
Raise flowers | the pearl orchid raised by the god popped out 200 beans in ten days. The curtain is 2 meters long.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Huahua raised a pot of pearl hanging orchids at home. Since I went to the succulent god @ Ermu Huahua man to learn some skills, he immediately grew fast-it is already 2 meters long, and the pearl beans on the branches are innumerable. Today's flowers will be summarized.

Huahua raised a pot of pearl hanging orchids at home. Since I went to the succulent god @ Ermu Huahua man to learn some skills, he immediately grew fast-it is already 2 meters long, and the pearl beans on the branches are innumerable. Today's flowers will be summarized. Teach you this secret!

There are two kinds of pearl orchids.

Pearl hanging orchid is actually our Buddha beads and lover's tears, a round and a sharp, easy to distinguish ~

Both of them are succulent, but they are not delicate at all. they grow two or three meters long and are cleaner and hygienic than any hanging orchids at home. One basin becomes 10 pots in half a year, which really saves the curtains!

Tips for the maintenance of pearl orchids

1. The rotten leaf soil produces fat beads.

Pearl orchids like soft and breathable soil, such as rotten leaf soil, coconut bran soil is the best, breathable soil can not only make it grow quickly and climb vines, but also make the beads fuller, just like inflated.

The leaves that fell on the Beginning of Autumn's back road can be collected, buried with garden soil or sealed in buckets, and can be turned into nutritious rotten leaf soil in 1-2 months, and then exposed to the sun and sprayed with carbendazim, it can be used directly.

2. Paving stone to prevent rotten beads

Because the pearl orchid will climb all over the basin, it is easy to rot as soon as it is watered, so Huahua suggests laying a layer of stone on the basin: pearl stone, volcanic stone, cinder, moistureproof and sunscreen, and the effect is immediate!

A handful of paving stones you bought will cost ten yuan less. You might as well go to the river to pick up some, sift them first, leave the stones 5-10 mm in diameter, then wash them with a shower, dry them, soak them in carbendazim or potassium permanganate solution, and finally dry them.

3. Tips for watering

Pearl hanging orchid is very resistant to drought, only too much watering waterlogging to death, rarely drought to death. Flower friends can rest assured to raise boldly, the pot soil is dry and then watered thoroughly, and be careful not to soak the beans in the pot, which can easily lead to decay.

Huahua has a little trick of watering. You can find a big straw for drinking pearl milk tea and insert it on the edge of the flowerpot. When watering, you can water it according to the habit. Careful flower friends can try ~

4. The light is good, and the pearls are getting greener and greener

Some flower friends reflect that his pearl orchid is not green, the small bean is not big, and he feels a little malnourished. In fact, it is caused by less light and weak photosynthesis. I feel like putting it in a well-lit and ventilated place at home, just for three or five days!

5. If you add fat once a month, you can't stop it from growing.

When it comes to the secret of how to lose fertilizer, pearl orchid had better use some water and fertilizer, such as compound fertilizer or nutrient solution, it is best to dilute it with water, because it does not like heavy taste, it is enough to fertilize it once a month.

If there is no suitable fertilizer at home, you can also soak some rice water, pour it into a plastic bottle, expose it on the windowsill for 1-2 weeks, and then pour it with water. If it is fresh rice water, it is likely to "burn" the orchid, flower friends be vigilant!

Learn to cuttage, one pot per second becomes 10 pots

Long pearl hanging orchid, casually take a section and can burst a pot out, Huahua here there is a 100% survival cutting method, hurry to see!

1. Find the air root

Pearl hanging orchid vines grow a dark tentacles, this is the air root, as long as the cut branch with air root, want to cuttage survival is very easy.

2. Cutting modeling should be done well.

The branches of pearl orchids are relatively soft and cannot be inserted into the soil. It is best to insert them obliquely to a depth of 2 centimeters, then spread the rest on the basin, gently press it with a little soil, and then pour it thoroughly. After 3 days, you will be able to live.

3. Pay attention to cutting

Do not bask in the sun when cutting, preferably in a cool place, wait for 1 week to confirm the survival can slowly bask in the sun, watering still keep dry and thoroughly, less than 2 months can be full of pot.

A few minor problems with Pearl hanging Orchid

1. The leaves are shriveled

Good beads suddenly shriveled, first rule out accidental injury: bumps, vines break; then think about watering: water more beads withered, water less beads withered. Finally, trim off the shrunken beads and see if they are watered or ventilated according to the situation.

2. There are worms

Pearl orchid can also grow scale insects, in addition to spraying insecticides: scale must be treated, imidacloprid, you can also go to the drugstore to buy some medical alcohol, spray insects will die!

Super-complete culture method of pearl orchid

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

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