote stem and leaf growth in the growing season, and nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer can be applied again after anthesis to promote its rejuvenation. In the rest of the time, except for stopping application in summer, only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be applied, and do not put fertilizer on the leaves when applying fertilizer.


Florescence: March to July

Maintain sufficient light: move the gardenia to a place with good light, but the light should not be too strong or too weak.

Apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering: gardenia likes fertilizer, apply rotten cake fertilizer in growing season, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering season. It is recommended to change the soil once every two years to keep the soil fertile.

Slightly acidic soil: gardenia likes acidic soil, ferrous sulfate can be added to improve soil quality when watering, and 10% alum fertilizer can be used as topdressing.


Florescence: April to September

Maintain the light: the rose likes the light, it is recommended to put it on the south balcony or open-air cultivation.

Reduce nitrogen fertilizer before flowering: in the growing season, you can appropriately supplement some cake fertilizer, alum fertilizer, etc., reduce nitrogen fertilizer and supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering.

Timely pruning: rose blossoms on the new skills of the year, which needs to be constantly pruned, cut off some of the old branches and promote new buds. Potted rose should be pruned in combination with changing pots in early spring, cutting off all dead branches, diseased branches and cross branches.

In general, the strong branches of adult plants are cut off about 1 beat 2, and the weaker ones are cut off 2 times 3, leaving 3-5 strong main branches. The residual pedicels were cut off in time after the first stage of flower shedding in October to promote the rapid germination of new buds.


Florescence: from May to August

Keep the soil slightly acidic: Jasmine likes acidity and can be watered with 20% ferrous sulfate solution every half a month during the growing period.

Enough light: where there is plenty of light, it is conducive to the germination of flower buds.

Watering should be thorough: it is not good to be too dry and wet, but you need to be watered once in the morning and evening in summer. In case of continuous rainy days, do not let the pot plants get caught in the rain.

The nutrients should be sufficient at flowering stage in summer, applying mature dilute liquid fertilizer every 3-5 days, applying organic fertilizer dominated by phosphorus every 3 days, or spraying 1-2 potassium dihydrogen phosphate every 3 days during blooming.

Timely pruning: pruning flowers in time, pruning long branches in time, and applying heavy fertilizer after pruning.


Florescence: June to August

Change the basin in early spring: it is recommended to change the basin in early spring, add rotten cake fertilizer as base fertilizer when changing soil, and replenish phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering.

Proper pruning: the best pruning time is in the flower bud differentiation period (mid-July to early August). Only 2-3 nodes in the upper part of the ground are needed, and the rest can be cut off.

Pay attention to the light: it should be placed in a place with good light but no sun exposure. Lack of light is easy to affect flower bud differentiation, but the light should not exceed 10 hours, when placed indoors, fluorescent lamp irradiation at night will affect flowering.

The temperature during flower bud differentiation is low: a lower temperature is needed for flower bud differentiation, 5-10 ℃, about one and a half months.

Bowl lotus

Florescence: June to September

The container should not be too small: it is better to use caliber 25cm and deep 30cm flowerpots.

Maintain the light: it is recommended to move to a place with good light.

The best use of soil: raise a bowl of lotus must use soil, summer can be stuffed with a bean cake topdressing. If the basin soil and lotus leaves are abnormal, you should pour out the basin water and add clear water to relieve it.

Triangular plum

Florescence: September to December

Some areas are basically open all year round.

Maintain light: like strong light and put it in a place with good light. The northern area should be moved into indoor maintenance at the beginning of winter.

Control watering before flowering: control the amount of water before flowering, and then water properly when the leaves are slightly wilted.

Increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at flowering stage: nitrogen fertilizer should be applied every 7-10 days during the growing period, stop applying nitrogen fertilizer at flowering stage, and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

Improper pruning: too many and too dense branches will also affect the dispersion of nutrients and can not promote flower buds. During maintenance, the dense and superfluous branches should be thinned irregularly according to the shape of the plant.


Florescence: October to May

Full bloom from January to March

Pay attention to ventilation: put indoors for a long time, poor ventilation, insufficient humidity, room temperature is too high (more than 20 ℃).

Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer before flowering: in January, you can apply nitrogen and phosphorus mixed fertilizer for 1 and 2 times. No nitrogen fertilizer is applied before flowering, only phosphorus fertilizer is applied.

Keep the basin soil moist: the basin soil should not be too wet or too dry, just keep it moist.


Florescence: December to April

Pay attention to the temperature at any time: cyclamen grows at a suitable temperature of 1520 ℃ and enters a dormant or semi-dormant state when the temperature is higher than 28 ℃. Higher than 35 ℃, the corm is easy to rot. Therefore, we must pay attention to sunshade, cooling and ventilation in summer.

Watering enough after changing the basin: insufficient water, cyclamen in September to end dormancy to restore growth, at this time should be timely change basin, change basin after pouring enough water.

Suspend fertilization at flowering stage: apply sparse liquid fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium every 10 days, and suspend fertilization during flowering.

Do carefully cultivated flowers never blossom? Do not worry too much, no one raised very well from the beginning, take your time, find the reason attentively, I believe it will wait until the day the flowers bloom!

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