
This kind of fennel can sprout quickly and can be harvested for a long time like leek.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fennel is a vegetable with a special aroma, people who like it especially like it, people who don't like it can't stand it, and they don't even like it. In the north, fennel is a common vegetable on the table, which can be fried and made cold dishes.

Fennel is a vegetable with a special aroma, people who like it especially like it, people who don't like it can't stand it, and they don't even like it. In the north, fennel is a common vegetable on the dinner table, can be fried to eat, can make cold dishes, especially stuffed dumplings, steamed buns, frying pan stickers, are classic delicacies. Friends in the south like to stew fish with it.

Fennel can be planted in spring and autumn. Now that the Beginning of Autumn has passed, it is a good time to grow fennel in autumn stubble. It is recommended to use stubble fennel seeds when growing fennel, so that you can cut stubble and eat like leek.

After the fennel sprouts, the fennel is ditched in the whole soil, watered and sowed with seeds. Fennel is suitable for dense planting. You can scatter the seeds so that the fennel is tender. Finally, cover the soil and finish the sowing.

Of course, it is also possible to sow seeds directly with dry seeds, which will emerge more slowly. After sowing, we should pay attention to watering small amounts of water frequently to keep the soil moist.

Fennel grows slowly in the early stage, so be patient at this time. It will grow rapidly in the middle and later stages. At this time, the management is to water dry and wet, but also pay attention to the removal of weeds.

When the fennel grows to about 10 centimeters, it can grow between seedlings, and the fennel seedlings from time to time can be eaten, oh, very tender.

When the fennel grows to about 30 centimeters, it can be harvested, harvested with a knife like leek, stick to the ground and leave fennel stubble, wait for new buds to grow, fertilize and water, you can wait for the second crop.

Fennel has the function of invigorating stomach, invigorating qi, regulating qi and dispelling cold. Friends who like it must plant some in autumn, not only to add delicacy to your table, but also to warm your body.