
Teach you a little way to easily solve the tortoise back bamboo leaves black edge to restore growth is very simple

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower friend asked the tortoise back bamboo leaves a circle of black edge, what should be done? If there is a black edge in the leaves of the tortoise-backed bamboo, the main reason is that it is not ventilated, and the roots rot when the pot soil is not dry for a long time after you water it. One more you.

Flower friend asked the tortoise back bamboo leaves a circle of black edge, what should be done?

If there is a black edge in the leaves of the tortoise-backed bamboo, the main reason is that it is not ventilated, and the roots rot when the pot soil is not dry for a long time after you water it. Another one, your ventilation is very good, but you go to water it for a long time. The basin soil has been in a state of siltation, which is also prone to rotten roots. Which led to the appearance of black edges of her leaves. Both reasons are the symptoms of its capillary root rotting on the leaves. Tell me about the rescue!

In fact, if the situation of the black edge of bamboo on the back of your tortoise is not very serious, not all the leaves can be treated with some medicine, and we can use mancozeb mixed with water to irrigate it. Cut off the seriously black-edged leaves, spray mancozeb with water, and spray three times every seven days can effectively control it, but now it is autumn, the temperature is gradually decreasing, and it is also the season when the tortoise back bamboo begins to grow rapidly. since the leaves of the tortoise back bamboo have blackened, it proves that your potted soil is not very good. It is better to use mancozeb to irrigate once, spray the leaves with water, and wait until the temperature drops down to change the basin soil as a whole. Repair the rotten roots, soak the roots with mancozeb and water, and change the new soil to cultivate. The new soil must be loose and breathable, and do a good job of sterilization. After planting in this way, the edge of the new basin soil is rich in nutrients, and this season is suitable for its growth, which can take root and grow quickly. It is not easy to have black leaves again.

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