
Magic | Bear Boy takes one branch and changes it into 10 pots in summer and immediately becomes a bear forest.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many flower friends like to raise pots and succulent plants at home, and Huahua is no exception. Recently, a flower friend asked Huahua to recommend a succulent one for children. Huahua must be the first to recommend a bear boy! Today, Huahua will come to talk to you.

Many flower friends like to raise pots and succulent plants at home, and Huahua is no exception. Recently, a flower friend asked Huahua to recommend a succulent one for children. Huahua must be the first to recommend a bear boy! Today, Huahua will tell you about the bear boy in the succulent plant!

Only by raising the bear boy in this way can we get through the summer safely!

In the bear boy belongs to the winter type, in summer, basically entered the dormancy period, when its leaves will shrink or even lose leaves, which is basically a normal phenomenon. So, how to take care of the bear boy during the summer dormancy?

1. Pay attention to shading

Summer bear boy entered a dormant period, at this time no longer direct sunlight, put in the indoor scattered light good place, at the same time strengthen ventilation, in order to reduce the muggy environment, conditional can give the bear boy at home to blow a small fan.

2. Reduce the amount of water

Water must be reduced in summer, otherwise it is easy to rot the roots and lose the leaves. Basically, just sprinkle a little water for 3-4 weeks to maintain its normal growth. When the summer is over, a flood every 2-3 days will only take a week to make it chubby again.

Bear Boy is raised in this way, so that he can get fatter and fatter!

Bear Boy with fine fluff, as cute as bear claws, raised well in the leaf tip with a red tip, very suitable for a pot with children at home!

1. Plenty of light

Bear Boy's leaves are thick and very sun-resistant, and the more the sun basks, the more obvious the red on the tip of the leaves, so we must pay attention to let the Bear Boy bask in the sun more!

2. Plenty of water

To water the bear boy, generally wait until the basin soil is dry and then water thoroughly at one time, the frequency is about once a week. Check the weather before watering. If it is sunny or cloudy in the next few days, water it once, then leave it outside for 2-3 days and dry the basin.

3. Loose and breathable granular soil

If you want the bear boy to grow well, you must mix some particles in the basin soil, the ratio of nutrient soil to particles is 5: 1, or you can mix some insecticides or slow-release fertilizer particles in the basin.

How do bear boys reproduce?

Bear Boy mainly has two propagation methods: cutting and sowing.

How to root cuttings:

1. If the bear boy in the family grows in vain, he can be cut off with a sterilized knife and probably trimmed into a "ya" shape, with branches and leaves, so that the survival rate is the highest. Then leave the wound to dry for 3-5 days, and be sure to dry it.

2, prepare to dredge the breathable soil, the soil can be slightly moist, and then put the trimmed bear boy branches in the soil. Do not water at first, after about 3-5 days, water slowly along the edge of the basin, but be careful not to touch the stem.

After 3 or 2 weeks, you can start to pour a little more water, and then put it in a well-ventilated place to let the excess water evaporate as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to rot the stem. Basically it only takes 2 weeks to take root and become a big bear boy in the blink of an eye!

How to sow and reproduce?

1. After the bear boy at home blossoms, you can collect the seeds and sow them, and you will soon get a large pot of bear boy!

2. Prepare loose and breathable nutritious soil and throw the bear boy's seeds into it. It is hot in summer and basically sprouts in 2-3 days.

3, after budding, pay attention to ensure that the basin soil is slightly dry, do not touch the leaves when watering, and pay attention to basking in the sun. Basically, after 2 months, the bear boy will be able to grow densely.

What if the bear boy loses his leaves?

If the bear boy at home loses his leaves, it is basically caused by two reasons.

1. The normal phenomenon of summer dormancy

Bear Boy is a winter type of succulent, summer dormancy will stop growing, sometimes there will be leaf wilting and a small number of leaf loss phenomenon, this is a normal phenomenon, we do not make a fuss, as long as safely through the dormancy period, wait until autumn, the phenomenon of leaf loss can be solved.

2. The basin soil is stuffy and airtight.

If you want the bear boy to grow fat, you'd better pour less water and make sure the basin soil is loose and ventilated, especially during the summer dormant period. if the bear boy is watered too much, the bear boy will have to splash off his leaves. At this time, put the flowerpot in a cool and ventilated place so that the stagnant water in the pot evaporates as soon as possible.

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

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