
Yuppie winter maintenance method

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yuppie winter maintenance method

Yumei is a kind of herb originally from Europe, which is cultivated and often seen all over our country. It is a good ornamental plant. Yu Mei is rich in color when she blossoms, the petals are as thin as Aya, the Corolla is as beautiful as Hongxia, and the florescence is very long. it can be planted in potted plants or as cut flowers, as well as in flower beds and parks. Yu Mei is suitable for growing in a well-ventilated and well-lit environment, cold-resistant and heat-resistant, and suitable for sowing in spring and autumn or early winter. Although Yumei is cold-resistant, freezing injury can occur in extremely cold winter season. The following pro-agricultural network will introduce to you: Yu Mei winter maintenance methods.

I. growth habits

Before introducing how to survive the winter safely, we should first understand the living habits of Yu Mei. Only when we understand what kind of living environment Yu Mei likes, can we provide it with the best care. The suitable temperature for the growth and development of Yumei is 5-25 °C. the flowering period is shortened and the temperature difference between day and night is large in the areas with high temperature in spring and summer. The low temperature at night is beneficial to the growth and flowering, and grows well in the high altitude mountain area, and the flower color is more colorful. The life span is 3-5 years. Cold-resistant, afraid of summer heat, like sunny environment, like good drainage, fertile sandy loam. Do not tolerate transplanting, avoid stagnant water.

Second, lighting

Most flowers need certain light conditions to blossom smoothly, and Yu Mei is no exception. Yu Mei likes light. During the growing period, sufficient light is required, with at least four hours of direct sunlight every day. The light has a great influence on the florescence and flowers. If the light is enough, the florescence is early, the flowers are big and the colors are bright. If there is not enough light, the florescence will be postponed, otherwise the flowers will be malnourished.

Third, temperature

It has been mentioned earlier that Yu Meimei is cold-resistant and not heat-resistant. Yu Mei is indeed a relatively hardy plant, which likes to be cool and avoid high temperature, and there is no need to worry about frostbite in the south. Those raised indoors in the north need not worry. Those raised outdoors can be covered with plastic film and removed in the spring.

4. Moisture

Yu Mei is more resistant to dryness and drought, but not to stagnant water. Watering during the growth period should not be much, in order to keep the soil moist, if it is not very dry, it is not necessary to water. But too much drought will delay flowering and affect quality. Less watering when overwintering, and more watering at the beginning of spring.

5. Fertilization

Fertilizer is also one of the indispensable conditions for Yu Mei to grow well. Yu Mei should apply dilute liquid fertilizer 1-2 times before flowering, spray 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaf every 3 days after budding, and do not fertilize too much, otherwise the plant will grow too much, and it is easy to lodge if it is too high.

6. Pruning

The pruning of Yu Beauty has two main purposes: one is to cut off the excess branches and leaves for the sake of overall beauty and generosity, and the other is to concentrate nutrients and not consume too much nutrients to give the excess parts, so Yu Beauty needs pruning. If the remnant flowers of Yumei are cut off in time when the flowers are shedding, they can not bear fruit, can concentrate nutrients, and can make the later flowers thrive, thus prolonging the florescence.

The above are the winter-related skills of Yu Mei prepared for you by the pro-agricultural network. Yu Mei is not only a beautiful accident, but also a good traditional Chinese medicine. The whole plant can be used as medicine. Yumei contains a variety of alkaloids and has antitussive, antidiarrheal, analgesic, sedative and other effects. Yu Mei Hua, like its name, is sought after by many people. Although Yu Mei belongs to the genus Papaveraceae, it can be planted.