
Skill | the fragrance of 10 flowers in a branch of jasmine raised by Grandma wafts out for 2 kilometers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer is a good season for raising jasmine. Keep a pot at home. Each time it blossoms, the aroma can last for several days. Not only the whole house is full of fragrance, but even the clothes seem to be stained with the scent of jasmine. So, no.

Summer was really a suitable season for raising jasmine flowers. Raising a pot at home, every time it bloomed, the fragrance would last for several days. Not only would the entire house be filled with fragrance, but even clothes seemed to be stained with jasmine flowers. So, it is better to take advantage of the summer to quickly raise pots of jasmine bar!

Jasmine summer so raise, can bloom uninterrupted!

1. Sufficient sunshine

Jasmine, they say, can't die in the sun. Jasmine can only grow prosperous and blossom more if it is exposed to more sun. Therefore, the flower friends who raise jasmine at home must put it on the south balcony or terrace with sufficient light, and it is best to put it in the yard if there are conditions.

2. Water frequently

Summer weather is hot, water evaporates faster, so the jasmine at home must be watered frequently. As long as the pot soil is loose and breathable, it can be watered 1-2 times a day, and it can also be sprayed towards the leaves in the morning and evening to ensure sufficient air humidity.

3. Supplement fertilizer

If Jasmine wanted to bloom many times, it had to replenish nutrients. In the vigorous growth period of jasmine, we can add more nitrogen fertilizer, such as compound fertilizer, chicken manure fertilizer, etc.; before jasmine blossoms, we should change to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as peel fertilizer, and spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaves, so that jasmine blossoms more.

4. Slightly acidic soil

Jasmine likes acid, so in the soil configuration, in addition to loose ventilation, must ensure that slightly acidic. Can use earthworm dung, river sand, pearlite, coconut bran and other mixed configuration, not only permeable to water and ventilation, but also can supplement fertilizer, so that jasmine does not accumulate water in the basin, thus growing more prosperous!

Jasmine is so pruning, how many times do you want to open it?

If you want jasmine to bloom more, pruning is an essential step!

1. Daily pruning

Jasmine in the process of continuous growth, often appear branches messy, even excessive growth phenomenon. If this happens to your jasmine, you should cut it quickly to avoid unnecessary nutrient consumption and make jasmine grow more prosperous!

2. Post-flowering pruning

Jasmine flowering, must be timely pruning, so as to avoid nutrient consumption, so that Jasmine as soon as possible to open the second crop of flowers. Jasmine in the pruning, generally from the residual flowers under 2-3 pairs of leaves, directly cut off the residual flowers together with the leaves can be.

Jasmine branches so cuttage, immediately 1 pot into 10 pots!

Whether it is daily pruning or post-flowering pruning, for those pruned branches, we must not directly lose, take the cuttings is more appropriate, immediately let you minutes a pot into 10 pots!

How does it work?

1. Cut the jasmine branches and trim them again. Each branch can keep 2 leaves, the lower end of the branch is best beveled 45°, and then dry the wound in the shade.

2. If you want to cut directly, prepare perlite, vermiculite or other loose and breathable nutrient soil, cut the jasmine branches that have dried the wounds directly, then pour water, and put them in a place with good ventilation and sufficient scattered light.

3. Flower friends who want to insert water can directly insert the trimmed jasmine branches into the bottle filled with water, let the lower ends of the branches contact the water surface a little, and then put them in a well-ventilated place indoors.

4, the summer weather is hot, basically only 15-20 days, the cuttings of jasmine branches can take root. Configuration of good permeable soil, will root jasmine cuttings into, you can get several pots of new jasmine!

Why is Jasmine old yellow leaf? That's why!

Jasmine yellow leaf cause 1: soil alkali

Jasmine likes acid, if the soil in the home is alkaline for a long time, especially for northern flower friends, it is more likely to cause jasmine yellow leaves.


If the jasmine at home is yellow leaves caused by alkaline soil, then when watering, you can mix some salt-free vinegar, or citric acid, ferrous sulfate solution in the pot soil, about 1-2 weeks to use once, can solve the problem of alkaline soil.

Jasmine yellow leaf cause 2: water rotten roots

Although Jasmine likes water, everyone can't keep watering it. If watering too much, resulting in ponding in the basin, jasmine must be yellow leaves for a long time, and may even cause rotten roots to die!


If jasmine is watered too much, put jasmine in a well-ventilated place so that the water in the basin can evaporate as soon as possible. At the same time, loosen the soil slightly with small sticks to prevent soil hardening. If the water is particularly serious, it can only be replaced.

Jasmine yellow leaf cause 3: pests and diseases

Summer temperature is high, coupled with poor ventilation, jasmine is easy to infect diseases and insect pests, especially red spiders and aphids. Once infected with pests, jasmine leaves will turn yellow and then gradually lose their leaves.


If jasmine is found to have attracted pests and diseases, you can wash the leaves with clean water every morning and evening, or light a mosquito coil beside the jasmine basin, and then find a large plastic bag to cover the mosquito coil and jasmine together. If you think this operation is too troublesome, then bubble some tobacco water to kill insects directly, the effect is very good!

That's all for Huahua today!

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