
Seed price and planting method of cypress

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Seed price and planting method of cypress

Cypress is an excellent landscaping tree species, which is the general name of evergreen trees of Cypress family, including Platycladus orientalis, Sabina vulgaris and so on. At present, it has been widely cultivated as an ornamental tree species in China, ranging from Inner Mongolia and Jilin in the north to Guangdong and northern Guangxi in the south. Several times throughout the country, let's take a look at the seed price and planting methods of cypress.

How much is the cypress seed per jin?

The price of cypress seeds is about 50-70 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the quality, variety, origin and market of the seeds. Cypress seeds ovate, tip slightly pointed, base round, grayish brown to purplish brown, slightly 3 spindles, wingless or very narrow wings, usually mature around October to November, sun-dried and stored, strictly protected from moisture, can be preserved for about 2 years, soak the seeds in 50-55 ℃ warm water for about 1 hour in spring, and then germinate after about 2 weeks.

How to collect cypress seeds?

The main results are as follows: 1. The time of seed collection: the cypress should choose the 20-50-year-old tree as the mother tree, and the seed maturity period is about 10 ~ November. When the fruit scale changes from turquoise to yellowish green and the fruit scale is slightly split, the seeds should be collected immediately.

2. Seed collection method: after the cypress fruit is ripe, remove the miscellaneous shrubs and stones under the crown in time, usually adopt the shooting method to collect the seeds, and collect them with a broom when the cones are shot down.

3. Seed cleaning: after the cypress fruit is transported back to the field, it will be exposed to the sun for 3 to 5 days. When the fruit scale is cracked, the seed can fall off, and then the fruit scale, inclusions and blighted grains will be removed and stored in the shade.

How to plant cypress seeds?

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: Cypress nursery land should choose flat, well drained, fertile sandy loam or light loam. At the same time, combined with deep ploughing in autumn, 2500-5000 kg of barnyard manure per mu should be applied to turn manure into the soil, and then rake and flatten it.

2. Seed disinfection: there are many empty seeds of cypress seeds. After water separation, the floating empty seeds are fished out, and then the seeds are soaked in 0.3% 0.5% copper sulfate solution for 1 hour or 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for 2 hours for seed disinfection, and then seed germination is carried out.

3. Sprouting treatment: after disinfection, soak the cypress seeds in 45 ℃ warm water for 24 hours, then take out the stand and bask on the mat in the leeward and sunny place, often turn over to dry, rinse with warm water once or twice a day, after 5 to 6 days, you can sow the seeds when there is a crack in the mouth of the seeds.

4. Sowing time: the sowing time of cypress seeds is also different due to local climate differences, but it should be sowed early according to local weather conditions, such as mid-and late-March in North China, late March to early April in Northwest China, and mid-and late-April in Northeast China.

5. Seed sowing: Cypress seeds should be poured through the bottom water before sowing, then sowed by hand or trenched by hand, the ditch depth should be the same when planting, the planting should be uniform, the soil should be covered in time after sowing, and the soil can be covered with grass when there are conditions in the arid and sandy area.

6. Seedling management: Cypress seeds generally begin to germinate and unearthed about 10 days after sowing, and about 20 days are the peak period of emergence, and the germination rate in the nursery can reach 70-80%. In order to facilitate seed germination and unearthed, the soil in the seed layer is often kept moist.

7. Seedling transplant: Cypress seedlings come out of the nursery for more than two years, and then transplant in the next spring. Sometimes, in order to cultivate green seedlings, they need to go through 2 or 3 times of transplanting, in order to cultivate large seedlings with well-developed roots, green reflection, and elegant crown shape, and then come out of the nursery for planting.