
The new buds of orchids and orchids stop growing. don't do these three things, or you'll die soon.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Gentleman orchids and orchids, these two kinds of flowers, many flower friends are raising. The main reason is that it is not difficult for them to raise, as long as they master the growth characteristics and use more snacks. Often some people who grow flowers and bulls often raise orchids and orchids.

Gentleman orchids and orchids, these two kinds of flowers, many flower friends are raising. The main reason is that it is not difficult for them to raise, as long as they master the growth characteristics and use more snacks. Often some flower cattle people, often the gentleman orchid and orchid grow luxuriantly, the blossom is also very beautiful, atmosphere. Some of them have grown "new buds". It is said that I still admire these flower friends. There is no need to buy them now. Pick the new buds and transplant them into the pot.

The new buds of orchids and orchids will sprout only when the nutritious soil is fertile and the external environment is comfortable. Generally speaking, it comes out at the base of the flower stem. However, despite the fact that these new buds grow well at the beginning, they will soon find that they grow more and more slowly, even as if they "stop growing". At this time, it is really worried a lot of flower friends. I don't know what to do, and I don't know what this new bud is all about. Is it dead?

This is why the new buds stop growing.

When the new shoots of orchids and orchids stop growing for more than a month, this is a normal phenomenon. Because it means that these new buds are growing roots. The growth of roots naturally consumes a lot of nutrients and energy. In this way, the nutrients supplied to the stems and leaves of the new buds will be reduced, and the growth will not be seen naturally. The more this time, the more attention should be paid to the conservation of orchids and orchids. In particular, the following "three things" cannot be ignored.

First thing: don't touch it!

Many flower friends look at the new buds of magnolia and orchids, which originally grow well, but now they are not long, so they wonder if they are dead. Touch it with your hand and shake it to see if the root system is rotten. This practice must be avoided. Originally, the growing root system is not stable, if you touch it with your hand, the growth of the new bud will certainly be stopped, and if it is serious, it will lead to the disconnection of the root system. after all, the root system of the new bud is very fragile.

The second thing: don't peel off the soil, check for new shoots.

The growth of new buds is slow. I just said that they are growing roots. On the surface, it doesn't look long, but it's actually taking root. At this time, it would be a big mistake to open the basin and want to see if the new bud is dead. It doesn't matter if you pick up the soil, the new buds will die soon. When growing flowers, the most taboo thing is to make a big fight on the soil when cutting, sprouting and rooting.

The third thing: don't water and fertilize too often.

Many people think that the new buds of this gentleman orchid and orchid are not long, is there a lack of fat and water? With the attitude of trying, he watered and fertilized crazily. Don't you know that pouring water and fertilizing at this time will prevent the growth of new buds. Because the nutrients needed by the new buds are very little, the nutrients in the soil are already sufficient, and some of the nutrients come from the mother plant. When fertilizing too much, the new buds are most likely to be burned to death.

The above is about the gentleman orchid, orchid new bud maintenance knowledge, be sure to write it down! Thank you for your reading!

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