
Price and planting method of Golden Camellia seedlings

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Price and planting method of Golden Camellia seedlings

Golden scented tea is one of the first-class protected plants in the country. It is a shrub plant of the genus Camellia of Theaceae. It is a twin sister of Camellia oleifera, Camellia oleifera, Camellia oleifera and Camellia oleifera. The flowers are golden yellow, as if coated with a layer of wax, crystal and oily, and seem to have a sense of translucency. They are called magical oriental magic tea abroad, and are known as giant pandas in the plant world and tea queens. Let's take a look at the price and planting method of golden camellia seedlings.

Price list of Golden Camellia seedlings

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Specification (height)

Reference price


Specification (height)

Reference price

Camellia sinensis seedlings

10 cm

5 yuan 8 yuan

Camellia sinensis seedlings

15 cm

1215 yuan

Camellia sinensis seedlings

25 cm

18 yuan, 20 yuan.

Camellia sinensis seedlings

50 cm

One hundred and twenty yuan

Camellia sinensis seedlings

70 cm

250 yuan for 280 yuan

Camellia sinensis seedlings

100 cm

400 yuan for 500 yuan

Note: Golden scented tea is a rare and precious plant in the world, which is extremely rare and its distribution is extremely narrow. there are mainly 28 varieties and many varieties, and the prices of different varieties are also very different. the above prices are for reference only. Please take the actual price when you buy.

The Propagation method of Golden scented Tea

1. Sowing: the fruit of Camellia sinensis generally matures in the first and middle of October, and cracks in late October, and the seeds have no post-ripening dormancy period, so it is appropriate to sow in autumn. In the first and middle of October, the harvested fruit is placed in an indoor ventilated place to dry in the shade, after the capsule is cracked and the seed is taken out, sow immediately.

2. Cutting: the suitable cutting period of Camellia sinensis is from April to early May, and it can also be carried out in the middle and late September. The cuttings are selected from the semi-mature branches of the current year with abundant external tissue of the crown, complete leaves, full leaf buds and no diseases and insect pests. Cuttings can grow new roots in about one month.

3. Grafting: Camellia tenuifolia grafting can be divided into bud seedling rootstock grafting and semi-mature branch grafting, common single camellia and Camellia oleifera can be selected for bud seedling grafting, and coarse camellia or Camellia oleifera adult seedlings are usually used as rootstock for semi-mature branch grafting. The survival rates of the two grafting methods are higher.

4. Tissue culture: Camellia embryo culture, cotyledon in vitro culture, shoot tip and single bud culture have been successful. the results showed that the bud formation and rooting induced by test-tube plantlets were related to the location of materials, concentration of inorganic salts, vitamins, sucrose, growth regulators, light and so on.

The planting method of Golden scented Tea

1. Soil: Golden scented tea is not strict on soil, and can grow in slightly acidic to neutral soil. It is better to add pine needle soil of 1cm, 2pm, 3in garden soil to basin soil.

2. Watering: Jinhua tea has strong waterlogging resistance, and it is better to water to keep the basin soil moist. 1% ferrous sulfate must be added to the water for watering flowers every time, so that the water always maintains a certain degree of weak acidity.

3. Lighting: Golden scented tea is born in a semi-shady and semi-cool environment, but it is shaded in the seedling stage and likes to transmit sunlight after entering the flowering stage. It can only be exposed in the morning for 2 hours at most in summer.

4. Fertilization: Golden scented tea is resistant to barren and likes fertilizer. Generally, it is fertilized for 2 times from October to November before flowering and from 4 to 5 months after flowering. Compound fertilizer, compost and appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer are mainly used.

5. Diseases and pests: the diseases of Jinhua tea include anthracnose, soot, leaf blight, bud blight and so on. 70% methyl topiramate 800 times dilution can be used for foliar spraying at the initial stage of the disease, once every 5-7 days, for 3 times in a row.

6. Pruning: Golden scented tea grows slowly, is not suitable for intensity pruning, the crown develops evenly, and does not need special pruning, only disease and insect branches, over-dense branches, weak branches and overgrown branches need to be cut off, and the newly planted seedlings can also be pruned appropriately to ensure survival.