
This kind of black is called the detoxification king to raise a basin of minor disasters and ailments at home depends on it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many people raising flowers and plants in their families, but most people grow flowers just to enjoy the beauty of flowers, and because flowers can make the room more beautiful and make guests feel that the owner of flowers is wrong.

There are many people who cultivate flowers and plants in the family, but the vast majority of people cultivate flowers, just to see the beauty of flowers, and because flowers can make the room more beautiful, can make guests feel that the owner of the flowers is very tasteful. But in fact, this is a complete waste of the value of many flowers and plants, such flower cultivation can not give people a real role, because there are many plants with other more useful values. Therefore, in peacetime, we can cultivate some plants and flowers that can bring useful value to ourselves. Today, we will introduce a plant that rural people are very familiar with. Its medicinal value is very strong. It is very good to cultivate at home.

This kind of "black sky" is called "detoxification king", raise a basin at home, small disaster small disease all rely on it!

As a rural person, everyone should have heard of Black Sky. It is a kind of black fruit. When people were young, they often picked it and ate it. It has a sweet and sour taste. But do you know what his real name is? Its real name was originally Solanum nigrum. The medicinal value of Solanum nigrum was very high. Its branches, fruits, and leaves could be used as a medicine. Its greatest effect was to clear away heat and detoxify, nourish the liver, and protect the liver. Therefore, if people raised it at home and made good use of its value, it could be very helpful to the body. However, it was recommended that everyone should not eat it raw. After all, it was not very hygienic. It could be cooked before eating. It could volatilize its medicinal value and was better for the body. Next, let me introduce you to its breeding method!

1. Sowing of Solanum nigrum

Solanum nigrum, it can be sown, its fruit is its seed, when it ripens the fruit placed in the natural environment to dry, but pay attention not to be exposed to the sun, otherwise it may affect the activity of the seed. After drying, we can put the seeds in the water for twenty or thirty minutes, then take them out and bury them in the soil for reproduction. We will open the prepared soil by 2 cm, then bury the seeds, cover them with a thin layer of soil, wet the soil, and wait for them to germinate.

2. Fertilization method after germination of Solanum nigrum

After Solanum nigrum germinates, we still need to maintain it, otherwise it will not grow vigorously, because after all, it is not in the wild, there is not so much nutrition and fertile environment, so we need to supplement nutrients to Solanum nigrum, so that Solanum nigrum can bear more and more fruits and grow bigger and bigger plants. It is recommended that we use nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer to supplement Solanum nigrum. It is recommended that we use earthworm manure and soybean fertilizer, two commonly used flower fertilizers in families. It's gonna be great.

3. Watering method after germination of Solanum nigrum

We all know that Solanum nigrum, it is a wild plant, so its survival ability is very tenacious, usually watering we can use see dry see wet watering principle, let Solanum nigrum grow very vigorous, but also can make the fruit of Solanum nigrum more and more, in watering, we can also add a little nutrients in the water, like rice washing water and beer water, these two kinds of water can be added to use, we can also directly use fish tank water for irrigation.

4, the placement of the nightshade

Family flowers, must pay attention to the position of placement, can not put them casually, to know that all plants are very fond of light, so we need to put the nightshade in the balcony where there is light, and maintain a ventilated environment, only in this way can the nightshade grow very vigorously.

Therefore, using this method, we can easily cultivate a pot of Solanum nigrum at home, and it will not take long for Solanum nigrum to grow new fruits. We should use it when there are minor ailments and pains, but everyone should pay attention to that not all diseases can be used. If there are special symptoms, please go to the hospital for examination.