
Chunlan variety recommendation: square orchid price, what are the characteristics of Chunlan square picture orchid

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Square orchid is also one of the varieties of Chunlan, which was bred by Ailan Fang in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province around 1920. So it is called square orchid. What are the characteristics of that square orchid? it can be recognized by people who love orchids at a glance. Square orchid

Square orchid is also one of the varieties of Chunlan, which was bred by Ailan Fang in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province around 1920. So it is called square orchid. What are the characteristics of that square orchid? it can be recognized by people who love orchids at a glance.

The new buds of square orchids are fuchsia. The leaf posture is elevated and semi-drooping, the leaf is medium-fine, the leaf is thick, the thick green is slightly glossy, the leaf groove is shallow, and the new leaf is slightly glossy. The petals have no red ribs, have hidden green silk lines, feel slightly lack of transparency, the petals are soft silkworm moths, and the front end of the petals is "white head". The outer layer of the flower bract shell is black and red, and the inner layer turns red green gradually. The outer three-petal head is round, and the root is angled; on both sides, the calyx has long feet, and the valve ends are clasped inward, thick and slightly tight, showing a shoulder and a five-petal nest. Lip flap is like the tongue, slightly down. Do you like this orchid?