
What if the leaves of Jiuli incense are dry?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What if the leaves of Jiuli incense are dry?

Hearing the name Jiulixiang, it is easy to think that this kind of flower must be very fragrant and can be scattered for miles away. This plant is mainly distributed in the south of our country, because it needs high temperature for growth and is not hardy. Jiuli incense can be planted in the courtyard as a decoration, can also be used as a potted way to watch. In the process of breeding, many people find that the leaves of Jiuli incense will dry up. What should we do at this time? Next, the pro-agricultural network will introduce it to you.

The reason why the leaves of Jiuli incense are dry.

The reason why the leaves of Jiuli incense will dry up, the pro-agricultural network here summarizes four reasons, some are affected by environmental factors, but also the impact of improper breeding in our breeding process, let's take a specific look.

1. The environment is too muggy and the air circulation is poor. Although this plant likes a warm environment, it can also have adverse reactions when it is too muggy.

two。 The environment is too dry, and the dry environment here means not only the soil is dry, but also the whole growing environment is dry, so it is not that simple watering can alleviate the situation.

3. The temperature is too low; the most suitable growth temperature is between 20 ℃ and 32 ℃. If the temperature is too low, the leaves will be dry.

4. It is easy to understand that underwatering or overwatering leads to leaf drying, but in fact, overwatering can also cause leaf dryness, and excessive watering will lead to poor breathing of roots and damage to plants.

2. The solution to the dryness of Jiuli incense leaves

1. Jiuli incense needs to grow in a well-ventilated environment if the temperature is high and the air is not well ventilated, it is easy to cause dryness, and when it is serious, it will produce other diseases and insect pests, so when breeding Jiuli incense, the position of breeding is very important.

two。 In the process of growing up, in addition to the normal water supply, you can also spray some fog water on its surface, or sprinkle some water on the surrounding ground to alleviate the dry environment, which is very beneficial to the growth of plants.

3. The lowest overwintering temperature of Jiuli incense in winter is 5 ℃, which can be met in southern China most of the time, but in order to prevent the cooling during the cold spell, if the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, we must take some measures to keep warm.

4. When watering Jiuli incense, you should first observe the situation of the soil, and do not blindly follow your own watering time. Watering should implement the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly". At the same time, we should also pay attention to the situation of stagnant water in the process of watering, and there can be less or no watering in cloudy and rainy days.

I do not know if you have noticed, in fact, the solution introduced by the pro-agricultural network corresponds to its reasons one by one. In the process of breeding, we should also find the reasons first, choose the corresponding solutions according to the reasons, and avoid using them blindly, otherwise, we will not only be unable to solve the problem of falling leaves from Jiuli incense, but may also cause more new problems.