
After the Beginning of Autumn, take 4 more recommendations than take tonic.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After the Beginning of Autumn, it's time to start replenishing! However, seeing that the heat in many places across the country has not gone away, it is really not appropriate to make up for it rashly. At this time, eat some health-preserving "grass" (plant medicine), not only beneficial to the body, but also enrich yourself.

After the Beginning of Autumn, it's time to start replenishing! However, seeing that the heat in many places across the country has not gone away, it is really not appropriate to make up for it rashly.

At this time, eat some health-preserving "grass" (plant medicine), not only beneficial to the body, but also enrich their own menu, it can be said to have the best of both worlds!

The grass (and many other flowers and trees) mentioned by the editor is actually the "real body" of plant medicine in life. Plant medicine is the largest number of traditional Chinese medicine, they not only exist in medical books, hospital pharmacies.

Today, let's talk about this category. Don't underestimate them! You know, these grasses do not look good in appearance, but they are actually very effective in keeping people in good health. if they can eat, they can prevent disease. If you don't believe it, I'll follow the editor one by one.

Chicken bone grass

Damp-heat nemesis, a good medicine to protect the liver

Chicken bone grass, also known as yellow grass, yellow strong, rhubarb grass, rich in Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, its taste sweet, slightly bitter, cool, return to the liver, stomach meridian. It has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, detoxifying and relieving jaundice, soothing the liver and relieving pain.

Function: chicken bone grass is cool, suitable for people with hot and humid constitution. People of this kind of constitution can be used when they have discomfort on both sides, distension and tightness in the stomach, poor appetite, bitter and sticky mouth, constipation, and yellow and red urine.

Newcomers with hepatitis have a relatively strong physique, which is mostly related to damp-heat, especially those with acute icteric hepatitis or acute attack of chronic hepatitis with jaundice, which is most suitable for cooking lean pork with chicken bone grass.

It should be noted that when Chicken Bone Grass is used to treat patients with hepatitis, the course of disease should be new rather than long.

Note: the seeds of Chicken Bone Grass contain toxic protein, which is toxic. After taking it by mistake, there are toxic symptoms such as burning in the mouth, abdominal pain, vomiting and so on. Be sure to remove the fruit before use. People who are usually afraid of cold and deficiency cold should also avoid eating too much chicken bone grass.

Artemisia argyi

Warming menstruation to stop bleeding, dispelling cold to relieve pain

According to the Pharmacopoeia (2015 edition), Ai Ye Qi Xin, bitter, warm, has small poison, can warm menstruation and stop bleeding, dissipate cold and relieve pain, dispel dampness and relieve itching for external use, and is often used for hematemesis, bleeding, metrorrhagia, menorrhagia, fetal bleeding, less abdominal cold pain, cold menstruation and infertility; external treatment of skin itching.

Function: wind cold at the beginning, or Yang deficiency physique (fear of cold, not warm limbs) dysmenorrhea or daily recuperation, take Chen Ai Ye no matter how much, ginger slices some boiled water, put temperature (not mixed with cold water) soak feet.

Fresh tender leaves of moxa grass can be eaten as vegetables and cooked with eggs, meat and other ingredients. Chop moxa grass, grind juice, or cook soft, then mix it with glutinous rice flour to make traditional snacks such as green balls and moxa.

In addition, fresh or dried moxa grass, Artemisia root, can also make tea stew.

Note: all medicines are biased. Although Artemisia argyi is good, it is not suitable for use. When you soak your feet and eat for external use, you should pay attention to the dosage and frequency, not more than 3 times a week.

Recommended recipe: moxa leaf brown sugar soup

Raw material: 5 pieces of ginger, 5 pieces of jujube, 15 grams of moxa leaf, right amount of brown sugar.

Practice: all ingredients can be fried with water.

Main efficacy: warming menstruation, relieving cold and relieving pain, mainly for deficiency and cold dysmenorrhea.


Clearing heat and diuresis, cooling blood and detoxification

The Pharmacopoeia (2015 edition) contains its "Gump, Cold, liver, Kidney, Lung and small intestine Meridians".

The whole herb can clear heat and diuresis, remove phlegm, cool blood, detoxify, often used for hot and astringent pain, edema, less urine, summer dampness diarrhea, phlegm-heat cough, hematemesis, carbuncle.

Its son can clear heat and diuresis, ooze dampness and stop diarrhea, clear eyes, expectorant, often used for fever pain, edema, summer dampness diarrhea, eye swelling pain, phlegm-heat cough.

Function: when the attack of gout, can take dry plantain 30 to 60 grams, fresh double, water decoction 2 times, 1 dose a day, continuous for 1 week, help to relieve symptoms.

Note: plantain is cold and should not be taken for a long time.

Recommended recipe: stewed pork belly in front of the car

Raw materials: about 200 grams of pig belly, 100 grams of lean meat, 90 grams of fresh plantain, sliced ginger, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper and onions.


1. Wash the pork belly, cook it in a boiling water pan, remove the flavor, cut into pieces and set aside.

two。 Wash lean meat and cut into pieces, set aside James water.

3. Pick and wash fresh plantain.

4. Put all the ingredients, sliced ginger and cooking wine together in a soup pot, boil over high heat, simmer over medium heat until ripe, add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper and green onions and turn off the heat.


Promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, diuresis and detumescence

Motherwort is well known in the medical field for its exact efficacy in treating women's menstruation and birth problems.

Motherwort tastes bitter, pungent and slightly cold. Return to the liver, pericardium and bladder meridian. Can promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation, diuresis, detumescence, heat-clearing and detoxification, can be used for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, endless lochia, edema, less urine, sores, swelling and toxin.

Function: small amount of menstruation, amenorrhea, blood stasis and abdominal pain after postpartum blood stasis. Take 30 grams of fresh motherwort or 15 grams of dried herbs, boil it into 1 bowl and warm take 1 spoonful of yellow rice wine. When regulating menstruation, take it continuously 3-5 days before menstruation until menstruation comes.

Swollen boil (folliculitis suppuration), take fresh motherwort mash, another 150 ml of strangled juice for internal use.

⊙ Note: the content of this article is only to popularize the general knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, not as a prescription, such as

Please take it under the guidance of your doctor if necessary.

Copyright notice: this article is sorted out from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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