
High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Carambola

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Carambola

Carambola, also known as Wuqiangzi and Yangtao, is an evergreen small tree with a height of 8-12 meters. It is a common fruit in tropics and subtropics. It has high nutritional value and excellent taste. It is loved by consumers. We've all eaten it, so do you know how it's grown? How do you plant it to achieve high yields? Let's take a look at the high-yield planting technology of carambola.

1. Garden establishment

Select high-quality varieties with high yield, strong adaptability and disease resistance, and then select plots with open and flat sunny terrain, deep soil layer, loose fertility and good drainage to build gardens. Planting can be selected in spring and autumn, when the temperature is conducive to the growth and development of seedlings, planting should pay attention to planting density, generally about 20-25 plants per mu. A hole digging and planting method is adopted, wherein a large hole with the length, width and depth of 1 meter is dug first, base fertilizer is filled in the hole, a layer of soil is backfilled, base fertilizer is filled in, and finally surface soil is mixed with lime powder and filled and compacted according to the sequence. When planting, cultivate soil 20-30cm higher than soil layer, and irrigate enough root water after planting.

2. Fertilizer and water management

After 2-3 months of young tree planting, the root system grows to the whole cultivation hole, then it is necessary to expand the hole appropriately to make the root system further grow and develop. After the young trees are planted and survived for about one month, topdressing should be started to promote their rapid growth. When fertilization is started, light fertilizer should be applied frequently to prevent damage to roots. Light fertilizer should be applied in the early stage. After two months, appropriate amount of farm manure or compound organic fertilizer is applied to provide trace elements needed for plant growth and prevent malnutrition.

Fertilization should be stopped in November, winter fertilizer should be applied in December, so that young trees can safely winter, and organic fertilizer should be applied in the spring of next year to improve soil fertility. Watering can be based on precipitation and soil humidity, if the natural precipitation can meet the needs of planting growth, there is no need to water, but if it is less precipitation areas, depending on the soil conditions, artificial watering, in addition to each fertilization can also be appropriate after watering some water, so that fertilizer dilution infiltration, beneficial to plant absorption.

3. Shaping and pruning

When the young tree grows to 50-60cm, it should be shaped and pruned, cut off the top of its branches, and take 3-4 small buds to grow into main branches. When the branches grow to 50cm, they should be picked, which can promote the branching and germination of the plants. The branches will take 3-4 lateral buds, so that they can grow freely into round crowns. The mature trees should also be pruned, generally twice a year, the first time in spring after fruit picking, excessive growth of branches, weak branches, and withered old branches will be cut off, to avoid excessive consumption of nutrients, for the next flowering and fruiting accumulation of nutrients, but also conducive to the emergence of new shoots and bud germination; and the second time in summer, when the dense branches and excessive branches will be cut off, increase light and ventilation, improve yield.

4. Pest control

When planting carambola, the most important thing is the pest protection work. There are many kinds of pests and diseases of carambola, including those that harm leaves, flowers and fruits, but they all affect the growth and yield of carambola. Serious cases cause crop failure or cause plant death, causing huge losses to fruit growers, so special attention should be paid to them.

The above is the high-yield planting technology of carambola brought by the pro-agricultural network. The content on how to plant carambola to achieve high yield is introduced here. If you want to know more, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.