
How to save the wine bottle orchid rotten root

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to save the wine bottle orchid rotten root

Wine bottle orchid is a very strange plant, its leaves and stems are slender and slender, but its roots are very large, like a wine bottle, wine bottle orchid can be done more widely, it can not only use flowerpots as small pots, but also use large and medium-sized pots as decorative pots in halls, conference rooms, shopping malls and other places. Wine bottle orchids sometimes have rotten roots, so why do well-raised wine bottle orchids rot roots? The following pro-agricultural network will combine the reasons for the rotten roots to introduce how to save the wine bottle orchid rotten roots.

In fact, wine bottle orchid will appear the phenomenon of rotten roots, most of them are caused by the lack of conservation methods, and the rotting roots caused by the problems of the plants themselves are relatively rare. Here, the pro-agriculture network summarizes three main reasons for everyone. You can compare it with your own planting methods.

I. excessive fertilization

The root of this plant is so big that it is easy to think that it is used to store nutrients and water. So the application of fertilizer will be different from ordinary plants, fertilizer applied more, it can not absorb so much, it accumulates in the soil, too high concentration may poison the roots of the plant, resulting in root disease. When there is a problem in the root, the fertilizer should be stopped, and the absorptive capacity of the root decreases a lot when there is a problem in the root. At this time, fertilizing water will undoubtedly make things worse for the plant.

Second, too much watering

Some plants have rotten roots because they are overwatered, forming stagnant water, which leads to rotten roots, and wine bottle orchid is no exception. This plant itself is a very drought-tolerant plant, so too much water is completely harmful to it, long-term high moisture conditions erode the roots of the plant, the rhizome is very easy to rot. Therefore, watering should be controlled at ordinary times, and be careful not to let the soil in the basin accumulate water. Do not let it get caught in the rain on a rainy day, but also to prevent stagnant water. if it is watered by Rain Water and there is no timely dehumidification, the roots of the plant will certainly begin to blacken and rot after a period of time.

Third, rotting roots caused by diseases and insect pests

If there is a problem with the root, it is possible that the plant is sick. There is a kind of bacteria that will erode its rhizome, causing the root to blacken and rot, so we can find it in time and treat it as soon as possible. In the early stage of the disease, we diluted agricultural streptomycin according to 1RU 1000 and sprayed it on the place where the plant became sick, or we could pour 65% dimethazone diluted by 1RU 800, which had a good effect.

IV. Treatment after rotten roots

After the wine bottle orchid finds the rotten root, it is necessary to pull the root out of the soil and observe the degree of the rotten root. If the rotten root is not serious, it can still be rescued. At this time, to cut off the rotten root part, you can cut off some more to prevent the rotten root residue, then wash the whole root and leave it in a cool place to dry for five or six days. You can soak it with a rooting agent and plant it back in the pot.

The above is the relevant content of "how to save the rotten root of wine bottle orchid" introduced by pro-agriculture network here. Wine bottle orchid is originally a tropical foliage plant, but it is more hardy, it can be cultivated in open field in the south, it can survive the winter safely above 0 ℃, and it is convenient to move indoors with pot planting in the north.