
Planting techniques of Zoysia grass

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Planting techniques of Zoysia grass

Zoysia grass, also known as awl grass, Yandi green, etc., is a perennial herb of the family Gramineae and Zoysia. It is distributed in Korea, Japan and China, grows in areas ranging from 200 meters to 500 meters above sea level, and grows on hillsides, plains and seaside grasslands. It is mainly used for sports lawns. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Zoysia grass.

Growth habits of Zoysia grass

Zoysia grass grows on plains, hillsides or seaside grasslands, and likes a warm and humid climate, and the coastal areas affected by marine climate are most favorable for its growth. Xiguang, in the well-ventilated open land to grow strong, but also have a certain degree of negative resistance. Strong resistance to drought, salinity, diseases and insect pests, barren, trampling and certain water humidity.

Propagation methods of Zoysia japonica

1. Sowing: the sowing time of Zoysia grass should be after the rainy season, that is, the end of July and the beginning of August. The seeds should be treated before sowing, soaked in 0.5% sodium hydroxide solution for 24 hours, then washed with clean water, dried and sowed. It germinated 10-13 days after sowing and sprouted more than 20 days after sowing.

2. Ramet: ramet can be carried out from mid-May to mid-August. First dig out the wispy grass, separate the branches knotted together, bury them in a pre-prepared soil border, and plant them in rows with a spacing of 15-20 cm, which can be full after 3-4 months.

Planting techniques of Zoysia grass

1. Planting time: Zoysia grass is generally planted from April to May or August to September, fertilizing, soil preparation and watering one month before planting, and spraying herbicides (pentachlorophenol sodium) on the surface of the soil. Water again a month later, and rake and sow seeds when the surface of the soil is semi-dry and semi-wet.

2. Sowing at the right time: it is appropriate to sow 5 kilograms of Zoysia grass per mu. After sowing, gently pull it with a rake, sprinkle a layer of compost or cover a layer of sawdust soil on the ground surface, and cover a thin layer of straw if possible, which can prevent direct sunlight and improve the germination rate. Spray water to maintain a certain humidity after sowing. After about 10 days of germination, remove the straw cover.

3. Planting management: when the seedling height of Zoysia grass is 6-8 cm, the erect stem of young grass will be cut off to promote germination and tillering and accelerate the spread speed of lawn. Regular rolling and shearing is an important work in seedling management. Mechanical rolling twice a month from April to October makes the 2012 weeds lose their tender heads or flower stems, lose the ability to seed and spread their offspring, and accelerate the spread of turf.

Disease and pest control of Zoysia grass

1. Rust

[symptoms] the yellow powdery substance produced on the leaves at the time of onset is the summer spores of rust. The black-brown powdery substance produced in the later stage of the disease is the winter spore of rust. The two peaks of the disease were from April to June and from the end of autumn to the beginning of winter. the disease was usually serious in the lawns with insufficient sunlight, poor soil, consolidation and excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. After the onset of the disease, the surface of the diseased leaves initially appeared blister-shaped dots, and then developed into round or strip-shaped yellowish-brown spots, slightly raised. In the later stage of the disease, the blister epidermis ruptured and scattered yellow powdery matter. when the disease was serious, the leaves turned yellow, curled and dried up and died.

① agricultural control: strengthen the cultivation and management of lawn. Before planting the lawn, it should be improved reasonably according to the nature of the soil, the clayey soil can be properly mixed with Gaza soil, and the sandy soil can be mixed with appropriate river mud or pond mud. If the soil fertility is insufficient, farm manure can be used as base fertilizer, but nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied appropriately to promote the healthy growth of plants and enhance their resistance to stress and disease. ② chemical control: after the occurrence of Zoysia grass rust, spraying should be started at the initial stage of the disease. You can choose 800-1000-fold solution of 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder or 0.3 Pomethyl stone-sulfur mixture, or you can spray the lawn evenly with 250-fold solution of sodium dicrust, once every 10 days or so until the disease is completely under control.

2. Leaf withering

[symptoms] the young tissues (such as leaves, leaf tips) of plants infected with leaf blight were seriously damaged. At the initial stage of the disease, watery and yellowish-brown spots will be produced on the leaves and tips close to the ground, and white filaments can often be seen in the diseased plants of the lawn. Then the disease gradually expands, the leaves dry up rapidly, and if the disease is serious, it will infect the stem and make it black and rot. Can cause the lawn to dry up and die.

① agricultural control: before planting grass, the ground should be ploughed and raked flat to eliminate potholes so as not to cause diseases caused by stagnant water. Compost and garbage compost should be fully mature so as not to spread diseases from the remains of infected plants. If diseased plants are found, they should be cut off and destroyed immediately. ② chemical control: in the early stage of the disease, the lawn can be sprayed evenly with 50% chloromethyl wettable powder 500x, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 60000x800 times, and properly sprayed to the ground, so as to take into account the disinfection of the soil, and a good control effect can be obtained.

3. Mole cricket

[symptoms] Zoysia grass is vulnerable to underground pests such as mole cricket.

[prevention and control] artificial hunting is used. after flooding the lawn, mole crickets will float on the surface of the turf and can be caught manually. Chemical control can use 50% phoxim granules, 2 kg to 2.5 kg per mu to treat soil, or 0.5 kg to 1.5 kg per mu with 5% chlordane powder and 25 kg to 50 kg mixed with fine soil to make poisonous soil. evenly sprinkle on the ground or spray powder on the ground, with the application, ploughing and raking before sowing.