
Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in carambola

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in carambola

Carambola is our common fruit, rich in nutrition, stable market price, wide planting area, but in the growth process of poplar and peach trees, often suffer from some diseases and insect pests, light cause poor growth of plants, yield reduction, serious cause plant death, no harvest, this is a huge economic loss for growers. So what diseases and insect pests will Carambola suffer during its growth? How to prevent it? Come to the pro-farming network to see common pest control methods for carambola bar.

1. Anthrax

Anthracnose is one of the common and harmful diseases of carambola. It only harms the fruit of carambola. The disease usually occurs in the ripening period of fruit. In addition, it will also be infected due to wounds on the surface of fruit during transportation. Its pathogen overwinters in branches and fruits, and when the temperature rises in the coming year, it begins to reproduce and spread rapidly with the help of wind, rain and insects, especially in the period of high temperature and heavy rain. Brown spots appeared on the fruit surface when the disease occurred, and with the development of the disease, the spots gradually expanded, and a large number of black and brown spots could appear, while the flesh inside the spots had rotted and emitted alcohol smell.

Prevention and control methods: before overwintering, pruning should be combined, and diseased branches, dead branches, dead fruits and ground fruits should be burned intensively or deeply to prevent pathogens from overwintering on plants. In high temperature and rainy season, we should strengthen garden management, pay attention to drainage, strengthen permeability, reduce air humidity, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and improve plant disease resistance. After a large area of disease, can be sprayed in the garden bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride pesticide control.

2, red spot disease

Red spot is a fungal infection disease, which mainly damages the leaves of plants. When the disease occurs, small yellow spots appear on the leaves. With the development of the disease, the spots gradually spread and combine to form round or unshaped spots. The spots begin to be red, gradually turn gray or gray brown, and finally the leaves die and fall off.

Control methods: strengthen management, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, enhance tree vigor and disease resistance, collect and burn dead leaves and branches planted on the ground in spring and winter to prevent fungi from overwintering, spray bordeaux solution or copper chloride oxide when new leaves grow in spring to prevent.

3. Bird feather moth

Bird feather moth is a kind of moth, it mainly lays eggs on the leaves and branches of the plant, wait for the eggs to hatch larvae and harm flowers and young fruits, because the larvae are red, also known as red filariasis. Its larvae are extremely small and difficult to see with the naked eye. They nibble on flowers during flowering and fruits during fruiting period. In severe cases, they cause all flowers and fruits to fall off, resulting in no harvest, which is extremely harmful.

Control methods: in the flowering period to start spraying control, until the young fruit turning pedicle drooping, can be sprayed 5-6 times a month, the agent can be trichlorfon or dichlorvos, spraying should pay attention to the concentration of the agent, low concentration does not kill larvae, and high concentration, resulting in fruit content is too high, endangering consumer health.

4. Fruit flies

Fruit flies, commonly known as needle bees, not only harm carambola, is a common pest of many fruits, it also lays eggs in fruits, after hatching larvae harm fruits, often lead to fruit decay and fall off, resulting in yield reduction, serious can lead to half of the fruit damage, the loss of fruit farmers is great.

Prevention and control methods: do a good job of orchard epidemic prevention, prevent the spread of pests, strengthen management, patrol orchards every day, find harmful fruits and fallen fruits, remove and collect them in time, burn them intensively or bury them deeply, spray professional chemicals to trap young adults during the onset period.

The above are the common pest control methods of carambola brought by the pro-agricultural network. The pest control methods of carambola are introduced here. If you want to know more, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.