
Planting techniques of Broussonetia papyrifera

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Broussonetia papyrifera

Broussonetia papyrifera, also known as Broussonetia papyrifera, Broussonetia papyrifera, etc., is a deciduous tree of Moraceae, which has the characteristics of fast growth, strong adaptability, wide distribution, easy reproduction, high heat and short rotation, shallow roots, wide distribution of lateral roots, fast growth, strong sprouting ability and tillering ability, strong pruning resistance, strong pollution resistance, and high economic value of cultivation. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Broussonetia papyrifera.

Growth habits of Broussonetia papyrifera

Broussonetia papyrifera can grow in plain, hilly or mountainous areas, like light, cold and drought, water and humidity, acid-loving soil, normal growth in calcareous soil and neutral soil, light saline-alkali tolerance, and normal growth in pH8.7, mild saline-alkali soil with 0.2% salt content. It has strong budding power and is resistant to pruning. The root system is shallow and easy to string. It has strong resistance to toxic and harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and chlorine.

Propagation methods of Broussonetia papyrifera

1. Seed collection: Broussonetia papyrifera is usually propagated by seeds or cuttings. in order to overcome the large number of fruit drop of female plants at maturity and affect environmental hygiene, male plants can be used as scions and grafted seedlings can be cultivated and planted. The seeds are propagated in October every year to collect mature fruits, mash them in buckets, rinse and remove the dregs to get pure seeds, which can be dried and stored.

2, nursery site selection: select leeward, loose, fertile, deep, non-stagnant soil as nursery land, one month before sowing, soil preparation and fertilization, the depth of soil preparation is more than 30 cm, and the soil is fine and flat. 150 kg of crushed cake fertilizer or 1000 kg of barnyard manure was applied per mu. The seeding bed is 1.0 meters wide, 8 centimeters long, 15 centimeters high and 30 centimeters wide.

3. Sowing time: the sowing time of Broussonetia papyrifera is generally around the middle or late March. Before sowing, the seeds must be accelerated with wet fine sand. Generally, the seeds are soaked in clean water for 2 to 3 hours. After being fished out and dried, they are mixed evenly with fine sand twice as much as the seeds. They are stacked indoors for germination, and should be checked regularly to keep them moist. When the seeds have 30% cracks, they can be sowed.

4. Sowing method: Broussonetia papyrifera usually adopts the method of strip sowing, the row spacing is 25 cm, and the general sowing amount is about 0.15 kg per mu. When sowing, the seeds and fine sand should be mixed evenly and sprinkled into the trench. Cover the soil with no seeds, cover the grass after sowing to prevent bird damage, and pay attention to moisturizing. When 30% of the seedlings are unearthed, the cover grass should be removed in batches in the afternoon.

Planting techniques of Broussonetia papyrifera

1. Afforestation density: afforestation is not limited by conditions and landforms. It can be planted in ditches, ponds, reservoir banks, streams, in front and behind houses, not only in concentrated afforestation, but also in all available spaces. The planting density varies according to the purpose of forest management. generally, the planting density is 1.5 meters between plants, 2 meters between rows, and about 200 plants per mu. For the purpose of building soil and water conservation forest and fuel forest, 330,660 trees per mu are suitable.

2. Tending and management: young Broussonetia papyrifera forest land is easy to grow and miscellaneous irrigation, which affects the growth of trees. In order to make the forest appearance tidy, grow healthily, and improve the yield and quality of the forest, cutting and removing irrigation is a necessary work of forestland tending management, which should be carried out twice a year. If necessary, ploughing, weeding and fertilization can be carried out in the woodland. In addition, for scattered and adult old trees, timely truncation and renewal should be carried out to promote their branches, increase the yield per unit area, and facilitate leaf harvesting and peeling.

3. Truncation and pruning: when the Broussonetia papyrifera is planted, the trunk is truncated according to the demand, three branches with strong growth, evenly distributed and not in the same track are selected as the main branches for culture, and all the other branches are removed. The selected main branches were lightly truncated at the end of autumn, two branches were selected on the main branches for side branch culture the following year, and the side branches were truncated at the end of autumn, and the secondary side branches were selected on the side branches in the third year. In this way, such a basic tree is formed.

4. Disease and pest control

① pests: the pests of Broussonetia papyrifera are stolen poison moth, wild silkworm moth, mulberry longicorn beetle. The larval moth can be trapped and killed by black light, and the larvae can be controlled with pollution-free agents. 7000 times of 20% diflubenzuron suspension or 1.2% 2000 times of nicotinine can be sprayed. The wild silkworm moth can be trapped and killed by black light, and can be sprayed with 3000 times of Kangfuduo solution in the larva and adult stage. The mulberry longicorn beetle can kill adults and larvae artificially and fumigate the dry larvae with aluminum phosphide extreme gambling.

② disease: the common disease of Broussonetia papyrifera is leaf brown spot, which is caused by semi-fungal infection. There are brown spots on the leaves at the initial stage of the disease. With the development of the disease, the spots gradually increase and connect into pieces, resulting in withered and yellow leaves and early fall. The peak of the disease is in the period of high temperature and humidity from June to August. During the onset period, the disease can be sprayed with 800 times of 75% methyl topiramate wettable powder or 500 times of 60% zinc visibility powder, once every seven days, three or four times in a row can effectively control the disease.