
The fastest rooting method of rose cuttage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The fastest rooting method of rose cuttage

Rose is an evergreen or semi-evergreen low shrub belonging to Rosaceae. It is called the queen of flowers. It is beautiful and beautiful. It often blooms four times. It is deeply loved by people. 52 cities in China have selected it as the city flower. It was rated as the fifth of China's top ten famous flowers in May 1985. Let's take a look at the fastest way for rose cuttings to take root.

The fastest way to root rose cuttings

1, choose cuttings: choose healthy branches without pests and diseases, usually about one year old softwood branches can be, each stem has 7~12 cm, the more robust the selected cuttings are, the easier it is to take root.

2, branch cutting: the lower end of the cuttings cut into oblique angles, the bottom leaves are all removed, the top leaves 2~3 leaves, cutting scissors must be sharp, no rust, it is best to wipe with alcohol first.

3, cuttage method: branches in the cuttage before soaking rooting solution or dip a little rooting powder, and then the branches inserted into the water is prepared, preferably rain, cold boiled water or drying 2 to 3 days after the tap water.

4. Management after planting: change the water of cutting rose branches once every 3~5 days, preferably pour 1/2 and add enough water, and do not change it after growing roots. When the roots grow to about 4~5 cm, they can be transplanted into the soil.

What are the breeding methods of roses?

1. Grafting: Rose grafting is commonly used as rootstock, which is divided into bud grafting and branch grafting. The bud grafting survival rate is relatively high, generally from August to September. After grafting, proper shade can be used for healing after about two weeks.

2. Sowing: Rose flowers can be planted in holes or furrows. They usually germinate and emerge in the first and middle of April. The transplanting time is divided into spring planting and autumn planting. Generally, they are carried out after defoliation in late autumn or before sap flow in early spring.

3, ramets: rose ramets mostly in early spring or late autumn, the method is to dig out the whole rose with soil for ramets, each plant has 1 to 2 branches and slightly some fibrous roots, planted in the pot or open field, that year can bloom.

4, cuttage: rose flowers generally in early spring or late autumn rose dormant cut mature branches with 3 to 4 buds for cuttage, if the softwood cuttage should be properly shaded, and keep the seedbed moist, generally 30 days after cuttage can take root, survival rate 70% to 80%.

5, layering: rose layering is generally carried out in the summer, the rose branches bent down from the mother into the soil, the lower half of the bark peeled off, exposed branch end, such as this branch gives birth to adventitious roots and new leaves, and then cut off with the mother.

How do roses grow well?

1. Soil: Rose has lax requirements on soil, but it is better to use slightly acidic soil rich in humus. Generally, fertile, loose and good drainage soil should be selected. There should be holes at the bottom of the basin, and some gravel should be used to maximize the drainage capacity.

2. Light: Rose likes the environment with sufficient sunshine and air circulation. Remember not to put rose in dark and humid place for cultivation. In order to avoid direct sunlight, shade can be temporarily placed. Pay special attention to shade during flowering, otherwise it is easy to dry flowers.

3, temperature: rose like to grow in a warm environment, but afraid of heat, so summer breeding should pay attention to appropriate shade, hot summer period can be moved indoors, the most suitable temperature is 22~25℃.

Watering: Rose likes warm and humid environment, air humidity 75~80% is the most suitable, but also can withstand mild drought. Basically follow the principle of not watering without drying, watering thoroughly, watering time and watering amount should be implemented according to the soil condition in the basin.

5, fertilization: rose in May after the growth season, every 10 days should be topdressing once, fertilizer does not need to be specially purchased, can be decomposed fermented fish juice, vegetable leaf juice, etc., fertilizer water ratio 3:7 or so, fertilization continues until November.

6, pruning: Rose has a long vine, so that it grows freely, not only does not form, but also affects the growth and flowering, so it is necessary to let it grow well on the pre-arranged support frame to form a unique ornamental shape.

7, pest control: rose at ordinary times pest control can be sprayed with 15% quicklime mixed with water or sterilization solution, July to August should be timely inspection and control, chemicals should be sprayed 2 to 3 times a week prevention, found that the diseased branches and leaves should be cut off in time.