
What about the dry tip of Cymbidium leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, If the dry tip of the leaves is caused by soil consolidation, you need to check the soil and change the soil again; if it is caused by insufficient light, you need to increase the light; if it is caused by improper fertilization, you need to apply fertilizer reasonably and apply fertilizer once every ten days; if it is caused by improper watering, you need to water the soil correctly and keep the soil moist.

I. re-change of soil

1. Reason: when its leaves are dry and pointed, we can first check the soil to see if there has been any hardening in the soil. If it does, it will make the soil lack of nutrients. At this time, the plant will begin to dry because of lack of nutrition.

2. Solution: at this time, we can only replace the soil and add an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to meet its nutritional needs.

Second, increase the light

1. The reason: it is very fond of light, and if it is placed in an environment without light for a long time, it will make the leaves dry, or the light at home is very good, but because there is too much dust and covers the leaves for a long time, which affects the effect of light on the leaves, it will also make the leaves dry.

2, the solution: first of all, let the house light, but also often clean the leaves, to keep the leaves clean, so that the leaves can fully carry out the role of light, naturally will not become dry and pointed.

III. Rational fertilization

1. Reason: when it grows, if it fertilizes too much, it will burn its roots, and then affect the leaves, making them dry and pointed; if it is not fertilized for a long time, it will lack nutrition and make the leaves dry.

2, the solution: at this time to achieve reasonable fertilization, under normal circumstances, it can be applied once every 10 days.

Fourth, watering correctly

1, the reason: usually watering, we always can not control the amount, and eventually make too much watering, so that there is stagnant water in the basin, for a long time, the roots will rot, and the leaves will become dry and pointed.

2, the solution: to achieve correct watering, not too much, not too little, as long as the basin soil can be properly moistened.