
The price and culture method of mimosa

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The price and culture method of mimosa

Mimosa, also known as Mimosa, Mimosa, etc., is a perennial herb or subshrub of the genus Mimosa of Leguminosae. Different from ordinary plants, it will droop its petiole and close its leaflets when touched by people. Its ornamental value is very high and it is easy to survive. It is suitable for potted flowers on balconies and indoors, and can also be planted in the courtyard. Let's take a look at the price and breeding methods of mimosa.

How much is a pot of mimosa?

The potted mimosa costs about 10-20 yuan per pot, but the price varies greatly due to the size, quality and purchase market of the potted plant. Mimosa now do more ornamental plant cultivation in the family, with scattered plant shape, slender feather leaves, closed at a touch, many flowers and beautiful, charming, giving people the impression of being weak and elegant, which can be planted in the corner of the courtyard or potted in the window.

Propagation methods of mimosa

1. Propagation mode: mimosa is a taproot plant with few fibrous roots, which is suitable for sowing and reproduction. it is generally sown indoors in early spring, and it is best to adopt the method of direct seeding to avoid root injury by transplantation. if transplanting is necessary, it should be transplanted in the seedling stage, otherwise it is not easy to survive.

2. Sowing soil: the mimosa sowing soil is mixed with 20% rotten leaf soil, 30% garden soil and 50% fine yellow sand after sieving. When sowing, put an appropriate amount of culture soil in the basin, smooth and compaction, sprinkle with water with spray pot, and sow immediately after all the water permeates.

3. Sowing method: cover the seeds with 3cm of soil after sowing, cover the basin with glass or plastic film and place it in a place of astigmatism of about 20 ℃. Later, when the basin soil is dry, it will be irrigated with the soaking basin method, and the seeds will germinate after about 7 days.

4. Seedling stage management: after the mimosa emerges, the cover on the pot should be removed and the sun should be accepted gradually. The seedlings sown in the shallow basin can be divided and transplanted when the seedlings grow to 3 cm high, and the seedlings should be transplanted with soil, while the direct seeding can be directly placed in the sunny place to grow.

Culture methods of mimosa

1. Soil: mimosa does not have high requirements for soil, and only general garden soil can be planted. It is best to choose some relatively loose and fertile humus mixed soil under certain conditions. Of course, only rotten leaf soil or sandy soil can be used.

2. Watering: mimosa likes the moist environment very much, and the suitable humidity is about 70%. It is watered once a day during the summer growing season. Do not let the soil dry. In winter, the amount of water should be reduced in order to prevent freezing damage.

3. Sunshine: mimosa likes plenty of light and is slightly resistant to semi-shade, so we should put it in sunny places when planting mimosa, which is beneficial to its growth, but it is best to put it in semi-shade in summer.

4. Temperature: mimosa is suitable for growing in warm environment, and the suitable temperature is 20-28 ℃. If the temperature is too low, it will stop growing. In winter, it is necessary to water less because the temperature is too low. If the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, it is best to give some protection.

5. Fertilization: the amount of fertilizer needed for mimosa is not much, fertilizing once every half month in the seedling stage, and applying dilute liquid fertilizer 2 or 3 times during the growing period, do not grow in vain, because mimosa is mainly used as an interesting foliage flower, small is better.

Matters needing attention of mimosa

1. Rational watering: the root system of mimosa grows rapidly under the condition of sufficient sunshine and needs to be watered every day. In hot and dry summer, it should be watered once in the morning and once in the evening. If there is no water, the leaves will droop and even turn yellow, and they will no longer be closed when touched.

2. Rational fertilization: the mimosa seedlings began to apply liquid fertilizer when they grew to 4 leaves, and the amount of fertilizer should be reduced if they did not want to make the plant too large.

3. Pot soil replacement: the mimosa that is born in the same year generally does not need to be changed. If the mimosa is more than two years old, it can be changed in spring, but there is no need to replace all the soil, generally half to 1/3.

4. pest control: mimosa generally has few diseases and insect pests, and the most common pest is slug. If you find something, you can sprinkle some lime powder to control it, such as if the plant does not grow well, you should check whether the light source or water is not enough.