
Will longevity flowers freeze to death in winter?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Will longevity flowers freeze to death in winter?

Longevity flower, also known as Christmas cabbage, is a perennial succulent herb, which usually blossoms around Christmas. It is a very suitable ornamental plant for planting indoors, and is now one of the fastest growing flowers in the international flower market. In fact, longevity flowers originated in southern Africa and did not gradually spread in the European market until the 1930s, so can such a flower native to the tropics or subtropics survive the winter safely in China? The following pro-agricultural network will introduce how to raise longevity flowers in winter.

Will longevity flowers freeze to death in winter?

China has a vast north-south territory and a large north-south span, so when talking about longevity flowers, it should be divided into the north and the south. For the southern region, winter is of course safe to survive the winter, and even Guangdong can be placed outdoors directly, and when it is too low, it will only affect the flowering of plants. However, in winter in the north, low temperature and snow may directly cover the whole plant, so it becomes a problem not to mention whether it can survive the winter safely or not, and most plants cannot resist such temperatures. Therefore, in the north, if you want longevity flowers to survive the winter safely, you must move the potted plants indoors.

Temperature requirements for winter maintenance of longevity flowers

If the outdoor temperature drops to 5 degrees in winter, it should be moved to indoor display. Although 5 degrees can not frostbite it, but will affect the normal flowering, florescence is delayed, and the leaves will turn red. When moving indoors, the temperature should not be too high, it is better to maintain between 12 and 15 degrees. If the indoor temperature reaches 24 degrees, the florescence will disappear; when it is higher than 30 degrees, it will have a certain health impact on plants. If it can be maintained at about 15 degrees, it will prolong the florescence and blossom continuously.

Matters needing attention in winter maintenance of longevity flowers

Winter maintenance measures of longevity flowers, in addition to moving to indoor breeding and warm measures, but also pay attention to indoor placement can not be chosen in the ventilation of heating equipment, and do not put next to the heating. Longevity flowers receive more sunlight to help them blossom, so make sure you can get sunshine for a few hours a day in the process of family breeding. Finally, due to the low temperature in winter, the doors and windows of every household are closed, so the unventilated environment is very disadvantageous to the growth of longevity flowers. Flower friends in the south can choose to put their flowers out on sunny days and receive them into the room at night, so that they can not only expose the sun, but also keep the flowers in a ventilated environment. Flower friends in the north should also try to put flowers in windowsills and other ventilated positions.

The above are the winter maintenance skills of longevity flowers introduced by the pro-agricultural network. After reading this article, the pro-agricultural network thinks that the maintenance of this kind of flowers in winter is not very troublesome. Of course, if any kind of flower wants to be raised well, it is necessary to pay some painstaking efforts. If you let it go, even the cactus will be raised alive. This is the end of the introduction of this article. I hope you can get something after reading it.