
The cultivation methods and precautions of Guanyin lotus

Published: 2024-09-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/22, The cultivation methods and precautions of Guanyin lotus

Guanyinlian is one of the most common varieties of succulent plants, which can be called the king of general goods, otherwise known as evergreen grass, Guanyin lotus, Buddha lotus and so on. It is a succulent plant belonging to the family chief of Sedum. It is native to the mountains of Spain, France, Italy and other European countries. It is of great ornamental value. Now it is very common to cultivate it everywhere. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of Guanyinlian.

The breeding method of Guanyinlian

1. Leaf insertion: lay the complete mature leaves on the moist sand with the leaves facing up and back down, without covering the soil and placing them in a cool place. Leaflets and new roots can grow from the base of the leaves in about 10 days. Burying the root system into the soil will grow into a strong new plant.

2. Cuttings: single leaves, tillers or apical branches can be used, and the length of cuttings is unlimited, but after the cut is dry, remove the lower leaves and insert them into the sand bed. It usually takes about 20 days to take root after insertion. Insert soil should not be too wet, otherwise the cut is easy to yellow rot, the root length of 2 cm to 3 cm on the basin.

Culture method of Guanyinlian

1. Soil: Guanyin lotus basin soil is required to be loose and fertile, with good drainage and air permeability. Half of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, coarse sand or vermiculite can be used, mixed with a small amount of bone powder and other calcareous materials.

2. Temperature: Guanyinlian prefers warm, humid and semi-overcast growth environment, the optimum growth temperature is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 15 ℃. In winter, when the temperature is not lower than 5 ℃ at night and above 15 ℃ during the day, the plant can continue to grow and can be watered normally and fertilized properly.

3. Illumination: the growing period of Guanyinlian is in the cooler spring and autumn seasons, there should be sufficient sunshine, the lack of light will lead to loose and uncompact plant shape, affecting its ornamental, while the plants growing in the place with sufficient light will have plump, compact leaves and beautiful leaf color.

4. Watering: Guanyinlian watering master "do not dry, water will be thoroughly", avoid long-term stagnant water, so as not to cause rotten roots, but not too dry, otherwise the plant will not die, but the growth is slow, the leaf color is dim, and there is a lack of vitality.

5. Fertilization: Guanyinlian is applied with mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus and potassium every 20 days or so. Do not splash fertilizer and water on the leaves when applying fertilizer, usually in the morning or evening when the weather is sunny. Water once in the evening of the same day or the next morning.

6. Change the basin: Guanyinlian turns the basin every 1 to 2 years in spring or autumn. When turning the basin, the root system should be trimmed to cut off the withered root or overlong old root. The basin soil is required to be loose and fertile, with good drainage and air permeability.

The four Seasons Management of Guanyinlian

1. Spring: Guanyinlian changes the basin when the temperature is more than 15 ℃ in spring, and makes the basin soil dry after changing the basin. When the new leaves are unearthed, the basin soil can be gradually watered to be moist. When the outdoor temperature is more than 20 ℃, the Guanyin lotus can be transferred to the semi-shady balcony.

2. Summer: Guanyinlian likes the environment of high temperature and humidity, and summer is its peak growing season. It should keep the potted soil humid, pay attention to supplement indoor air humidity when laying it indoors, apply enough fertilizer, and pay attention to not suitable for air-conditioned rooms.

3. Autumn: Guanyinlian can be gradually moved to a place with morning and evening light in autumn to keep the basin soil moist, spray water around it and leaves several times a day, and stop fertilization. As the temperature drops at the end of autumn, the water supply should be gradually reduced to make the basin soil dry.

4. In winter, Guanyinlian is not tolerant to low temperature, and the tuber is dormant when the temperature is low in winter, so the pot should be placed above 10 ℃ indoor to overwinter. The basin soil should be kept dry but not dry, and the tuber is easy to rot when the basin soil humidity is high. Attention should be paid to the control of air humidity when indoor air conditioning is used.

Points for attention of Guanyinlian

The main results are as follows: 1. Guanyinlian has higher requirements for fertilizer, and it should be fertilized every 10 to 15 days in the growing season, and it is better to use organic fertilizer or ternary compound fertilizer alternately, and more nitrogen should be applied in the growing season to promote the beauty of leaves.

2. The suitable temperature for the growth of Guanyinlian is 20 ℃ ~ 26 ℃, and it is dormant when it is lower than 20 ℃. If the temperature is too low, it is easy to cause plant death. Spring and summer, exuberant growth, requires high air humidity, if you can sprinkle water on the ground or spray foliar, the growth is better.

3. Guanyinlian can survive the winter naturally in the tropics. In the subtropical and temperate regions, due to the low temperature in winter, the greenhouse should be used to keep warm in winter, and the amount of water should be controlled in winter, as long as the leaves are not in a soft sagging shape.

4. The basin change of Guanyinlian should be carried out in late winter and early spring, but it is more than in spring. The basin soil requires rotten leaf soil or sandy loam with good drainage and rich in organic matter.

5. Guanyinlian is vulnerable to aphids. It can be sprayed with 40% dimethoate or 50% malathion EC 1000-1500 times, or 1500 times 80% dichlorvos EC.

6. Guanyin lotus grows well in warm, humid and semi-shady environment, and should be placed in a shady place in summer and autumn. Plant growth requires high air humidity, and the air relative temperature should be 60-80%.

7. Guanyin lotus in winter should keep sufficient light, good ventilation, strict control of watering, slightly dry basin soil, indoor cultivation should prevent high temperature and stuffy heat or poor ventilation to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.